“foreign” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “foreign”:

– He was Churchill’s Foreign Secretary during World War II, and again in 19511955.

– By late-March and April, COVID-19 areas were detected at multiple areas for foreign workers, which soon caused a large number of new cases in the country.

– She has contributed features and book reviews for foreign papers like “The Guardian”, “The Independent”, and the “International Herald Tribune”.

– In 1856, the Qing Dynasty only let foreign merchants trade in certain cities.

– John vested in its head of state, American inductees who first joined the new Priory were specifically asked to only “pay due obedience” to the governing authorities of the order “in all things consistent with your duty to your own country” thus eliminating any question of loyalty to a foreign head of state superseding American postulants’ duties as US citizens.

– After their legislative period – with main influence of foreign secretary Fischer – they accepted to join international military missions.

– Among many other awards, Gilbert was made a Foreign Member of the Royal Society in 1987.

– Biľak was, from November 1968 until December 1988, a secretary of ÚV KSČ with important impact on the foreign policy of the party.

foreign use in-sentences
foreign use in-sentences

Example sentences of “foreign”:

– English is the default language, and does not need to be noted using this template, unless there is a reason the reader would assume the link to be in a foreign language.

– It won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and was nominated for Best Original Screenplay in 1973.

– As Superintendent of Finance and Chairman of the United States Government’s Secret Committee on Foreign Affairs Correspondence, Robert Morris between 1782 and 1785, he corresponded with Luis de Unzaga y Amézaga, key help for this birth de USA.

– The United States National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency GEOnet Names Server is the “official repository of standard spellings of all foreign place names” The GNS lists “Persian Gulf” as the “Conventional” name.

– Most of the foreign students come from Europe.

– He was Foreign Minister of the Marshall Islands from 1979 till 1987, 2008 till 2009 and 2014 till 2016.

– It is one of the most important companies in North America that release anime and other foreign entertainment.

– The Foreign Office wrote a formal letter about the Jews and foreign policy in 1939: It said that giving the Jews a homeland in Palestine was dangerous to world peace.

– It is a principal forum that is mandated for considering national security and foreign policy matters with the senior national security advisors and Cabinet officials.

– Most research centres in Afghanistan have foreign – non-Afghan – workers, but the people who work at CAPS are from Afghanistan.

– This should be done to explain foreign characters in the first sentence of the article, but it will not always be the name of the article, especially if the place has an English-language name that is easier to use.

- English is the default language, and does not need to be noted using this template, unless there is a reason the reader would assume the link to be in a foreign language.

- It won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and was nominated for Best Original Screenplay in 1973.

– Regardless, the emperor does do all the diplomatic functions of a head of state and is recognized as one by foreign powers.

– The town of Dubai was an important Harbourport of call for foreign tradesmen, who settled in the town.

– He served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1982 to 1985.

– The Young Artist Foundation is a charity started in 1978 by Hollywood Foreign Press member, Maureen Dragone to raise money for child artists to go to special schools to study acting, singing, or other special arts.

– He or she also accepts the documents from ambassadors and foreign diplomats bring when they are appointed.

– Nish argues that “a foreign scholar of Japan is often only a middleman attempting to distill the ideas of Japanese scholars”.

– A xenocryst is an individual foreign crystal included within an igneous body.

– Adana is also named among the 25 “European Regions of the Future” for 2006/2007 by Foreign Direct Investment Magazine.

More in-sentence examples of “foreign”:

- Under the SEC, OCC helps with stocks and options, indexes for stocks, foreign currencies, and futures contracts.

- On April 1, 2011, as many as ten foreign employees working for United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan were killed by angry demonstrators in the city.
- Naruto befriends many foreign and Konoha people and helps them so much that he becomes famous.

– Under the SEC, OCC helps with stocks and options, indexes for stocks, foreign currencies, and futures contracts.

– On April 1, 2011, as many as ten foreign employees working for United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan were killed by angry demonstrators in the city.

– Naruto befriends many foreign and Konoha people and helps them so much that he becomes famous.

