“expense” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “expense”:

+ At this time the figure of the artist and creator was imposed at the expense of anonymity.

+ But many times in history when laws have been on a false basis to benefit few at the expense of society, they have resulted in conflict.

+ In 1892, Cope was granted expense money for field work from the Texas Geological Survey.

+ For about 1,000 years, northern Vietnam belonged to China, but from 938 the country became independent and later expanded southward at the expense of the Champa kingdom.

+ Business elites, he thought, used government’s monopoly power so as to influence laws and regulatory policy to help themselves at the expense of their competitive rivals.

+ For this reason, though similar to the existing Class 08 shunting locomotives, Class 09s were re-geared to give a maximum top speed of 27.5mph at the expense of a lower tractive effort.

+ While Mike often does things at the expense of his housemates, he usually does not show the sort of open hostility that the others do, and seems to cause them trouble only when it benefits him.

+ His leadership became increasingly controversial as the Getty Trust was embroiled in numerous controversies relating to the provenance of various antiquities in the Getty Museum’s collections and Munitz’ expense account.

expense in sentences?
expense in sentences?

Example sentences of “expense”:

+ Malaysia and especially Singapore are hailed as the region's postwar success stories, though order has often been kept at the expense of civil liberties, through anti-sedition laws and restrictions on press freedoms.

+ Speed was absolutely essential if further lives were not to be lost.Both place the emphasis on saving other peoples’ lives even, if necessary, at the expense of the operator.

+ Malaysia and especially Singapore are hailed as the region’s postwar success stories, though order has often been kept at the expense of civil liberties, through anti-sedition laws and restrictions on press freedoms.

+ Speed was absolutely essential if further lives were not to be lost.Both place the emphasis on saving other peoples’ lives even, if necessary, at the expense of the operator.

+ Half of the expense of the games was covered by the Dutch government.

+ Such exposure was elusive until a successful appearance on “The Best Damn Sports Show Period”, where Dunham and Walter made jokes at the expense of co-hosts Tom Arnold Tom Arnold, Michael Irvin, John Salley and John Kruk, generating laughter from them, and giving Dunham much-needed exposure.

+ An example is a bacteriumbacterial gene which enhances glucose use at the expense of the ability to use other energy sources.

+ West Germany and Austria ended up advancing from the group, at the expense of Algeria.

+ This offers some attacking chances at the expense of slightly weakening his own centre.

+ At the age of 18, Alazaki travelled at his own expense and alone to Sharjah to compete at the annual Munshid Sharjah competition, and his father noted that they had less than 24 hours before the deadline to register.

+ In June 2010, Brown came under media attention for matters relating to his spending on his council credit card and other council expense claims, which included items of a personal nature like toys, groceries and insect repellent.

+ Cato was overwhelmed by grief and, for once, he spared no expense to organize lavish funeral ceremonies.

+ For ice, recrystallization means the growth of larger crystals at the expense of smaller ones.

+ The road was built in the period 1892-1896 at the expense of the treasury.

+ The stand is made up of two tiers, only the upper tier is covered but at the expense of several supporting columns for the roof structure, the seats are the originals from the early 1900s, from here you get a decent view with moderate legroom.

+ In accounting, expense has a very specific meaning.

+ In 1854 La Marmora made a law that improved the quality of the troops, created new academies for officers, retouched the recruitment system, bringing to 60,000 Army soldiers, doubled the units of riflemen and strengthened the light cavalry at the expense of heavy.

+ The town creators convinced the residents of Kenneth, a community three miles to the north and the current county seat, to move south at their expense to the new site of Hoxie.

+ In the past, love matches would marriagemarry during those days with less rules and expense than a full wedding.

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