Example uses in sentence of “sane”

How to use in-sentence of “sane”:

– In the first part, psychiatrically sane people said they heard hallucinations, to get admitted to a psychiatric ward.

– And it can go on and on, bringing out the best styles, tactics and ideology to love better in diversified ways making us more sane with love rather than being insane.

– Willow got it back in the season five finale, and Tara was sane again.

– They are trying to do this so that an army of sane Daleks can destroy the asylum.

– Two years ago the Reavers found a way to manipulate Charles’s powerful brain and through it they maked a psichic attack that killed and injured 6000 persons, their plan succeeded as Charles was indendtify as a threats for the world and the X-Mansion was closed with the survived X-Men’s members escaped, this leaved Charles in a shock status that maked him have Alzheimer forcing his mind to forget all of that but also to having needs of medicins to being mentally sane and to not having psichic attacks.

– The study said that it was impossible to tell a difference between the sane and the insane.

Example uses in sentence of sane
Example uses in sentence of sane

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