– He then joined the BBC as a foreign correspondent.

– Their economic conditions are heavily dependent on foreign remittances of family earning hands settled in large numbers in Karachi, Middle East and other countries.

– The BBC World Service has a free website for people who are learning English as a second or foreign language called BBC Learning English.

– Rangel served under Chávez as List of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of VenezuelaMinister of Foreign Affairs from 1999 to 2001, as Minister of Defense from 2001 to 2002, and as Vice President of Venezuela from 2002 to 2007.

– He was Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs from 2010 to 2011 and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2011 to 2012.

– It trains staff in foreign languages.

– One tale is about foreign ambassadors whom Vlad Ţepeş was meeting at Târgovişte.

– The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs reported the permanent residency of Swiss people in the United States as 80,218 in 2015.

– In foreign relations, Palestine is represented by the Palestine Liberation Organization.

– They attack infected cells, foreign cells, and cancer cells and completely destroy them.

– He was the Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2017 to 2020.

– It is given by the office of the foreign minister on the instructions of a Council established for this purpose headed by the President.

– When a page’s revision history is imported, the foreign edits are assigned local revision numbers.

– He was Foreign Secretary and First Secretary of State.

– The 3 fields of Japanese studies include Japanese Literature, Japanese Language and Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language.

– He held this post until 1985, when Reagan named Vest Director General of the Foreign Service; he held this office from June 8, 1985 until May 3, 1989.

– United States foreign policy changed in the 1970s when the United States left Vietnam and Richard Nixon left office due to a political scandal called Watergate.

– Other intelligence activities are taken to prevent sabotage, or assassinations by foreign powers, organizations or persons.

– On 13 August 1923, in the midst of the Ruhr Crisis, he was appointed Chancellor and Foreign Minister of a grand coalition government.

– It focuses on politicians, scandals, presidential candidates, elections, and foreign policies.

– Johnson resigned as Foreign Secretary in July 2018.

– He served in his country’s government as Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012 and as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2012 to 2016.

– This includes: English-language quotation marks around titles of works in languages that use other quotation character glyphs; italicization of titles in languages which do not use that convention; and emphasis that is not found in the original foreign text; among other cases.

– He was known for restructuring failed companies in industries such as steel, coal, telecommunications, foreign direct investmentforeign investment and textiles.

– McMillan’s Foreign Office career began in 1976.

– They ‘learn’ to distinguish between their own tissues on the one hand, and unwanted cells and foreign material on the other.

– The Foreign Office has a “second headquarters” on Adenauerallee in Bonn.

– In English, such marks are often picked up from the foreign language, but not always.

– However, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, the French foreign minister, sent three secret agents who insisted that America give a loan to France and pay a bribe.

– On 30 April 1305, he was slain along with 300 cavalry and 1,000 infantry by the Alans, another group of foreign mercenaries at the service of the Emperor.

– The Intermediate periods included times when the traditional system broke down, the country was split, or invaded by foreign rulers.

– Before he was President, Fonseca was Minister of Foreign Affairs.

– Roseau is Dominica’s most important port for foreign trade.

– He was a dedicated Whig and was a friend of Charles James Fox, who was Foreign Secretary in 1806.

– Today Manaus is a foreign trade zone.

– Before this, he was Foreign Minister for a few months in 1993 and was Foreign Secretary from 1986 to 1988.

– For twenty years he was the foreign correspondent for the Grand Lodge of Masons.

– In France, he was minister of foreign affairs from 2004 to 2005, minister of state for European affairs from 1995 to 1997 and minister of the environment and way of life from 1993 to 1995.

– The goals of the foreign policy of the United States are to create a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world.

– By then he had served as a Secretary of State continuously for 30 years and dominated British foreign policy.

– Several prominent Conservative politicians lost their seats such as Defence Secretary Michael Portillo, Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind, Scottish Secretary Michael Forsyth as well as Edwina Currie, David Mellor and Ian Lang.

– Kambuzia Partovi also spelt Kambozia Partovi, His 2007 movie “Café Transit” was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

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