“for the benefit of” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “for the benefit of”:

– Tables are not always easy to understand, and there is a whole industry which takes table information and turns it into other forms, such as graphs and charts, for the benefit of the reader.

– Pandora would incarnate the fertility of the Earth and its capacity to bear grain and fruits for the benefit of the Humans.

– I have spent a lot of time and effort trying to improve this page for the benefit of others since I started it 7 days ago.

– This metadata identifies the enclosed text as Modern Greek for the benefit of search engines, browsers, screen readers, translators, typesetters, and so on.

– Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of the virus that causes AIDS, once said “If I had to name a person who has done more for the benefit of human health, with less recognition than anyone else, it would be Maurice Hilleman.

– He was obliged to rule for the benefit of his people.

– He also suggested that the money gained from the tax could be used to fund projects for the benefit of Third World countries, or to support the United Nations.

for the benefit of in sentences?
for the benefit of in sentences?

Example sentences of “for the benefit of”:

– The aim of the “Wikicup” is to make editing more fun and also reward editors for their time dedicated to building the encyclopedia for the benefit of others.

– Some local authorities have even set up public cooling centers for the benefit of those without air conditioning at home.

– It acquires and holds land and manages it for the benefit of Aboriginal communities.

– The Rowheath Pavilion itself, which still exists, was used for balls and dinners and the whole area was specifically for the benefit of the Cadbury workers and their families with no charges for the use of any of the sporting facilities by Cadbury employees or their families.

– A truly altruistic act is something done completely for the benefit of another, without concern for the self.

– Meresha releases “Is This Love” with and for the benefit of the international charity Movember.

– Bodhicitta is taught to be the intent to become enlightened, not for oneself, but for the benefit of “all” beings.

– But, to achieve the primary aim of the project, there is a need for adequate funding and support from development Partners like UNICEF, UN Women, UNDP, CEDAW, USAID, DFID and women organization NCWS, FOMWAN, CWO, JMA, WIN, NAWOJ, FIDA, WOFAN AND WRAPA should support the project morally and financially for the benefit of larger audience in order to safe guard societal values and socio cultural, economic, and political values for women for a better society.

– She commissioned the translation of the New Testament into Basque and Béarnese for the benefit of her subjects.

– The Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 started federal government land grants directly to corporations; before that act, the land grants were made to the states, for the benefit of corporations.

– In April, 1798, the Continental Congress had ratified resolutions to donate public lands for the benefit of those who had left Canada and Nova Scotia to fight against the British in the Revolutionary War.

– Only when users show themselves unwilling or unable to set issues aside and work harmoniously with others, for the benefit of the project, should they be regarded as irredeemable, and politely but firmly removed.

– Muhammad Yunus has shown himself to be a leader who has managed to translate visions into practical action for the benefit of millions of people, not only in Bangladesh, but also in many other countries.

– He actively manages areas of woodland, moorland, waterway or farmland for the benefit of game birds, deer, fish and wildlife in general.

– It needs to find new options for economic, social, and cultural development and a better use of natural resources for the benefit of the planet and its inhabitants.

- The aim of the "Wikicup" is to make editing more fun and also reward editors for their time dedicated to building the encyclopedia for the benefit of others.

- Some local authorities have even set up public cooling centers for the benefit of those without air conditioning at home.

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