“fortification” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “fortification”:

– It was founded in 1593Charter of Starooskolsky Urban Okrug as a fortress, a part of the southern fortification line around Moscow.

– One of them is a fortification named Fort Adelaide or La Citadelle.

– The only modern fortification was the one at Kornwerderzand.

– The fortification consisted of twelve gates, 189 bastions and over 6,000 battlements.

– There was a fortification at that spot.

fortification example in sentences
fortification example in sentences

Example sentences of “fortification”:

– Near this last point is the “Fort Boyard”, a fortification in the “Pertuis d’Antioche” that is used for the French TV show of the same name.

– The last great system of fortification to be built was the Atlantic Wall.

– It was greatly extended under Roger de Montgomery in around 1070 as a base for operations into Wales, an administrative centre and as a defensive fortification for the town, which was otherwise protected by the loop of the River Severn.

– A defensive wall is a fortification used to defend a city from potential aggressors.

– It guards what was, until the 1890s, the farthest downstream crossing of the River Forth, This made it an important fortification from early times.

– The term fortification comes from the Latin words “fortis”.

– It is an important, historical town which is famous for having the largest fortification in Europe.

– This allowed them to get past the French fortification system, called the Maginot Line.

- Near this last point is the "Fort Boyard", a fortification in the "Pertuis d'Antioche" that is used for the French TV show of the same name.

- The last great system of fortification to be built was the Atlantic Wall.
- It was greatly extended under Roger de Montgomery in around 1070 as a base for operations into Wales, an administrative centre and as a defensive fortification for the town, which was otherwise protected by the loop of the River Severn.

– Fort Sumter is a island fortification in Charleston, South CarolinaCharleston, Confederate artillery opened fire on the fort.

– At that time, it was on the Limes, a fortification the Romans built across Europe.

– Scotomas may also have different patterns and shapes like the “fortification” scotoma; it is called fortification because it looks like the outline of an old fort.

– A fortification intended to resist these weapons is more likely to qualify as a Fortificationfortress or a redoubt.

– They broke through the German fortification chain, the Atlantic Wall.

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