Example uses in sentence of “Working class”

How to use in-sentence of “Working class”:

+ He writes about working class Dublin.

+ It is about a working class family who live in Queens, New York City.

+ He started out as a shop worker and was often considered to be the “most working class member of the Labour cabinet”.

+ The bowler hat was popular with the working class during the Victorian era, and later on with the middle and upper classes in Britain and the eastern United States.Roetzel, Bernhard.

+ With a working class background, he was a union leader at his workplace at SKF and later became the Social Democratic Party’s “strong man” in Gothenburg.

+ Miliband was born in Brussels, Belgium to working class Polish Jewish immigrants.

Example uses in sentence of Working class
Example uses in sentence of Working class

Example sentences of “Working class”:

+ Solak was born in Ankara to a working class family with 5 children, hailing from Yozgat ProvinceYozgat.

+ He found that the idea of self-help would not help the working class people.

+ The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers held a conference in January 2006 to address what it calls ‘The crisis in working class representation’, in which Dave Nellist was invited to speak.

+ In other words, surplus value is unpaid labor performed by the working class for the capitalist class, which Marx termed exploitation.

+ From 1976, he worked in Australia and was a member of various groups including The Johnnys, Beasts of Bourbon, Paul Kelly Paul Kelly and The Coloured Girls, Chris Bailey and The General Dog, Maurice Frawley and The Working Class Ringos, and Sacred Cowboys.

+ In the United Kingdom there are upper class, middle class, working class and underclass people.

+ In the late 19th century, working class Parisians would dress up and spend time there dancing, drinking, and eating galettes into the evening.

+ Rafael Correa was raised in a working class family from Guayaquil, the country’s largest city.

+ Solak was born in Ankara to a working class family with 5 children, hailing from Yozgat ProvinceYozgat.

+ He found that the idea of self-help would not help the working class people.

+ Prohaska was born into a working class family.

+ Marxists believe that if the working class makes itself the ruling class, and destroys the basis for class society, there will be a “classless society.” In a Marxist society, no social classes are in conflict, and there is no government anymore.

+ He usually played ‘flat cap’ wearing working class characters from Northern England or low ranks in the military.

+ Traditional skinheads identify with the original skinhead movement in music, style, and/or working class pride.

+ The working class “sans-culottes” wore “pantaloons”, or trousers, instead.Chisholm, Hugh “sans-culottes”.

+ Edythe Boone came from a working class family.

More in-sentence examples of “Working class”:

+ He was very popular among the working class because he was the first politician in a long time to care about the Argentine people.

+ This force may be directed at the poorer parts of society, such as unemployed workers, ethnic minorities, working class areas and shanty towns.

+ So a group of working class fans – painter and decorators Joaquim Ambrósio, Antônio Pereira and César Nunes; cobbler Rafael Perrone; driver Anselmo Correia; foundry worker; Alexandre Magnani: cook Salvador Lopomo; labourer João da Silva and tailor Antônio Nunes – decided to start their own team.

+ Believing himself the ‘People’s Poet’ or the “spokesperson for a generation”, Rick exaggerates or lies about his political activism and working class background, and in the last episode “Summer Holiday Summer Holiday”, it is suggested he really comes from an Conservative background.

+ It takes the form of a monologue by a middle-aged, working class Liverpool housewife.

+ His production concentrated on showing how the Ring was about the 19th century working class being used by the wealthy capitalists.

+ She was born Karen Xandra Gaylord on January 4, 1921, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to a working class family.

+ As of 2017, the neighborhood has some young professionals, some working class Latino people, and some older Polish people.

+ Hugo never lost his antipathy towards the Roman Catholic Church, due largely to what he saw as the Church’s indifference to the plight of the working class under the oppression of the monarchy; and perhaps also due to the frequency with which Hugo’s work appeared on the Pope’s list of “proscribed books”.

+ This was a series of government programs, such as urban renewal, to help Povertypoor and working class people.

+ He worked hard as King, visiting many places and meeting many people, from world leaders to working class miners.

+ Originally, Rugby Union was played in England by gentlemen amateurs, and Rugby League was played by working class guys for pay.

+ It is about tough low-income working class teenagers.

+ She was born in Kentucky and grew up in a working class family.

