Example uses in sentence of “violation”

How to use in-sentence of “violation”:

+ The 1964 nobel prize was given to James Cronin and Val Fitch for finding CP violation in the way neutral kaons decay.

+ Due to the law of the minimum paradoxes, if we observe the Law of the Minimum in artificial systems, then under natural conditions adaptation will equalize the load of different factors and we can expect a violation of the law of the minimum.

+ I would note, since this is a common misconception that doing something 3 times is a violation of 3rr.

+ This is because the page is a copyright violation from the Amazon author page and other websites such as ladadspace.

+ Byrne and Sanger distributed pessaries and would show their clients how to use this method of contraception in direct violation of these laws.

+ He is subject of several human rights campaigns, who protesting against his sentence, because of evidence that his act was a self-defense and he was under age if 18 – his death sentence is a violation of international law, Tehran had signed.

+ For example, if a speeding ticket violation occurred, it automatically goes to the county seat in which the violation occurs whether it is in a municipality or unincorporated.

Example uses in sentence of violation
Example uses in sentence of violation

Example sentences of “violation”:

+ While obedience is the law, disobedience, insubordination and crime are a violation and resistance to the authority.

+ Some of the articles on here are outdated which is in clear violation of BLP.

+ While obedience is the law, disobedience, insubordination and crime are a violation and resistance to the authority.

+ Some of the articles on here are outdated which is in clear violation of BLP.

+ Any deliberate violation of the Laws of Chess.

+ This is in violation of rollback standards.

+ Fifty years of parity violation and Salam’s contribution.

+ He was arrested under human rights violation in 2001, but released in March 2004 after the 2004 Haitian coup d’état overthrew Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

+ Id also like to point out that you claim to have used ‘reliable’ sites but except for the WHO article I dont think most of the rest are so– indeed three seem to be linked to causes/movements against male circumcision which is simply termed as ‘genital mutilation’; posting which constitutes a violation of Wiki rules per se as you arent allowed here to lobby for any such group/s etc.

+ Any user found to be in violation of this rule shall have their AWB access removed”.

+ I consider Alasdairgreen27 a sockpuppet on English wiki and in violation for vandalism, incivility, canvassing, harassment, POV, edit warring, disruption, stalking and personal attack against me.

+ Promotion of pacific settlement of disputes and abjuring, under any circumstances, from taking part in coalitions, agreements or any other kind of unilateral coercive initiative in violation of the principles of International Law and the Charter of the United Nations.

+ This user name is in violation of policy.

+ The unauthorized acquisition, use, or disclosure of such secret information in a manner contrary to honest commercial practices by others is regarded as an unfair practice and a violation of the trade secret protection.

+ Turkey’s deputy parliament speaker, Guldal Mumcu, said “his attack was an open violation of United Nations rules and international law” and that “Turkey should seek justice against Israel through national and international legal authorities.

+ In September 2012, the City of Buhler received a letter from the Freedom from Religion Foundation about a complaint about a violation of the Constitution.

+ The question was whether the government could deny citizenship to persons born in the United States in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

+ Murder by a member of the United States military anywhere in the world is a violation of Article 118 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

+ Government greed, government bullying, despotism, nepotism, and violation of human rights abuses were abundant.

More in-sentence examples of “violation”:

+ Place this template at the top of a section that seems to form an image gallery in violation of the policy on image galleries.

+ So this is a request for comment on two separate things: First off Kennedy has brought up an explicit concern that is a violation of his probation as decided upon by the community here.

+ This Declaration also affirm the right to develop for developing countrydeveloping countries, especially for the poorest countries in Africa, and to promote the democracy in Africa for development but that lacking of development may not justify the violation of full human rights.

+ Theoretically, violation of the authority drags with it a sanction or punishment that’s given by the authority owner.

+ In 1965, Lance was arrested in violation of the Paternity Act.

+ He aided the escape of Youssouff, pursued by the soldiers of the Bey, of whom he was one of the officers, for violation of the seraglio law.

+ The introduction of a known sockpuppet is a violation of our one-strike rule.

+ Azerbaijan’s violation of the treaty culminated in March 1920 with the massacre of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh’s capital, Shushi “.

+ Article 52 declares a treaty void only if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of international law.

+ The Republic of IrelandIrish Taoiseach Brian Cowen described the attacks as “very serious” and stated that he feels the blockade action was a violation of international law.

+ The plagues article presumably has/«has» are not gonna prevent an article the topic of which is notable from keeping unless there is mass copyright violation of text within, since they are handled in further edits / discussed over talk pages in the meantime.

