Example uses in sentence of “unimportant”

How to use in-sentence of “unimportant”:

– However, Montgomery refused to commit infantry he considered underprepared into a snowstorm and for a strategically unimportant piece of land.

– He had to spend a lot of his time writing unimportant music for the king which was unlikely ever to be performed more than once.

– It was an unimportant little town then, but the Greeks made it their capital.

– The mistletoe did not vow, however, as Frigg considered it to be so unimportant that she thought nothing of it.

– It started as an unimportant race in 1996, but because cycling became very popular in Germany it was made a part of the UCI Road World Cup in 1998.

Example uses in sentence of unimportant
Example uses in sentence of unimportant

Example sentences of “unimportant”:

– However, Montgomery, refusing to risk underprepared infantry in a snowstorm for a strategically unimportant area, did not launch the attack until 3 January, by which time substantial numbers of German troops had already managed to fall back successfully, but at the cost of losing most of their heavy equipment.

– People who like the line-item veto say that it is good because it allows the President to remove unimportant waste from important legislation.

– The bacterial infection theory that for so long had held sway in this field was again shown to be unimportant in another 2003 study from the University of Washington team led by Dr Lee and Professor Richard Berger.

– During the Middle Ages it was an unimportant city.

– Only real claim is that he was appointed to an relatively unimportant position within a government project.

– There are exceptions; the major town of Ipswich, Queensland has the postcode 4305, while Goodna, a relatively unimportant suburb of Ipswich, is allocated 4300.

– Also, they try not to make small repairs, called patches, to unimportant parts of the CPython reference implementation that would make it faster.

– Whether or not a person uses is completely unimportant to the discussion.

– While unimportant posts generally do take up space at simple talk, I somewhat disagree about lowering the automatic archive time from 7 days.

- However, Montgomery, refusing to risk underprepared infantry in a snowstorm for a strategically unimportant area, did not launch the attack until 3 January, by which time substantial numbers of German troops had already managed to fall back successfully, but at the cost of losing most of their heavy equipment.

- People who like the line-item veto say that it is good because it allows the President to remove unimportant waste from important legislation.

– They thought his movies unimportant and banal because they were about women and exaggerated emotions.

– While trail surface types are a relatively unimportant issue with hikers, they may be an important issue with horses.

– The timely election of Pope Damasus II became unimportant when he died 23 days later.

– In “my settings” → “Gadgets” I have a small and unimportant change that I’m suggesting.

– In economics, business and government policy,- something new – must be substantially different, not an unimportant change.

– Watson admires Sherlock Holmes attention to detail and Holmes explains the importance of details that appear unimportant but can be crucial in solving a mystery.

– During the Middle Ages Chalkida was an unimportant city.

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