Example uses in sentence of “rule over”

How to use in-sentence of “rule over”:

+ Because of this, many empire builders have decided to rule over the area.

+ It ended the Dutch East India Company’s rule over Taiwan.

+ Cretans chose kings to rule over them for seven years each.

+ The HamiticHamitic theory said that the Hamitic people were superior and should rule over the other Negroid people in Sub-Saharan Africa.

+ He gave the rule over Wessex to his son Ethelbald.

Example uses in sentence of rule over
Example uses in sentence of rule over

Example sentences of “rule over”:

+ Byzantium kept its rule over the country, with Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Secunda districts of the Oriens Province with majorly Byzantine Christian population and big groups of Samaritans, Jews, Greek Byzantines and Christian Arabs.

+ The end of his reign marked the start of British East India Company’s rule over Bengal and later almost all of South Asia.

+ In 1437, Sigismund recognized Venetian rule over Dalmatia in return for 100,000 Ducats.

+ It is a time for people to prepare themselves for two different things: for the coming of the baby Jesus and Christmas, and for the second coming of Jesus, when he shall rule over all the Earth in peace.

+ On January 18, 1952, Rhee declared South Korean rule over the waters around the Korean peninsula.

+ Afterwards, the PRC is allowed to rule over Hong Kong and Macau as it pleases.

+ It was an indirect way to rule over people.

+ The city-state whose team won the game would rule over the losing city-state.

+ With his sons as viceroys of Aleppo and Carchemish, Suppiluliuma had cemented his rule over Syria and brought the empire of Mitanni to an end.

+ In addition, he normally wore the double crown to signify his rule over all of Egypt and to relate with the Pharaoh.

+ He refused to make a deal any of them, because he believed that only he had the right to rule over England.

+ Byzantium kept its rule over the country, with Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Secunda districts of the Oriens Province with majorly Byzantine Christian population and big groups of Samaritans, Jews, Greek Byzantines and Christian Arabs.

+ The end of his reign marked the start of British East India Company's rule over Bengal and later almost all of South Asia.

+ Stalin continued to rule over the Soviet Union until he died.

+ In the following centuries, the Ryukyu Kingdom would expand its rule over the Amami, Miyako and Yaeyama islands.

+ The Jimi system is a way to organize the government to rule over far-away foreign lands.

+ The Nazi government was formed under the idea that the “Aryan race” deserved to rule over all other races.

+ Arkham wishes to go to them demon world to take the Force Edge, Sparda’s sword, to take Sparda’s power and rule over a demon-infested earth.

+ The term “British Raj” is used to talk of the direct British rule over areas which had been conquered by the British, known as British India.

+ This was a symbol to show their rule over the whole country, which they called “The Two Lands”.

+ The forty nobles group, Chihalgani called Iltutmish to rule over the dynasty.

+ When Pigs Ruled the Earth: Peggy and The Mask get sent to a future where pigs rule over man.

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