“fertile” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “fertile”:

– The western areas of the governorate catch moisture-laden winds from the Mediterranean Sea and are thus more fertile and more heavily populated than the eastern slopes.

– While largely mountainous, Samos has several relatively large and fertile plains.

– The Fifteenth dynasty of EgyptFifteenth Dynasty was started by the Hyksos people who emerged from the Fertile Crescent.

– The seat of provincial government, Loei townLoei, is in a fertile basin where mountains are all around it.

– Like the Fertile Crescent, Crete had rich soil, a warm climate, and plenty of water.

fertile how to use?
fertile how to use?

Example sentences of “fertile”:

- Most people live in areas close to the coast, or in fertile farms.

- The ash from the burned plants goes into the soil and makes it fertile for a little while.
- The Fertile Crescent was the first part of the world to move out of the Palaeolithic.

– Most people live in areas close to the coast, or in fertile farms.

– The ash from the burned plants goes into the soil and makes it fertile for a little while.

– The Fertile Crescent was the first part of the world to move out of the Palaeolithic.

– The Galilee is a fertile and mountainous region in the north.

– Koofur Orsis live in the most fertile land of the country.Pelizzari, Elisa.

– Due to his fertile nature he was sometimes considered the “father of the gods”,Wilkinson, p.108 The cult of Hapi was mainly located at the First Cataract named Elephantine.

– The other 60% is a fertile area.

– Each cone has numerous spirally arranged scales, with two seeds on each fertile scale; the scales at the base and tip of the cone are small and sterile, without seeds.

– The water of the Ganges is used extensively in agriculture in the fertile Gangetic plains.

– Other economic activities include fishing in the lake and agriculture, particularly bananas, in the fertile belt of land surrounding it.

– The fertile parts are known as Rangelands and have been traditionally used for sheep or cattle farming.

– The area of present-day Morocco has been inhabited since PaleolithicPaleolithic times, sometime between 190,000 and 90,000 BC. During the Upper Paleolithic, the Maghreb was more fertile than it is today, resembling a savanna more than today’s arid landscape. Twenty-two thousand years ago, the Aterian was succeeded by the Iberomaurusian culture, which shared similarities with Iberian cultures.

– A gene may increase fitness in the younger, fertile organism, yet contribute to decreased fitness later in life.

– The rich fertile soil came from annual inundations of the Nile River.

– The Nile, perhaps the world’s longest river, carries much less sediment than the others because, part of the way, it runs through less fertile regions than the other great rivers.

More in-sentence examples of “fertile”:

- Grains of wild einkorn have been found in Paleolithic Archaeological sitesites of the Fertile Crescent.

- When Demeter was not sad any more, the earth became fertile again.

– Grains of wild einkorn have been found in Paleolithic Archaeological sitesites of the Fertile Crescent.

– When Demeter was not sad any more, the earth became fertile again.

– The highest point of the plateau, called the Command Ridge, is The only fertile areas on Nauru are on the narrow coastal belt, where coconut palms flourish.

– They made rich pastures for their animals and fertile fields for their crops.

– It is an extremely fertile area.

– It is at the western edge of the fertile Oxnard Plain, and is one of the world’s most important agricultureagricultural places, that has the strawberry and lima bean capital.

– The two are the only equids that can cross-breed and produce fertile offspring.

– The ground is one of the most fertile of Angola.

– The Sumerians took over the fertile crescent region of Mesopotamia around 3300 BCE.

– Jats occupies the most fertile land of India and dominate Northwest India.

– It can produce fertile offspring with the steppe polecat and the black-footed ferret.Davison, A., et al.

– The soil in the area was fertile for agriculture.

– Neither male or female partners commonly know whether she is fertile at any given moment.

– This river provides a fertile plain which is the base for most of the state’s agricultural industries, and the production of the potatoes for which Idaho is known.

– Therefore, the Ganges descended to the Earth to make the earth pious, fertile and wash out the sins of humans.

– They were common in the Fertile Crescent, from about the 5th millennium BC.

