“exclude” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “exclude”:

+ Most warranties exclude parts that normally wear out, and supplies that must be periodically replaced as they are normally used up.

+ Note: In the following, plurals such as “developers”, “publishers”, “artists”, etc do not exclude the singular i.e.

+ Proof of acute rheumatic fever would exclude a PANS classification.

+ Further procedures are required to confirm the presence of pulmonary hypertension and exclude other possible diagnoses.

+ Although an island is, in general, any land mass that is completely surrounded by water, some definitions exclude land masses large enough to be considered continents.

+ The alternative definition of the term ‘vegetable’ may exclude foods derived from some plants that are fruits, nuts, and cereal grains, but include fruits from others such as tomatoes and courgettes and seeds such as pulses.

exclude use in-sentences
exclude use in-sentences

Example sentences of “exclude”:

+ Some gluten-free diets also exclude oats.

+ Just because children require this information, doesn't mean the simple wiki should exclude the simple references, in life.
+ The four victorious powers hoped to exclude the French from participation in the negotiations, but Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord managed to get into "her inner councils" in the first weeks of negotiations.

+ Some gluten-free diets also exclude oats.

+ Just because children require this information, doesn’t mean the simple wiki should exclude the simple references, in life.

+ The four victorious powers hoped to exclude the French from participation in the negotiations, but Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord managed to get into “her inner councils” in the first weeks of negotiations.

+ Beginning with 1995, the rating was retitled for No one 17 and under admitted to exclude 17 year olds.

+ When formatting foreign-language text to match style guidelines, it is best to exclude the styling markup from the template, so that any extraneous markup which is not from the foreign language does not receive incorrect metadata for that language.

+ Its stated purpose is to exclude arms smuggling and infiltration by Pakistani-based separatist militants.

+ One of many methods used to exclude water from the reaction atmosphere is to flame-dry the reaction vessel to evaporate all moisture, which is then sealed to prevent moisture from returning.

+ It was also suggested to limit the check to some character ranges or exclude others.

+ It is illegal in India to exclude all or part of Kashmir in a map.

+ To exclude articles from this category, change it to.

+ Kumho also disagreed with certain aspects of the tire expert’s methodology, and asked the federal district court hearing the case to exclude it under Rule 702 of the Federal Rules of Evidence.

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