“flow through” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “flow through”:

– There are several important rivers that flow through the territory of the province.

– Rivers that flow through Northern Ireland are marked with an asterisk.

– The Durgeon and Colombine rivers flow through the commune.

– As the Mississippi continued to flow through its new bed, earth was deposited so that the village became physically attached to the west bank of the river, which is in the state of Missouri.

– The steam flow through a coil, where it is condensing back to liquid, which is then collected.

– The water does not flow through the container but remains static.

flow through some ways to use
flow through some ways to use

Example sentences of “flow through”:

– Sometimes, the flow through the two branches was more or less equal, but often, most of the Amu Darya’s flow split to the west and flowed into the Caspian.

– The rivers Eyrieux, Gluyere and Auzène flow through the town.

– This is a list of the major rivers that flow through Ukraine.

– This makes it harder for the heart to pump blood through the lungs, much as it is harder to make water flow through a narrow pipe as opposed to a wide one.

– This allows blood to flow through that blood vessel again.

– It is possible to connect an electrical device to a circuit so that electrical current will flow through a device.

– The Ialomiţa River and the Argeş River both also flow through Dâmboviţa County.

– The four valves are commonly represented in a mammalian heart that determines the pathway of blood flow through the heart.

– When vasoconstriction happens less blood the normal is able to flow through the blood vessel, like the way squeezing a garden hose makes less water come out.

– The word Punjab is named from the “five rivers” which flow through it: the Jhelum RiverJhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej, all tributaries of the Indus.

– Several rivers flow through the department; the main rivers are the ScheldtScheldt/Escaut, the Lys, the Scarpe, and the Sambre.

- Sometimes, the flow through the two branches was more or less equal, but often, most of the Amu Darya's flow split to the west and flowed into the Caspian.

- The rivers Eyrieux, Gluyere and Auzène flow through the town.
- This is a list of the major rivers that flow through Ukraine.

More in-sentence examples of “flow through”:

- The rivers Ruhr and Emscher flow through the city.

- Cities developed along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers which flow through the region.
- If the junction of the two wires is heated, electricity will flow through the wire.

– The rivers Ruhr and Emscher flow through the city.

– Cities developed along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers which flow through the region.

– If the junction of the two wires is heated, electricity will flow through the wire.

– The Rhône, the Durance are the rivers flow through the “commune”.

– A very fine material, called a membrane, allows blood and fluid to flow through it.

– The rivers Ancoa, Putagán and Achibueno are the main rivers that flow through the commune or form its natural borders.

– It includes rivers that flow through the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

– Other rivers that flow through the department are the Armançon, Loing, Ouanne Ouanne and Serein rivers.

– It is named after the two main rivers which flow through the district, the Rhine and Neckar.

– This causes electricity to flow through the wires, carrying electrical energy.

– Misiones department is relatively flat and several rivers and streams flow through its territory.

– This layer manages traffic flow through the network layer to reduce congestion on a network, and performs error checking ensuring quality of service by resending data when data has been corrupted.

– Undivided Punjab is home to six rivers, of which five flow through Pakistani Punjab.

– Precapillary sphinctermuscles are rings of smooth muscles at the start of true capillaries that handle blood flow into true capillaries and control blood flow through a body part or area.

– The largest rivers that flow through the oblast include the Tysa, Borzhava, and the Tereblia.

– If electrons flow through the light bulb, then the light bulb will light up.

– A thrombus is a healthy response to injury to prevent bleeding, but can be harmful in thrombosis, when clots block blood flow through healthy blood vessels.

– The main rivers that flow through the department are the Rhône and its Tributarytributaries Isère and Bourbre.

– This is a list of the major rivers that flow through Slovakia and their lengths.

– If two different wires are connected at both ends, and some voltage source makes current flow through the loop, one junction will get hot and the other junction will become cold.

– The Garonne riverGaronne tributaries, all small streams, flow through the “commune”.

– The rivers Limmat and Sihl flow through the city.

– Several rivers flow through the department; the main rivers are the Rhône, the Ain and the Saône.

– The stops control the air flow through the ranks.

– Mula RiverMula and Mutha are the two rivers that flow through the city.

– The rivers Guaiquillo and Mataquito are the main rivers that flow through the commune.

– That makes it easier for blood to flow through them.

– Two of its Tributarytributaries: Renaison and Rhins, also flow through the city and join the Loire in Roanne.

– Each new page is a new frame, but the text is able to flow through KWord’s ability to link frames together.

– The lower reaches of the river flow through the urban areas of Scranton, which grew around its banks in the 19th century as an industrial center.

– Then an electric current is able to flow through the plasma, making the lightning.

– In physics, the magnetomotive force is the force in any magnetic circuit that makes the magnetic flux to flow through the circuit.

– Zinc more readily loses electrons than copper, so placing zinc and copper metal in solutions of their salts can cause electrons to flow through an external wire which leads from the zinc to the copper.

– Several rivers flow through the department; the main rivers are the ScheldtScheldt/Escaut, the Aisne, the Marne, the Somme, the Oise, and the Serre.

– Some of the rivers that flow through the province are Ario, Lagarto, Barranca, Grande de Tárcoles, Grande de Térraba, General, Coto Brus, Naranjo, Barú, Parrita, Savegre, Aranjuez and Coto.

– Termite mounds have ‘air conditioning’: their system of openings and galleries allows currents of air to flow through the mound.

– Smaller rivers, such as the Root River and Lincoln Creek, also flow through the city.

– Birds can land on high voltage lines such as 12kV and 16kV without dying, because the current does not flow through the bird.

– The Saar river, and its two source rivers, flow first through the Moselle department, in the Lorraine region; then, for a short distance, flow through the Bas-Rhin department, in the Grand Est region.

– The Dordogne Dordogne river and its tributary the Vézère river flow through the “arrondissements” of Sarlat-la-Canéda.

– Michael Rodman writes in the “All Music Guide to Classical Music” that the first movement is “characterized in part by the dramatic and effective employment of unexpected pauses in the rhythmic flow through the use of rests, irregular and changing phrase length contribute…

– Two rivers flow through the city: the “Ornel” and the Marne.

– If one of the loads on a series circuit stops working, the current will not be able to flow through the rest of the circuit, and the rest of the loads will also stop working.

– Three rivers flow through the “commune”ː the river Diège, the river Sarsonne and the stream “Étang Roux”.

– This means that they make it very hard for electricity to flow through them.

– Three big rivers flow through Cardiff – the Taff, the Ely and the Rhymney.

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