“failed” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “failed”:

– It replaced the Unit 1 that failed to orbit on April 13, 2012.

– The NCAA would say that the charges failed to “meet a burden of proof, which is a higher standard than rampant public speculation online and in the media”.

– References all failed verification.

– Although Fromme stood a little more than an arm’s length from Ford that Friday morning and pointed a M1911 pistol at him, her gun failed to fire and no one was injured.

– Brambilla entered in two Formula One Grands Prix, firstly in the 1963 Italian Grand Prix, which he failed to qualify.

failed - some sentence examples
failed – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “failed”:

- The pope tried and failed to affect politics in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

- The Soviet Union's failed invasion of Afghanistan is often compared to the United States' failure during the Vietnam War.

– The pope tried and failed to affect politics in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

– The Soviet Union’s failed invasion of Afghanistan is often compared to the United States’ failure during the Vietnam War.

– East of the peninsula lies the Bay of Pigs, the site of the failed US backed invasion.

– The villages of Whistler, British ColumbiaWhistler and 1976 but failed to win.

– It recently failed a VGA vote for problems with red links amongst other errors, but I believe that those red links could be filled in and that this article would be a great Good Article.

– Consideration of the bill was postponed on March24, 2017, after it failed to gain enough House Republican support to pass it.

– Corinthians lost to all their big rivals of the time and failed to make an impression in the league, never finishing higher than fourth.

– If either poison, ooze or mud reaches the inlet, the level is failed and must be restarted.

– If the front locomotive of a pair in multiple has failed the driver can still control the rear locomotive for as long as air and electricity supplies are available on the failed locomotive.

– During this work, Pasteur noticed how a culture of the responsible bacteria had spoiled, and it failed to induce the disease in some chickens, which he was infecting, with the disease.

– The first try at “presidential government” in 1926–1927 failed for lack of political support.

– Gray was nominated as permanent Director by Nixon on February 15, 1973, but failed to win Senate confirmation.

– Another reason was that the Thames Turbo had been fitted with a safety system called ATP, which would have stopped the train if it failed to stop at a red signal, but it was switched off.

– That referendum failed by a margin of less than 0.6%.

– With this approach it is possible to protect against any number of failed disks.

– His rival Nicias took command, and the expedition failed disastrously.Vlachos, Angelos 1974.

More in-sentence examples of “failed”:

– Ewell’s forces failed in their counterattacks and were forced to withdraw from Culp’s Hill by about 11:00a.m.

– Heath failed to control the power of the unions.

– At 1988 Olympics qualification in 1987, Japan failed to qualify for 1988 Summer Olympics and he retired from national team.

– However, they failed and lost many ships and aircraft.

– She helped plan the royal family’s failed escape from Paris in 1791.

– He was attempting to flee China with his son after what appeared to be a failed military coup.

– Notably, the only character that failed to return was Bluto himself, who was instead replaced by his lookalike/brother Brutus, due to King Features incorrectly thinking that the former was not originally a “Thimble Theatre” character.

– His government of Normandy as well as his failed invasion of England suggests that his military skills were little better than his political skills.

– After the failed bomb attack of 20 July 1944, many conspirators were arrested.

– However, they failed to stop rebellion this way because it brought together groups of lords who might rebel under their control.

– The Central Pacific Hurricane Center failed to issue tropical cyclone warnings and watches for the hurricane well in advance.

– This means that special software is needed to be able to use these RAID functions and to be able to recover from a failed disk.

– An automatic fire extinguisher, which was state of the art at the time, had been installed over the cooking vat, but it failed to put the fire out.

– Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, tried to locate the bullet with a primitive metal detector, but failed because the bed was lined with steel wire.

– The system was made to automatically feather an engine that failed during takeoff or the initial climb of the plane to its cruising altitude.

– On the same route to the Town Hall a man, also from the Black Hand, called Cabrinovic threw a bomb at the car injuring lots of Ferdinands staff but he failed to kill the Archduke himself so he tried to swallow cyanide and jump into the river Miljacka but failed to die and got arrested.

– So the Germans failed to achieve a strategically important victory, and indeed, it had lengthened the battle line and created a salient exposed to Allied counter-offensives.

– The club failed in the relegation matches versus First Vienna FC.

– Also, the failed Topeka Constitution drafted by the Free-Staters in 1855 would have excluded any black person from settling in Kansas.

– Since the genocide, the United Nations has admitted that they failed to prevent the Rwandan genocide.

– Some believe that his heart failed or it was an overdose.

– She then turned to fire at the other side, but the men on board failed to close the gun ports.

– He missed 2010–11 season and failed to signed any club.

– Such states are usually formed from part or all of the territory of another nation or failed nation, or are breakaway territories from within the parent state.

– When Giraldo failed to appear the police were called to his hotel room where they found him and they rushed him to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.

- Ewell's forces failed in their counterattacks and were forced to withdraw from Culp's Hill by about 11:00a.m.

- Heath failed to control the power of the unions.
- At 1988 Olympics qualification in 1987, Japan failed to qualify for 1988 Summer Olympics and he retired from national team.

– Hendrix told some reporters in the late 1960s that he had failed because people were racist there, and did not like him because he was black.

– Trying to be a singer was hard, she failed many times.

– I am giving up the resistance as the proper venue has failed to address this.

– During the 2007 legislative election Silayev ran as a candidate for the Agrarian Party, but failed to get elected.

– Hooker argued that the cavalry raid failed to cut Lee’s supply lines.

– It failed to recoup for its $120 million budget and made it a massive box-office bomb.

– Alphonse Elric: Edward’s younger brother, whose soul is attached to an empty suit of armour, after a failed attempt to resurrect their mother.

– Many accounts say that the caliph failed to prepare for the fight; he neither gathered armies nor strengthened the walls of Baghdad.

– After leaving the LPF because of the ongoing upheaval, he established with Marco Pastors the Eén NL party in 2006, but the party failed in the 2006 Dutch general election, so he lost his seat.

– Both the club and the houseowner failed to work things out, so to this day, the stand has not been built the full length of the pitch.

– The album failed to chart in the UK, due to the new interest in Punk music.

– If you check my talk page over at English, a user just alerted me to a sock which I failed to block and sure enough, it’s BellSouth.

– After Neera Tanden’s nomination as OMB director failed to pass in the United States Senate, Young has been supported by both Democratic and Republican politicians to be nominated as the OMB director.

– After leaving NBC, Tinker tried to repeat his success with MTM Enterprises by forming GTG Entertainment but the business venture failed and the company closed in 1990.

– German commanders at all levels failed to react to the attack quickly.

– It passed the House of Representatives, but it failed in the Senate.

– During the stadium’s inaugural season in 1965 its real grass failed to grow.

– She turned into a sex icon while still retaining elements of childlike innocence, a feat that many have failed to accomplish.

– In Australia, Hamilton failed to make the top ten in qualifying.

– Ermakov tried to kill Alexei with a bayonet but failed again.

– Todd’s business career was volatile, and failed ventures left him bankrupt many times.

– One day, it was found that a reed failed to respond to the current.

– The “mean time to recovery” shows how long it takes until a failed array is back to its normal state.

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