“flourishing” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “flourishing”:

– By 1810, shops, goldsmiths, blacksmiths, and churches were flourishing in the area.

– The Venetian possessions were called “Venetian Dalmatia” and enjoyed a flourishing period of economic bonanza with huge development of the arts and culture.

– They were flourishing from 5th century BC to the 4-5th century AD.

– Up until the beginning of the 20th century shipping, textiles, tomato production and viticulture were all flourishing markets, but the change from sail to steam-driven ships and the relocation of the island’s factories to mainland Greece had a negative effect on the island’s economy.

– The Temple of Artemis was at a flourishing region.

– Madura district was the centre of the Pandya kingdom and its capital city of Madurai was flourishing ever since the Sangam period.

– The post independence era had seen their talents flourishing which had not only enriched the cultural horizon of the district but has also contributed to formation of a composite Assamese culture.

flourishing how to use?
flourishing how to use?

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