“federalist” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “federalist”:

– He ran for president on the Federalist ticket.

– After being Secretary of the Treasury he worked as a lawyer and continued to lead the Federalist Party.

– Madison initially decided to run for office mainly to counteract the strength of prominent Federalist Patrick Henry, who was set to be elected to the House.

– While this was a reasonable choice, Lyne had opposed federation and was unpopular with the leading federalist politicians.

– The Anti-Federalist papers didn’t have the same influence as the Federalist Papers, who argued in favor of a constitution.

– Hamilton and others published a number of newspaper articles from about 1790, which are known as Federalist Papers today.

– Marshall was from the Commonwealth of Virginia and a leader of the Federalist Party.

federalist in-sentences
federalist in-sentences

Example sentences of “federalist”:

– It was created in 1801 by Federalist PartyFederalist and Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, it became a respected broadsheet in the 19th century, under the name “New York Evening Post”.

– It was published on February 13, 1788 under the pseudonym Publius, the name under which all The Federalist Papers were published.

– In 1789 he was co-author of the Federalist Papers, a series of letters written by Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison under the name “Publius.” These writings are usually thought of as being one of the most important American works on politics and government.

– One of the most famous of the Papers is Federalist No.

– The Federalist movement started working to get the Constitution ratified.

– The Federalist Party was an American political party from 1792 to 1816.

– This resolution had been the principal target of the Federalist attack on the Resolutions.

– A leader of the new Federalist party, Jay was governor of New York from 1795 to 1801.

– The regroupments were seen as an attempt to show broad support for the movement and create conversations at the ground level, however, the attempt to create them in some heavily Federalist professions, such as lawyers, prompted a severe backlash.

– In 1800 Hamilton’s political rival Thomas Jefferson beat the Federalist John Adams.

– When the Federalist Party declined, he joined with other former Federalists and National Democrats to form the Whig Party.

- It was created in 1801 by Federalist PartyFederalist and Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, it became a respected broadsheet in the 19th century, under the name "New York Evening Post".

- It was published on February 13, 1788 under the pseudonym Publius, the name under which all The Federalist Papers were published.

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