“fish for” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “fish for”:

+ Cod is an important type of fish for professional fishing.

+ The practice is however disputed as it by some is considered unethical to perform painful actions to the fish for fun and not for the reason of food production.

+ In 2001, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission voted to extend an emergency action that closes state waters to fish for the vulnerable dogfish.

+ A gamekeeper is a person who manages an area of countryside to make sure there is enough game for shooting, or fish for angling.

+ Fishermen used to fish for cod in Newfoundland.

+ There are also lots of small boats where people fish for their own food or just for fun.

fish for - some sentence examples
fish for – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “fish for”:

+ The natural resources of the Niukluk and the Fish Rivers supplied water and fish for the people who settled there.

+ The sauce was used regularly by a mother to cook freshwater fish for her family.

+ Haddocks are important fish for the fishing industry.

+ In regard to Sami for some weeks; Sami might need repair of equipment; trade was done: People from the coast traded fish for meat from reindeer.

+ Swordfish is a particularly popular fish for cooking.

+ Ways to fish for money have become very simple, using large nets and machines to catch the animals.

+ Many still hunt or fish for a major part of their food supply and sometimes some income.

+ This activity is a highlight for Alaskan residents for a chance to camp along the shore and catch enough fish for the entire year.

+ This includes ponds, such as West Minster Pond, made to hold and grow fish for food for the castle.

+ This is the way people catch fish for fun or sport.

+ A person who buys and sells fish for eating is called a fishmonger.

+ Because people are catching too many fish for food or other uses, there are less and less fish in the sea.

+ They also fish for salmon and hunt deer.

+ Normally, many people travel to this area to fish for fun.

+ Net casting is often used to catch fish for bait.

+ The natural resources of the Niukluk and the Fish Rivers supplied water and fish for the people who settled there.

+ The sauce was used regularly by a mother to cook freshwater fish for her family.

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