“fire” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “fire”:

+ When Triple-Zero is dialled, a Telstra operator will answer and ask the caller the following: “Emergency, police, fire or ambulance?”.

+ It can provide fire support for vehicles or infantry from a variety of mounts.

+ The Amt joins together several small villages to help with land-use plans, sanitation, the cemetery and fire brigade services or other services that one village is too small to provide for itself.

+ Its heavy weight and slow rate of fire made it a very accurate machine gun.

+ More than 440 firemen worked to stop a new fire that threatened Gundowring, and Eskdale, Victoria after it jumped the Kiewa River.

+ The tiny fruits are dispersed by wind, and germinate and grow after fire or on disturbed ground.

fire use in-sentences
fire use in-sentences

Example sentences of “fire”:

+ Parking may not be allowed on streets that must be open to emergency traffic such as ambulances and fire trucks.

+ A fire blanket includes fire-resistant material to prevent it from burning when it is being used.

+ The Horsham fire burnt, including the golf club and eight homes.

+ In May 1981, a fire destroyed more than 6,000 buildings.

+ During the Seven Years’ War on 7 October 1760 Schöneberg and its village church were completely destroyed by a fire due to the joint attack on Berlin by Austrian and Russian troops.

+ The name “howitzer” comes from an old Czech languageCzech word, “haufnice”, which was a catapult that could fire many stones.

+ The first attacks were destroyed by fire from the pillboxes.

+ Antimony pentoxide is used in fire retardants and the making of titanium dioxide.

+ They are usually built to withstand an impact of 3600 g-force”g” and temperatures of over 1,000 °C, because a powerful impact followed by a very hot fire is what often happens in a plane crash.

+ The choir was just being reformed after the rebuilding of the cathedral following the Great Fire of London.

+ The fire started in a brewery and destroyed part of the city including the shipyards at Teg and buildings on the island of Ön.

+ High on Fire is an United StatesAmerican Heavy metal band.

+ The Great Fire of 1900 destroyed most of the land.

+ Another great fire in 1835 destroyed much of the city but it was soon rebuilt.

+ Historians still don’t know who planned the fire or who did it.

+ The Maroondah/Yarra fire was named on February 10, when several fires that had been burning to the east of Healesville, Victoria and Toolangi joined together.

+ The Rich Girl however is caught in the gangster’s line of fire and dies on the pavement.

+ Parking may not be allowed on streets that must be open to emergency traffic such as ambulances and fire trucks.

+ A fire blanket includes fire-resistant material to prevent it from burning when it is being used.

More in-sentence examples of “fire”:

+ One of the officers decides not to fire and so the United States of AmericaUS government replaces all the men in the missile silos with computer control.

+ The M-16, unlike the AR-15, is a select fire magazine fed, gas operated, shoulder fired assault rifle.

+ Brawl”, it uses Overheat causing anyone to come into contact with it to be set on fire and sent flying.

+ On January 27, 1967, Apollo 1 caught fire and killed 3 astronauts.

+ A fire in 1916 burned the Centre Block and only the library was saved.

+ This fire has burned 250acres.

+ The Coronado Hills Fire burned south of Cal State San Marcos.

+ Imoinu is the Meitei goddess of wealth, prosperity, hearth fire and family.

+ On July 6, 1944, one of the worst fire disasters in the history of the United States happened in Hartford.

+ The fire caused more radioactive fallout to be released, which was carried by the smoke of the fire into the environment.

+ Modern pistols usually only fire one shot every time you pull the trigger.

+ After this, the bridge to where Maya is training is set on fire by a bolt of lightning, and Phoenix tries to get across to save her, but falls into the raging water far below, so Miles Edgeworth, a prosecutor and friend of Phoenix, has to come and act as a defense attorney for him.

+ Police protection was provided to them by the Jefferson County Sheriff and volunteers from fire districts.

+ Under cover of darkness and amid the clamor of the rail yard, Barnum was said to have had an animal keeper fire a single shot from a powerful pistol into Jumbo’s eye.

+ The riot went on into the early morning, until police used Fire Brigade water hoses to get the crowd apart.

+ In 1947, New Zealand’s a major fire occurred at Ballantyne’s Department Store in the inner city.

+ Connecticut cities provide almost all local services such as fire and rescue, education, and snow removal.

+ Possibly the strangest paintings from this time were by Giuseppe Arcimboldo who did pictures in which people’s faces seem to be made from fruit, flowers, fire and even fish.

+ The camp’s staff had to burn thousands of bodies in open fire pits.

+ This is a tank that can fire nuclear missiles in places that would otherwise be hard to do so.

+ The Turk, also known as the Mechanical Turk or Automaton Chess Player was a trick chess-playing machine. First put on show in 1770, the machine was in use until it was destroyed in a fire in 1854.

+ A machine gun is a weapon that can fire one bullet after another as long as the trigger is pulled and there are bullets ready to fire.

+ One marine animal that is regularly seen in this position is called the lion fish also known as the zebra fish, fire fish, turkey fish, or butterfly cod.

+ In some places such as large US cities, it is common for the fire department to run the emergency medical services.

+ Also the fire and movement tactics used by the Boers were years ahead of their time.

+ The Little Mountain fire threatens several homes and other structures.

+ A methanol fire can be put out with water.

+ As Kondo’s warships concentrated on “South Dakota”, “Washington” approached the Japanese ships and opened fire on “Kirishima”, hitting the Japanese battleship and causing serious damage.

+ But with the current UK government laws, any organization in the UK should conduct a fire drill once a year.

+ In the thought experiment, a person stands in front of a gun which fires if it detects a subatomic particle as having an upward spin, or does not fire if the gun detects a downward spin.

+ As the Soviets and Jones figure out where to go, Williams starts a fire and tries to get them to escape.

+ She then turned to fire at the other side, but the men on board failed to close the gun ports.

+ Most earthquakes happen along the Pacific Ring of Fire but the biggest ones mostly happen in other places.

+ Generally, people with the starsign Leo are thought to be compatible with people of the other fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius.

+ Firefighters of the time usually made firebreaks by destroying buildings around the fire so it could not spread.

+ Infanterieregiment” was hit by Dutch artillery fire and had to withdraw.

+ In November 2012 a Plaxton Prestige bodied DAF SB220 caught fire in Blue Bell Hill village, there were no one on the bus except the driver.

+ After a fire in 1834, the building was used as a Parliament building.

+ At 05:52 “Hood” opened fire at what they thought was “Bismarck” but instead of “Prinz Eugen” while “Prince of Wales” fired on “Bismarck”.

+ A fire west of the city of Bendigo burned out of central Bendigo, before it was brought under control late on February 8.

+ They set off the town’s fire alarmfire and air-raid alarms.

+ Bull Connor let police dogs loose to attack them and used fire hoses to knock down the students.

+ While this is happening, the Fire Nation is beginning a war against the other three nations.

+ Tobias made a little fire and was burning the heart and liver of the fish.

+ In 1824, a major fire known as Great Fire of Edinburgh, destroyed most of the buildings on the south side of the High Street.

+ One of the officers decides not to fire and so the United States of AmericaUS government replaces all the men in the missile silos with computer control.

+ The M-16, unlike the AR-15, is a select fire magazine fed, gas operated, shoulder fired assault rifle.
+ Brawl", it uses Overheat causing anyone to come into contact with it to be set on fire and sent flying.

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