“flocks” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “flocks”:

+ In the autumn, families get together in large flocks and do a lot of singing.

+ During the day, these large winter flocks break up into smaller flocks.

+ In winter it is often found with flocks of tits.

+ The birds breed in loose colonies of 3−30 nests and they feed in flocks of several dozens.

+ These flocks may include other species of starlings and sometimes species from other families.

+ This social bird lives in small flocks in lowland rainforests in countries such as Costa Rica.

+ This species can form large flocks outside the breeding season, sometimes mixing with other finches and buntings.

+ Yima rules as king for three hundred years, and soon the earth was full of men, flocks of birds and herds of animals.

flocks how to use?
flocks how to use?

Example sentences of “flocks”:

+ The bushtit is active and gregarious, searching for small insects and spiders in mixed-species feeding flocks with species such as chickadees and warblers, of 10 to over 40 birds.

+ After killing an Egyptian slave-master, Moses fled across the Red Sea to Midian where he tended the flocks of Jethro, a priest of Midian on the slopes of Mt.

+ In reindeer farming, “the Sami travel with their flocks according to an established cycle”; the cycle makes sure “that the” can eat properly during the various seasons of the year.

+ Flying in flocks helps in reducing the energy needed.

+ There it can form large flocks on coastal waters.

+ Most species associate in flocks of varying sizes throughout the year.

+ Huge flocks of more than a million starlings are observed just before sunset in spring in southwestern Jutland, Denmark.

+ In addition to factors listed above is the possibility that migrating bird flocks are good at teaching first-year birds how to do the migration successfully.

+ Later, in the autumn, it migrates in flocks to Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, and other countries in East Asia to spend the winter.

+ Rheas congregate in flocks of 20 to 30 birds.

+ Flock size is variable: huge flocks are a spectacular sight and sound.

+ It is highly aggressive when other birds enter its area of garden or bush, and it flocks together with other nearby noisy miners to make small defensive groups called ‘coteries’ of four or five which cooperate to drive off kookaburras or magpies.

+ Lovebirds live in small flocks and eat fruit, vegetables, grass and seeds.

+ Wintering birds can form large flocks on suitable coastal waters, with some flocks bigger than 100,000 birds.

+ They often collect in huge flocks of thousands of birds that move together like a whirling cloud.

+ The breed has been put to work in many different capacities, from pulling carts and hauling heavy objects, to guarding flocks and, historically, the castles of the European elite.

+ There were soon many farmers moving into the area with large flocks of sheep.

+ The bushtit is active and gregarious, searching for small insects and spiders in mixed-species feeding flocks with species such as chickadees and warblers, of 10 to over 40 birds.

+ After killing an Egyptian slave-master, Moses fled across the Red Sea to Midian where he tended the flocks of Jethro, a priest of Midian on the slopes of Mt.

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