Example uses in sentence of “slide”

How to use in-sentence of “slide”:

Slideshows are conducted by a presenter using an apparatus, such as a slide projector, an overhead projector or in more recent years, a computer running presentation software.

– The slide rule, or “slipstick”, is a mechanical analog computer.

– All premium slide rules had numbers and scales engraved, and then filled with paint or other resin.

– The “slide” analogy is a reference to the slide projector.

– Like a slide rule, a nomogram is a graphical analog computation device.

– The firefighters often slide down a pole to get downstairs to the fire engine, as this is quicker than walking down stairs.

– Some high-end slide rules have magnifying cursors that make the markings easier to see.

Example uses in sentence of slide
Example uses in sentence of slide

Example sentences of “slide”:

– The program is an interactive discussion between the host and the guest rather than a monologue stream and the discussion may be enriched with presentations, slide shows, movie clips, or graphics related to the subject.

– Hair clippers have a pair of sharpened comb-like blades in close contact one above the other and the side which slide sideways relative to each other.

– In its most basic form, the slide rule uses two logarithmic scales to allow rapid multiplication and division of numbers.

– He is often thought of as one of the greatest guitarists of all time, and is widely considered the greatest slide guitarist of all time.

– The same information in a logarithm table was available on a slide rule, a tool with logarithms written on it.

– Specialized slide rules were invented for various forms of engineering, business and banking.

– Duplex slide rules often duplicate some of the scales on the back.

– In World War II, bombardiers and navigators who required quick calculations often used specialized slide rules.

– The user does not have to know how to solve algebraic equations, look up data in tables, use a slide rule, or substitute numbers into equations to obtain results.

– He did many switch tricks like the nollie flip nose slide and the switch kick flip backside tail slide.

– Aluminum Pickett-brand slide rules were carried on five Apollo space missions, including to the moon, according to advertising on Pickett’s N600 slide rule boxes.

- The program is an interactive discussion between the host and the guest rather than a monologue stream and the discussion may be enriched with presentations, slide shows, movie clips, or graphics related to the subject.

- Hair clippers have a pair of sharpened comb-like blades in close contact one above the other and the side which slide sideways relative to each other.
- In its most basic form, the slide rule uses two logarithmic scales to allow rapid multiplication and division of numbers.

– Students also might keep a ten-or twenty-inch rule for precision work at home or the office while carrying a five-inch pocket slide rule around with them.

– When you disagree strongly about an article, but it is not completely incorrect or damaging, just let it slide for a bit.

– He subsequently began recording his debut studio album “Blue Slide Park”, and released it on November 8, 2011.

– A sliding forearm smash is where a wrestler runs towards an opponent, does a slide across the mat and hits their opponent with a forearm smash.

– Originally these programs were used to generate 35 mm slides, to be presented using a slide projector.

– Nataro conceived a new type of slide rule based on “prosthaphaeresis”, an algorithm for rapidly computing products that predates logarithms.

– He spent most of his childhood in Memphis, TennesseeMemphis playing slide guitar for money on the streets.

– One slide rule remaining in daily use around the world is the E6B.

– It can slide out number keys or a mini keyboard, but some do both.

More in-sentence examples of “slide”:

– The slide rule was invented around 1620–1630, shortly after John Napier’s publication of the concept of the logarithm.

– This is a circular slide rule first created in the 1930s for aircraft aviatorpilots to help with dead reckoning.

– Users of slide rules would simply approximate or drop small terms to simplify the calculation.

– In the South Island, these plates mainly slide past each other horizontally, producing earthquakes along fault fault lines such as the Alpine fault.

– As of October 2004, “Kodak” no longer manufactures slide projectors.

– Those slide rules have special scales for those applications, as well as normal scales.

– A number of tectonic plates began to slide under the North American plate.

– German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun brought two 1930s vintage “Nestler” slide rules with him when he moved to the U.S.

– There are many different styles of slide rules.

– The clips on the microscope’s flat stage hold the slide in place.

– The layers slide past one another like playing cards.

– Here the user of the slide rule must remember to adjust the decimal point appropriately to correct the final answer.

– While professional slide rules could also be quite expensive, drug stores often sold basic plastic models for under $20 USD.

– In 1848, he was elected President of France in a land slide victory.

– Light passes through the transparent slide and lens, and the resulting image is enlarged and projected onto a screen.