– Most mammals only mate when the female is at the point of estrus, which is the most fertile period of time in its reproductive cycle.”Females of almost all species except man will mate only during their fertile period, which is known as estrus, or heat…” which in turn strengthens social bonds.

– The “commune” is on the Alsace plains, a narrow, very fertile area that stretches between the Rhine and the Vosges mountains.

– All that remains of the original ancient city of Babylon today is a mound of broken mud-brick buildings and debris in the fertile Mesopotamian plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

– The town is administered by the Kulithalai municipality, which covers an area of The town is a part of the fertile Cauvery delta region and agriculture is the major occupation.

– Lower Egypt is the fertile Nile Delta region, which stretches from the area between El-Aiyat and Zawyet Dahshur, south of modern-day Cairo, and the Mediterranean Sea.

– Due to the fertile soil the area around Soest was used long before 836 when the village is first mentioned in the “Dagobertsche Schenkung”, although the origin of this document is historically unknown.

– The town is a part of the fertile Cauvery Delta and the major profession in the town is agriculture.

– Inbreeding in a normal population leads to the offspring getting worse, less fit, less fertile and usually not living as long as the parents.

– Because of this, the ground around the city is very fertile and most of the region is used for farming.

– From there the numbering progressed downriver in an orderly fashion along the narrow fertile strip of land that was the Nile valley.

– The dynasty came from the fertile valley of the Kaveri River.

– Susie’s only fertile offspring was a female Fold named Sans, also white like her mother.

– The rivers Euphrates and Tigris bound what is called the Fertile Crescent.

– Historically, the gap was fertile hunting ground used by Native Americans.

– The fertile flood plains of the Nile allowed people to begin farming.

– There the matter rested for over 100 years, and it was not until 1917 that researchers realised that the “forester kangaroo” of Tasmania was in fact “Macropus giganteus”, the same western grey kangaroo that was, and still is, widespread in the more fertile south-eastern part of the mainland.

– It has been the most fertile source of dinosaur fossils in North America.

– The Midland Valley has fertile low-lying Farmingagricultural land and significant deposits of valuable coal and iron have led to the Central Lowlands being much more densely populated than the rest of Scotland.

– The surviving fragments of legend have provided a fertile field for speculation about Greek prehistory and myth.

– Since this flooding provided fertile soil in an area that was otherwise desert, Hapi symbolised fertility.

– Suffolk is mostly flat and has very fertile soil which is good for both growing crops and grazing animals on.

– Much of the land in the Arab Belt was fertile arable land and had rich oil fields.

– The main reason San Lorenzo flourished at such an early period is its location within the Coatzacoalcos flood plain, which provided fertile land for farming.

– Due to the fertile soil on Mount Kenya and the hard work of the Kikuyu people, they grew more than they needed and started trading with their neighbours, the Maasai.

– For example, a fertile couple may use contraception to experience sexual pleasure.

– Querfurt a town in Saalekreis district in the south of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, in a fertile country on the Querne, west from Merseburg, on a branch line from Oberroblingen.

– Machair or machar is a Gàidhlig word used to describe a fertile low-lying grassy plain found on some of the north-west coastlines of Ireland and Scotland, in particular the Outer Hebrides.

– Female seasonal breeders will have one or more oestrous cycles only when she is “in season” or fertile At this time she is naturally ready to mate.

– The province is a mainly a fertile region along the river valleys, while sparse deserts can be found near the border with Rajasthan and the Sulaiman Range.

– Baluchistan’s landscape is made of barren, rugged mountains and fertile land.

– Tarbes is located in the southwest of France, at the foot of the Pyrenees, in a fertile plain of the valley of the river Adour, at to the southwest of Toulouse.

– Although Przewalski’s horse can hybridize with domestic horses to produce fertile offspring, it has an extra pair of chromosomes.

– There are fertile valleys.

– Thus, the settlement of San Lorenzo follows the pattern of settlement of the world’s very first urban centers, which emerged in the fertile river valleys of Mesopotamia.

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