“forefront” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “forefront”:

– The bolts of the Genoese crossbowmen at the forefront of the battle could not reach the English.

– Following the 1917 Revolution, Krupskaya was at the forefront of the political scene.

– The record broke down the walls separating the genres of heavy metal and hardcore, allowing the band to push itself into the forefront of the metal core scene.

– It was at the forefront of shipbuilding, industrial and architectural technology.

– Quote: “The USA’s first jetliner, the 707 was at the forefront of jet travel revolution…” The 707 was not the first jet airliner, but it was the first one to make a lot of money.

– He has been described as “putting the Netherlands in the forefront of postwar astronomy”.

– The possession of this relic put France in the forefront of Latin Christendom.

– In addition to the hit song, Ichiro Araki, a male singer and songwriter, released an ambitious work, “I’m in Rockland with you.” It was the cult GS that came to the forefront in the 1990s, about 20 years after the GS was over.

forefront how to use in sentences
forefront how to use in sentences

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