“excuse” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “excuse”:

+ Wars have been based on disputes, or disputes have been used as an excuse for wars.

+ He said there was no excuse for brutality of the sick and injured.

+ Do not use conflict of interest as an excuse to gain the upper hand in a content dispute.

+ Please excuse this as the inexperience of a new user.

+ The vote was late, and sure that’s unfortunate, but was it an excuse to suggest that my behaviour was “unexecusable”? Finally, in Djsasso’s latest comment, he accuses me that “What you are probably worried about is that en will notice your mistake here and react poorly to it”.

excuse in-sentences
excuse in-sentences

Example sentences of “excuse”:

+ This gave Octavian the excuse to strip him of his offices, except for Pontifex Maximus.

+ The War began after an event called the “”Arrow” incident.” The English used the incident as an excuse to start the war.

+ Japan used this excuse to demand Taiwan after it defeated China in the First Sino-Japanese War.

+ Anne’s previous engagement to the Duke of Lorraine was used as an excuse for a divorce, and Anne agreed to it.

+ Western commentators accused the Russians of keeping Spandau prison in operation chiefly as a centre for Soviet spying, as they had an excuse to drive into western Berlin, and the soldiers often looked out over the city instead of into the prison grounds.

+ He used this attempt as an excuse to give Order 66 to the clone army.

+ The council was moved to Bologna in March 1547 with the excuse of avoiding a plague; without any plans to meet again, 17 September 1549.

+ During “voir dire” the judge can dismiss jurors and both the prosecution and the defense have a limited number of peremptory challenges which they use to excuse any juror for any reason.

+ The RPF said the Hutu extremists had shot down the plane themselves, just because they wanted an excuse to start killing people.

+ It was not convincing when culture and religion were used as a shield and an excuse for failure to protect.

+ I am not saying that I am not complicit in this nor am I attempting to excuse this behaviour, but it is something that should be considered, and if an editor points out that we are violating established policy, then such an accusation should be taken seriously.

+ The Japanese military would accuse them of being spies so they could have an excuse to put them to death.

+ This gave him the excuse to acknowledge Edward as his lord, and left ambiguous whether or not this applied to Scotland as well.

+ Most importantly, I’d actually oppose anything being done to the Main Page at the moment simply because content is getting ignored and it’s yet another excuse to stop doing what we’re here to do and for people to just comment on this or work on an MP instead.

+ When the Senate rejected it twice, Cook had an excuse to call an early election for 5 September.

+ This gave Octavian the excuse to strip him of his offices, except for Pontifex Maximus.

+ The War began after an event called the ""Arrow" incident." The English used the incident as an excuse to start the war.
+ Japan used this excuse to demand Taiwan after it defeated China in the First Sino-Japanese War.

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