“explanation” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “explanation”:

+ Hegel’s explanation of master and slave has become important in many fields of study.

+ A favored explanation is that Kleopatra is a contact binary: two similarly-sized asteroids that have hit and stuck together instead of breaking apart.

+ The contents of I Ching consist of 64 hexagrams and explanation for each.

+ The belongingness theory has been given as an explanation of White’s illusion.

+ He had no real explanation of why later species were different from earlier ones.

+ A slightly different explanation focuses on the loss of the essential while holding on to what is not essential.

+ Freud originally thought child sexual abuse was a general explanation for the origin of neuroses, but he abandoned this so-called “seduction theory”.

explanation some example sentences
explanation some example sentences

Example sentences of “explanation”:

+ There is relentless editing coming from 24 despite clear objections, and they’re being without “any” explanation or communication with dissenting editors.

+ It seems probable that no single explanation will emerge: the general rule for honeyeater movements is that there is no general rule.

+ Although this was not the first time they had been published, this was the first time that they were used as an explanation of the Michelson-Morley’s null result, since the Lorentz contraction is a result of them.

+ There are several possible ways of dealing with these: you could rewrite them in your own, simpler words, while still attributing them as indirect quotes; or you could append a brief explanation of what they meant; or you could link the terms to Wiktionary.

+ For this reason, it forms the basis of the Kinetic theory of gases, which provides a simplified explanation of many fundamental gaseous properties, including pressure and diffusion.

+ The paper said that “These data provide the most direct evidence yet to implicate camouflage and bird predation as the overriding explanation for the rise and fall of melanism in moths”.

+ This explanation gives significance to verbal slips and dreams; they are caused by hidden reasons in the mind displayed in concealed forms.

+ The “Catechism of the Catholic Church”, or “CCC”, is an official explanation of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

+ There is relentless editing coming from 24 despite clear objections, and they're being without "any" explanation or communication with dissenting editors.

+ It seems probable that no single explanation will emerge: the general rule for honeyeater movements is that there is no general rule.

+ His catastrophism was an explanation for the regular changes in species seen in the rock strata.

+ In 1922, he received the Nobel prize for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect in 1905.

+ The explanation made a fine rough draft for a novel, but it did not help his marriage.

+ If an insurance company wants to make people paymentpay more for their coverage, they have to give an explanation of their decision to the public.

+ The “crash and sink” theory is often the most widely accepted explanation of Earhart’s and Noonan’s fate.

More in-sentence examples of “explanation”:

+ The full explanation of the tengwar was published in 1955 in Appendix E of "The Lord of the Rings".

+ An explanation for the general lack of Hadean rocks is the large amount of rocky and icy debris present in the early Solar System.
+ This does not describe every first-person pronoun, but this explanation is written to give the reader an idea.

+ The full explanation of the tengwar was published in 1955 in Appendix E of “The Lord of the Rings”.

+ An explanation for the general lack of Hadean rocks is the large amount of rocky and icy debris present in the early Solar System.

+ This does not describe every first-person pronoun, but this explanation is written to give the reader an idea.

+ A summary is a condensed explanation of an event, story, document, etc..

+ It contains a wide variety of information ranging from earth conceptions to sun, moon, and star movement as well as eclipses and an explanation of the length of months.

+ The book helped this change by providing evolution as the explanation of how living things came to be as they are.Mayr, Ernst 1982.

+ Bohr’s theory provided a good explanation of many aspects of subatomic phenomena, but failed to answer why each of the colors of light produced by glowing hydrogen has a brightness of its own, and the brightness differences are always the same for each element.

+ The most used Masonic explanation is that it is a word that comes from putting together parts of the name of God in different historic languages.

+ On 15 April 1996 the Russian president Boris Yeltsin signed an explanation that the victory flag is equivalent to the Russian flag.

+ Building on the ideas of William McDougall, Lorenz developed this into a “psychohydraulic” explanation of the motives of behavior.

+ Using an ingenious argument concerning the equivalence principle, Albert Einstein showed that the curvature in spacetime caused by the rotated disk could be a logical explanation for gravity.

+ For an explanation of these parameters, see above.

+ The explanation given was the difference in income – hispanics and black people often earn less than white people.

+ The first person to give a correct scientific explanation of this phenomenon was Mikhail Lomonosov, around 1750.

+ The explanation is that, first, oceanic islands have few predators.

+ Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell suggested in the Evening Standard that this explanation “came across as patronising.

+ The explanation was that “out of bad luck”, the Massai were a Hamitic people kept at a lower level of social development.

+ The general explanation for most illusions is the way the brain works on sense data to produce a meaningful perception.

+ For an explanation of the format of the docid, see United Nations Document Codes.

+ Most of the asteroids found by Wolf around this date were named for characters in operas, but if this name was also drawn from such a source, no explanation has been recorded.

+ The explanation is that light travels in a straight line and when some of the rays reflected from a bright subject pass through the small hole in thin material they do not scatter but cross and reform as an upside down image on a flat white surface held parallel to the hole.

+ He gave an explanation of financial crisisfinancial crises, caused by swings in a potentially fragile financial system.

+ Each session contain explanation of the theory and practice of each new exercise as it is reached.

+ A superstition is a belief that has no logical explanation or scientific evidence.

+ In 1859, Charles DarwinDarwin proposed an explanation of evolution by natural selection.

+ Another possible explanation is that the sudden movement dislodges harmful insects.

+ The explanation given by Korean Unification Church members is that all manufacturers seeking to do business in South Korea were required to supply the military.

+ Darcy writes an explanation to Elizabeth in a letter.

+ The explanation is not entirely accurate, so no doubt there are other factors also at work.

+ Large changes should be prefaced by an explanation on the talk page.

+ The mind-body problem has to do with the explanation of the relationship that exists between minds, or mental processes, and bodily states or processes.

+ If the article is long enough to have several paragraphs, the first paragraph should be short and to the point, with a clear explanation of what the subject of the page is.

+ Aristotle developed a more or less full description and explanation of the natural world and developed logic—syllogistic logic—to derive conclusions of the relations among things.

+ A biological explanation of these short lifespans is not agreed at present.

+ Friedrich Nietzsche wrote many criticisms about nihilism that have become known as the most important explanation of nihilism.

+ What science did was to prove the obvious explanation was not the right one.

+ However, there is no explanation as to what it is, or what the items are supposedly good for.

+ The Ptolemaic explanation of the motions of the planets was the accepted wisdom until the Polish scholar Copernicus proposed a sun-centered view in 1543.

+ I would not agree with your explanation of “Baptism”, Creol.

+ Parmenides’ explanation is that we think we see change, but our senses are not reliable, and they create the illusion of change.

+ Perhaps my explanation could be improved.

+ The most plausible explanation for this would have been the Eighty Years’ War in the Seventeen Provinces.

+ The biological explanation is based on how the brain works and how genes change the way it works.

+ Instead, they get something called a “narrative evaluation”, which is a long written explanation of what they did right and what they did wrong.

+ Gibbon gave an explanation for why the Roman Empire fell.

+ One explanation is that there was just a little bit more matter than antimatter in the beginning, so that whatever was left over after most of the matter and antimatter annihilated into energy became the mostly-matter universe we see today.

+ However, Occam’s razor only applies when the simple explanation and complex explanation both work equally well.

+ He came up with a theoretical explanation of the Superfluiditysuperfluid properties of liquid helium in 1949.

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