“fetal” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “fetal”:

– This is why drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

– Duck and Cover is a method where the person must lay face-forward towards a wall or under a table in the fetal position.

– Calderón’s administration sought to maintain moderate positions on social policy and supported Mexican legislation guaranteeing abortion for rape victims, when pregnancy endangers a woman’s life or in cases of severe fetal deformity; has publicly advocated the legalization of small quantities of cocaine and other drugs for addicts who agree to undergo treatment; and has approved a right-to-die initiative for ill patients to refuse invasive treatment or extraordinary efforts to prolong their lives.

– This is the remnant of the Botal duct, through which the fetus and blood entering the right ventricle are redirected from the pulmonary artery to the aorta: a small circle in the fetal stage of development does not function.

– Rachel’s second daughter, Lucy, had fetal surgery for spina bifida and was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

– When other scientists tried to clone monkeys before this, they used donated embryonic stem cells, but Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua came from donated nuclei from fetal cells, which is harder to do.

– Doctors in this field also practice obstetrical medicine, specializing in maternal fetal care and deliveries, complications related to deliveries, assisted deliveries and Caesarian sections.

– Casey” the court changed from basing the legality of an abortion on trimesters to basing it on fetal viability.

fetal use in-sentences
fetal use in-sentences

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