– Logarithmic scales are also used in slide rules for multiplying or dividing numbers by adding or subtracting lengths on the scales.

– The Binary Slide Rule manufactured by Gilson in 1931 performed an addition and subtraction function limited to fractions.

– Nevertheless, Pickett, probably America’s most successful slide rule company, made all printed scales.

– When that happens, the pattern that shows up is called “Newton’s rings.” When slide photographs are put between two thin sheets of glass for showing in a slide projector, this kind of pattern is a big problem.

– Like the slide rule, its accuracy is limited by the precision with which physical markings can be drawn, reproduced, viewed, and aligned.A slide rule is a general-purpose calculator, but a nomogram is designed to perform a specific calculation.

– Volcanoes are usually not found where two tectonic plates slide past one another.

– After this time, the market for slide rules dried up quickly as small scientific calculators became affordable.

– The “bird call” sound at the end of the song is made by Allman on the slide guitar.

– The main disadvantages of circular slide rules are the difficulty in locating figures along a rotating disc, and limited number of scales.

– Operations may go “off the scale;” for example, the diagram above shows that the slide rule has not positioned the 7 on the upper scale above any number on the lower scale, so it does not give any answer for 2×7.

– With instruments such as the piano, xylophone or harp a glissando is a quick slide in which we hear one note after another because the pitches between the notes cannot be played.

- The slide rule was invented around 1620–1630, shortly after John Napier's publication of the concept of the logarithm.

- This is a circular slide rule first created in the 1930s for aircraft aviatorpilots to help with dead reckoning.

– It is possible for much of a volcano to just slide down suddenly, as with Toba, Krakatoa and Mount St Helens.

– William Oughtred and others developed the slide rule in the 1600s.

– Traditionally slide rules were made out of hard wood such as mahogany or boxwood with cursors of glass and metal.

– Addition and subtraction steps in a calculation are generally done mentally or on paper, not on the slide rule.

– Circular slide rules also eliminate “off-scale” calculations, because the scales were designed to “wrap around”; they never have to be re-oriented when results are near 1.0—the rule is always on scale.

– The earliest forms had flexible tests, with plates that could slide over each other.

– He plays the piano part in the second segment, and Allman plays the slide guitar during the piano exit part.

– A zip-line is a device that allows a person to slide down an inclined wire or rope.

– Some slide rules have been made for special use, as for aviation or finance.

– Geosynchronous also includes orbits that are not above the equator, but since every orbit goes around the center of the Earth, the satellite must spend an equal amount of time north of the equator as it does south of the equator, so it appears to slide up and down when viewed from the Earth.

– The importance of the slide rule began to diminish as electronic computers, a new but very scarce resource in the 1950s, became widely available to technical workers during the 1960s.

– In 1677, Henry Coggeshall created a two-foot folding rule for timber measure, called the Coggeshall slide rule.

– Each hole is filled with a pin that can slide back and forth and the screen is lit by the two vertical sides, allowing the pins to cast their shadow on the screen.

– The more modern form was created in 1859 by French artillery lieutenant Amédée Mannheim, “who was fortunate in having his rule made by a firm of national reputation and in having it adopted by the French Artillery.” It was around that time, as engineering became a recognized professional activity, that slide rules came into wide use in Europe.

– The two primary issues involved in magnetic levitation are “lifting forces”: providing an upward force sufficient to counteract gravity, and “stability”: ensuring that the system does not spontaneously slide or flip into a configuration where the lift is neutralized.

– In 1895, a Japanese firm, Hemmi, started to make slide rules from bamboo, which had the advantages of being dimensionally stable, strong and naturally self-lubricating.

– Another step toward the replacement of slide rules with electronics was the development of electronic calculators for scientific and engineering use.

– Throughout his life he never used any other pocket calculating devices; slide rules served him perfectly well for making quick estimates of rocket design parameters and other figures.

– Circular slide rules come in two basic types, one with two cursors.

– These include ‘star balls’ that combine opticsoptical and electro-mechanical technology, slide projector, video, full dome projector systems, and lasers.

– He taught Bonnie Raitt the slide guitar technique, and was written about by The Rolling Stones’.

– Older game systems which attached to a television’s antenna leads required the user to slide a switch on the adapter by hand.

– In 1815, Peter Roget invented the log log slide rule, which included a scale displaying the logarithm of the logarithm.

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