Example uses in sentence of “torture”

How to use in-sentence of “torture”:

+ Dictators then maintain their rule with state terrorism, which normally involves a secret police, death squads, random or night curfew, indefinite arrest without trial and a network of torture centers and concentration camps.

+ Achakzai was alleged to have committed numerous human right violations including extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances and torture in the Kandahar province.

+ Inside the Pensieve, he discovers that Ludo Bagman was accused and acquitted of Death Eater activity, and that Barty Crouch’s son was sent to Azkaban for supposedly helping to torture Neville Longbottom’s parents into insanity.

+ Impalement was Ţepeş’s preferred method of torture and execution.

+ This was a new beginning for protection of human rights, especially from torture and other forms of human degradation.

+ When Woody follows Buzz into the game to try to rescue him, the two of them are captured by Andy’s next door neighbor, Sid Phillips, who likes to torture and destroy toys for fun.

+ The UN Committee Against Torture found that these practices constituted a breach of the obligations imposed by the UN Convention Against Torture.

+ Torture in the United States includes cases of torture reported in the United States and outside the USA by U.S.

Example uses in sentence of torture
Example uses in sentence of torture

Example sentences of “torture”:

+ Some countries in NATO have used sensory deprivation techniques on prisoners because these techniques do not qualify as torture under international laws.

+ Soon as the war in Kosovo has ended in 1999 she established the KRCT the same year, just in order to treat survivor victims of torture where she was actively involved in providing medical and psycho-social assistance for the first post-war returnees.
+ In 1988 he was indicted with 47 homicides, 76 instances of torture and 4 kidnappings of minors.

+ Some countries in NATO have used sensory deprivation techniques on prisoners because these techniques do not qualify as torture under international laws.

+ Soon as the war in Kosovo has ended in 1999 she established the KRCT the same year, just in order to treat survivor victims of torture where she was actively involved in providing medical and psycho-social assistance for the first post-war returnees.

+ In 1988 he was indicted with 47 homicides, 76 instances of torture and 4 kidnappings of minors.

+ Loki is soon caught and sentenced to punishment; he is bound by the entrails of one of his sons, to face torture as the venom of a massive serpent drips from its fangs onto Loki’s eyes.

+ Where there was the slightest suspicion of concealment, torture was used to get a sincere declaration of their personal wealth.

+ Since torture could be used, the accusations were often proven.

+ The game opens with the torture of an alien, the leader of the Elites.

+ Feride Rushiti is the founder and Executive Director of the Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims since 1999.

+ He stopped the government from using torture and allowed people to be Protestant again.

+ Reasons for torture can include punishment, revenge, political Brainwashingre-education, deterrence, and interrogation.

More in-sentence examples of “torture”:

+ The Nazis used many different strategystrategies to torture prisoners mentally and physically, and to keep them under control.

+ In 1597 Anton Praetorius protested against the torture of women accused of witchcraft.

+ Lilli’s tragedy is just one of the many stories of torture during the Marcos regime.

+ After her torture she confessed falsely.

+ Some of the most well known cases of torture involving the U.S.

+ The Convention also has the optional protocol that enables national or international organization for human rights investigators to research the prisons in a country that ratifies the protocol for knowing if any torture or inhuman treatments or punishments prohibited by the Convention are done.

+ With torture and the threat of death by burning at the stake, they forced heretics to recant.

+ He was a controversial figure, having been accused of ordained murder or torture of opponents or criticizers to his government, Kidnappingabduction, pedophilia, children rape, among other offenses.

+ The torture method was mostly mentioned in Norse saga literature.

+ Vitellius showed his violent nature by ordering the torture and execution of those who dared to make such demands.

+ The band was originally called “Ahaziah” before the name of the band was changed to “Chelsea Grin”, named after the torture method known as the “”Glasgow Smile””.

+ According to her sister, her internal organs were removed to cover signs of torture and possible sexual abuse.

+ In 1597, he risked his life so that the torture of a woman be stopped.

+ To justify this murder and torture black people had to be declared inferior or not human.