+ He won the Lonsdale belt in 1909.”Sport and the Working Class in Modern Britain”, ed.

+ Actually the fees are 1,000 Euro in the year, but the Ruhr-Area is traditionally a working class region.

+ Growing up in wealth, he always appreciated that the best things and was flamboyant especially in comparison to other gruff, working class of the drivers like Dale Earnhardt, Richard Petty and Cale Yarborough.

+ In November 2005 at its annual ‘Socialism’ event, the Socialist Party formally launched the ‘Campaign for a New Workers’ Party’ with the aim of persuading individuals, campaigners and trade unions to help set up and back a new broad left alternative to New Labour that would fight for working class people.

+ He was known for his classical Marxism views in his breakdown of the working class into subgroups of diversely.

+ The members were mainly working class people.

+ Today the town is a working class town near to Glasgow, the largest city in Scotland.

+ Edward Heath was from a working class family, the son of a carpenter and a maid.

+ One way to stop socialism was to make the working class happy.

+ His campaign gained support from mostly middle-class and rural working class families.

+ Catherine Jamaica to Working class ParentParents, Father Morris Holness and Mother Sonia Harvey.

+ It had special walls built that let middle class people drinking in the bar see the working class drinkers on the other side, but the working class drinkers could not see the middle-class people watching them.

+ He was very popular among the working class because he was the first politician in a long time to care about the Argentine people.

+ This force may be directed at the poorer parts of society, such as unemployed workers, ethnic minorities, working class areas and shanty towns.
+ So a group of working class fans - painter and decorators Joaquim Ambrósio, Antônio Pereira and César Nunes; cobbler Rafael Perrone; driver Anselmo Correia; foundry worker; Alexandre Magnani: cook Salvador Lopomo; labourer João da Silva and tailor Antônio Nunes - decided to start their own team.

+ People started talking about the working class after industrialization in the early 19th century.

+ The Chartists were people who wanted to get more rights for working class people in the mid-19th century.

+ She grew up working class in Burley, Leeds.

+ In the 1950s in Brooklyn, a group of prostitutes, unionist activists and drag queens lead difficult lives, an existence of drugs, crime and violence in a working class Brooklyn neighborhood.

+ China’s constitution states that The People’s Republic of China “is a socialist state under the people’s democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants”.

+ He saw the dispossession of the capitalists and the seizure of control of the means of production by the working class as historically progressive in that it would bring about the end of class society, remove the contradictions inherent under capitalism, and qualitatively increase the scope of human development in many areas.

+ Côte-des-Neiges is a working class neighborhood in Montreal, Canada.

+ With the creation of a large working class and poverty in Vienna the Labour Party became stronger.

+ They may wear fashion based on United StatesAmerican hip-hop such as fake gold jewellery and designer clothing, combined with elements of working class British street fashion.

+ He has made many movies about working class life.

+ West end and East end, with the West traditionally being the upper/middle class area and the East end being a working class and poor area.

+ Rita is a Liverpudlian working class hairdresser.

+ For the first time, teenagers who were in a working class could buy clothes, a bicycle or motorcycle and entertainment.

+ These include a large, poor working class and a small ruling class made up of the businessmen, politicians, and the military.

+ Dalton, Stephen, “Revolution Rock”, “Vox”, June 1993 The people that started it wanted to connect punk with a working class street-level following.

+ The Guardian was seen as “an organ of the middle class”, Friedrich Engels, “The Condition of the Working Class in England”, Progress, 1973, p 109 or, in the words of C.P.

+ The elections were a huge defeat for Labor, but most of the Lang members had safe working class seats and survived.

+ Middle-class feminists tended to oppose protective legislature, whereas working class feminists largely supported it.

+ Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born in Limoges, Haute-Vienne, France, the child of a working class family.

+ At first he was a Liberal DemocratsLiberal, but he was interested in making a working class party.

+ Marx wanted this to be a tool for the working class to use to overthrow capitalism and replace it with socialism, then with communism.

+ His other movie appearances include “The Working Class Goes to Heaven”.

+ He grew up in a working class and Welsh-speaking household.

+ Inspired by the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, Sinclair wrote this book to show the sufferings of the working class and to show the corruption of the American meatpacking industry during the early-20th century.

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