“fascinating” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “fascinating”:

– After the war, the Yamato became a fascinating subject in Japan and elsewhere.

– Eventually, the orphan Popeye would fall on hard times upon leaving the orphanage, and was forced to wear flour sacks for clothes, but happily, the luckless lad was taken in by Whaler Joe at the docks, who even bought the young lad a new pipe and a fascinating straw hat with a radio antenna on it.

– Other monuments from this time include the MERCADO MUNICIPAL, a copy of the famous market halls Les Halles in Paris, the arts centre RIO PALACIO NEGRO between fascinating Portuguese facades.

– Pseudogenes contain fascinating biological and evolutionary histories in their sequences.

– There are many other fascinating sites in Lumbini which makes it one of the important districts of Nepal.

– This is certainly not one of the newer crop of featured articles and wouldn’t meet the really exacting standards shot for now but a it’s a fascinating subject.

– However, it is always fascinating to see how Bach has put all these ideas together.

fascinating - example sentences
fascinating – example sentences

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