+ That couldn’t be a more clear violation of the WP:OWN policy.

+ Wishing someone a Happy Whatever is a violation of WP:NOTWP:SOAPBOX and technically WP:MYSPACE in that its a social thing not related to the building of an encyclopedia.

+ OGame is monitored by Game Operators, Super Game Operators and Game Administrators each of whom have the rights to ban any player suspected of misconduct and violation of the rules.

+ The crime the suspect is believed to have committed may have been anything from a traffic violation to a major felony.

+ Immanuel Kant considered masturbation a violation of one’s duty to one’s self and an unnatural act, stating it was against natural law.

+ Such content may alert a copy violation detector and I don’t want to create a problem for other editors.

+ This is a violation of section 290.

+ I was just asking myself if copy-pasting from En WP without correctly attributing the authors of the text on En WP, is a violation of copyright or not? In m:Help:Transwiki we see the correct way of attribution, when transwiki’ing and article.

+ By refusing to do so, or by unreasonably delaying these releases, Xiaomi is operating in violation of intellectual property law in China, as a WIPO state.

+ If a team bats out of order, it is a violation of baseball’s rules and subject to penalty.

+ European Court of Human Rights has judged the denial of COs is violation of freedom of religion and thought in 2013, as well European Union recognized the right of conscientious objector as one of fundamental rights.

+ This is absolutely in violation of every policy regarding revision deletion and I am deeply concerned that this user profoundly misunderstands this policy.

+ The laws of nature were thought to be symmetric between particles and antiparticles until CP violation experiments found that time-reversal symmetry is violated in nature.

+ It is when you try to reason out or state your case over a traffic violation to an enforcer – only in the Philippines.

+ Amongst all this important talk of copyright violation and GFDL attribution, can I take a moment to encourage you all to look at our WP:PGA and WP:PVGA pages where we have quite a few articles which could use an eagle eye, a brief read or even just a glance with some opinions on how to improve them.

+ They may also have created a violation of our agreement with WMF.

+ Austin said that the government doing that was a violation of the part of the 8th Amendment that says fines can’t be too much.

+ Almost all countries agree that torture is a violation of human rights.

+ The beachfront homes after Alicia were in violation of the Texas Open Beaches Act and the Attorney General’s office forebade the repair or rebuilding of those homes.

+ Now, I am not saying that violation of policies by sysops “necessitates” a desysop, so for the sake of simplicity of the argument let’s assume that a desysop is not the intended outcome of this whole discussion.

+ He resigned on May 3, 2011 due to an ethics violation of Senate rules.

+ Microsoft considers both of these exploits to be a violation of the Terms and Conditions.

+ I do not see how it can be an advert and should be acceptable for a stub on the topic, but I do see how it is now totally in violation of policy to post it in main space as it has been made impossible to attribute the base edits it was written from due to the deletion.

+ The appearance of this user started out at commons involving a copyright violation with editors from here, and was then brought onto SWEP.

+ Absolutely violation NPOV; no existing en.wiki article.

+ That makes it a violation of the GFDL because it’s not attributing the true authors at enwiki.

+ Generally, the term is sometimes used to describe acts that are legal but are considered moralmorally unacceptable, outside the spirit of electoral laws, or in violation of the principles of democracy.

+ Transgression, on the other hand, is the violation of a law or rule.

+ Delete; there is more than a pure list, so the potential for a copyright violation is there.

+ Note that alternative accounts are not forbidden, so long as they are not used in violation of the policies.

+ Muslims consider the prophet Muhammad to be the last of the prophets, Islam 101 and believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s use of these terms is a violation of the concept of “finality of prophet hood”.

+ Its a violation of copyright.

+ This was a rule violation of the 14th Amendment.

+ The text appears to have been copied from various websites and collated together So this first sample contains more than one violation of our guidelines on plagiarism.

+ Dilma RousseffRousseff, more than 12 months into her second four-year term, was charged with criminal administrative misconduct for the federal budget in violation of article 85 of the Constitution of Brazil.

+ They think it is a violation of their copyright.

+ Place this template at the top of a section that seems to form an image gallery in violation of the policy on image galleries.

+ So this is a request for comment on two separate things: First off Kennedy has brought up an explicit concern that is a violation of his probation as decided upon by the community here.
+ This Declaration also affirm the right to develop for developing countrydeveloping countries, especially for the poorest countries in Africa, and to promote the democracy in Africa for development but that lacking of development may not justify the violation of full human rights.

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