“firmly” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “firmly”:

+ The cheese was famously issued to French troops in the First World War, becoming firmly fixed in the French popular culture as a result.

+ Yet in the vote that I held for Proposition 1, it was firmly established by a vote of 11-3 that I should do an overhaul.

+ The musician blows air through the mouthpiece where the reed is firmly placed, and the air makes the reed vibrate; this vibration in the mouthpiece produces sound all along the instrument, which is changed into specific musical notes depending on the physical nature of the instrument.

+ All three traveller-naturalists believed firmly that such systems of mimicry could only come about by means of natural selection, and all of them wrote about it.

+ It describes the cycle of human evolution beginning in water as Matsya the fish, on to the amphibious phase as Koorma, the tortoise, on to begin firmly established on land as the wild boar Varaha, then Narsimha- half man- half animal, followed by Vamana, the Dwarf man, on to Parashurama, the emotionally volatile man, on to Rama, the peaceful man, then Krishna, a loving man followed by Buddha, the meditative man, who is said to be succeeded by the final incarnation of Vishnu, or the last stage of evolution as Kalki, the mystical man.

+ However, some of his moves – like his refusal to deal firmly with culprits of the Beer Hall Putsch – alienated the Social Democrats.

+ Usually this music is tonal so that it is firmly in one key.

+ He was a Confucian scholar, and as a “Professor” in the field of Confucianism education, he firmly maintained his attitude to the end.

firmly - some sentence examples
firmly – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “firmly”:

+ In 1835, British India set itself firmly upon a mono-metallic silver standard based on the rupee.

+ My specialty is firmly in the "social" sciences, but I'll see what I can do.

+ In 1835, British India set itself firmly upon a mono-metallic silver standard based on the rupee.

+ My specialty is firmly in the “social” sciences, but I’ll see what I can do.

+ By the time the Second World War broke out in 1939, Allen Overy had firmly established itself as a leading City law firm.

+ The album included two of the most memorable 1960s folk songs, “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall.” His next album, “The Times They Are A-Changin'”, firmly established Dylan as the definitive songwriter of the 60s protest movement.

+ A landmark decision is “a most important case which has establish a law firmly in an area, usually referring to a U.S.

+ I’m not going to make this a long nomination because I firmly believe that her actions and commitment speak very much for themselves.

+ I firmly believe that if a user is not active, they should not have admin rights.

+ He was firmly against any economic development that comes from uranium mining.

+ If there’s a huge anti-one-element-category campaign, then I’ll delete them, but I firmly believe that articles should not use red-linked categories.

+ If you are first firmly rooted in the major parts of yourself, then the minor parts cannot wrest control.

+ If you’re just cooking one or two eggs, five minutes is perfect for a runny yolk, or cook as long as seven minutes for a more firmly set, but still spoonable, yolk.

+ Huh? I thought you constantly said that there’s already enough; I think once you also firmly said you’d never run for that reason.

+ This new attitude became firmly set into place in 1942.

+ Her money helped him in his experiments, but she was firmly against his methods, and founded the first French society for anti-vivisectionists.

+ The word “Satyagraha” is from the Sanskrit words “satya” meaning truth and “Agraha” insistence”, or “holding firmly to”.

+ To firmly hold the sacred sincere hand of friendship.

+ His music is firmly tonal, and Elgar and Vaughan Williams learned a lot from studying his music.

+ Soft-boiled eggs have firmly cooked eggwhites, while at the same time, the yolks are liquid.

+ The left hand makes the different notes by putting the fingers firmly down on the fingerboard.

+ Her dissertation was firmly rooted in nationalism in the AnglosphereEnglish-speaking Caribbean with a focus on the works of Kincaid, Thompson and Belize’s own Zee Edgell and how they represented the nationalist movements in their countries.

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