“for sure” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “for sure”:

– We do not know for sure that this poem was written by Langland.

– Nobody knows for sure why they did that, but some think it was because of diseases from Europe.

– We know for sure that Neanderthals, at least, were hunters of large mammals such as mammoths, and that may be true of other hand axe cultures.

– Once the patient is in the hospital, doctors can find out for sure whether they are having a stroke by looking at their brain with special scanning machines, like an MRI or a CT scanner.

– It is not known for sure when he was born.

– Modern archeologists have not been able to prove for sure exactly where Bethsaida was.

– The exact causes of menstrual migraine are not known for sure but there is a link between falling levels of the female hormone “estrogen” and the onset of a migraine attack.

– We can know for sure that it is most likely that a photon will hit the center bright band, and that it gets less and less likely that a photon will show up at bands farther and farther from the center.

for sure some ways to use
for sure some ways to use

Example sentences of “for sure”:

– No one knows for sure when Honolulu was first settled or when the name was first used.

– Very little is known for sure about Lucrezia.

– Agnostics think we cannot know for sure whether God or gods exist, but still might believe at least one deity exists.

– It is not known for sure why this happened.

– Phoenician trade ships carried beads to and from Egypt as early as 2500 BC so it is impossible to know for sure how long beads were really in circulation.

– The International Atomic Energy Agency has reported numerous times that there is no evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, however, it also says that it can not say for sure that Iran is not doing so in secret.

– Little is known for sure about Toussaint L’Ouverture’s early life, because sources disagree.

- No one knows for sure when Honolulu was first settled or when the name was first used.

- Very little is known for sure about Lucrezia.

– Nobody knows for sure what meitnerium looks like, but scientists think it is a white, gray, or silver color.

– It is not known for sure who the first European explorers were in this area.

– It is not known for sure when fire was first controlled by humans.

– It is not known for sure who is the author of 1,2 Kings.

– It is not known for sure which came first, or whether they influenced each other.

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