+ This torture is a major cause of deaths in police custody.

+ The news of the violent torture and death of this innocent student struck fear among people and shocked the students in Ljubljana.

+ Jesuits and others were then rounded up in other locations in Britain, with some being killed by torture during interrogation.

+ People who challenged them were often called heretics, so that the Inquisition could torture them, and then nobles take the property.

+ He wrote in “Vanity Fair” magazine, “If waterboarding does not constitute torture then there is no such thing as torture“.

+ Some reported mental torture by threats of imminent death, rape, and harm to their families.

+ India has state laws that make it illegal for police to torture people.

+ Praetorius fought against torture and against the hunting of witches.

+ He says that Euronymous had plotted to stun him with an electroshock weapon, tie him up and torture him to death while videotaping the event.

+ Cock and ball torture works by constricting the penis or the scrotum.

+ Waterboarding is a type of torture that has been used for a long time.

+ The Nazis used many different strategystrategies to torture prisoners mentally and physically, and to keep them under control.

+ In 1597 Anton Praetorius protested against the torture of women accused of witchcraft.
+ Lilli’s tragedy is just one of the many stories of torture during the Marcos regime.

+ Later, he continued to fight against witch-trials and torture through his writings.

+ Humperdinck secretly orders Rugen to lock Westley in his torture chamber, the Pit of Despair.

+ Frederick also presided over other important modernization efforts in Prussia, including the establishment of a modern governmental bureaucracy, the cultivation of one of Europe’s most highly-regarded educational systems, and the abolition torture and corporal punishment.

+ In 2018, after more than ten years of advocacy by women’s activists, including Feride Rushiti of The Kosovo Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims, they started receiving money.

+ She was held in extrajudicial detention in a Brazilian torture camp in the early 1970s.

+ After Moon’s torture and imprisonment by the North Korean communists from 1947 to 1950 he was not reported to have engaged primarily in political agitation, but rather in daily worship.

+ His method of torture was a horse attached to each of the victim’s legs while sharpened stake was forced into the body.

+ Waad also carried out the questioning and interrogations of political prisoners, often using torture to get the answers.

+ Bittaker and Norris became known as the “Tool Box Killers” due to the fact the majority of instruments used to torture and murder their victims, such as pliers, ice picks, and sledgehammers, were items normally stored inside a household toolbox.

+ A common reason for torture is to get information from the victim, for example, to get confessions or the names of accomplices.

+ During those years many of Komala members and its leadership experienced persecution, torture and imprisonment in the hands of SAVAK, Shah’s notorious secret police, but Komala could manage to survive and protect the main body of its organization and its growing network of activists.

+ It says “Over the last five years, Amnesty has reported torture in at least three quarters of the world – 141 countries”.

+ McMullin supports keeping the Guantanamo Bay detention camp open and opposes the use of torture and has criticized Trump’s support for it.

+ She said that the use of torture had not made the world a safer place, adding that the use of water-boarding by the United States was a “profound mistake” and as a result America lost its “moral authority”.

+ She likes to torture both Dmitry and his father for fun, to laugh at them, and to have revenge for the hurt she received from her first lover; she can also be quite crueltycruel, like when she lied to Katerina, hurting and insulting her.

+ This fact has been used both as a means of torture and as a punishment.

+ In 2010 he was convicted of obstruction of justice and perjury in relation to investigations of torture by police, and he served prison time.

+ Historian Michael Charleston Chua published a study entitled, “TORTYUR: Human Rights Violations During The Marcos Regime” that detailed the different kinds of torture used by authorities during this dark chapter in Philippine history, as recounted by victims and published in different reports.

+ Waterboarding has been seen as torture since the Spanish Inquisition.

+ They also blew up and destroyed the buildings, guardhouses, torture rooms, crematoriums, and other parts of the camp.

+ On the last month of training Maroon Berets receive interrogation and torture training.

+ He said: “Give the French a taste of neo-fascism, race riots and paramilitary crackdowns, and they seek solace in the American cinema’s current favorite pastime – vigorously art-directed torture porn.

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