Example uses in sentence of “ruined”

How to use in-sentence of “ruined”:

+ Dunscaith Castle is a ruined castle on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.

+ He sang about the Great Depression, and the problems faced by farmers at the time of the Dust Bowl, when erosion and drought ruined millions of acres of farmland.

+ In “Pokémon Red and Blue” the player first learns of Mewtwo by research papers left in a ruined laboratory on Cinnabar Island.

+ Minter’s reputation was ruined when her mother became a suspect, and she gave up her movie career in 1923.

+ Great Zimbabwe is a ruined city in the south-eastern hills of Zimbabwe.

Example uses in sentence of ruined
Example uses in sentence of ruined

Example sentences of “ruined”:

+ The ballet opens with Bertram, Robert le Diable’s father, entering the ruined cloister of Sainte-Rosalie.

+ Carteret’s health was ruined by his voyage of exploration.

+ Over 300 Tibetan villagers were stranded in the ruined village without food and water.

+ Tikal is the largest of the ancient ruined cities of the Maya civilization.

+ Physically ruined while caught in the Planet Namek’s explosion after his defeat, what remained of the still-living Frieza was salvaged and rebuilt with cybernetic enhancements by scientists under the order of King Cold.

+ This ruined the Confederacy’s economy and its means of travelling.

+ It is a ruined AugustiniansAugustine Abbey and was built by David I of Scotland in 1128.

+ But the era of military pronunciamientos ruined his personal prospects and patriotic plans.

+ Fires burned the area in 1895 and 1897 and ruined many of the old prison buildings.

+ It is a pity that many people are ruined on their way to university just because of one failure in the exam.

+ They help control the country from getting ruined or from getting taken by another country.

+ The Karnak Temple Complex—usually called Karnak—is a vast group of ruined temples, chapels, pylons, and other buildings.

+ Today there are only a few ruined stone foundations.

+ It got ruined thrice in fire and was reconstructed every time.

+ According to Australian Aboriginal mythologymythology, the lake was formed after a fierce bushfire that ruined the land around it.

+ However hopes of independence was ruined and Ukrainian nationalists created Ukrainian Insurgent Army which fought against Nazi Germany but against the Soviet Union for the most part.

+ This caused him to be ruined financially.

+ Further down the Avenue of the Dead is the area known as the Citadel, containing the ruined Temple of the Feathered Serpent.

+ The ballet opens with Bertram, Robert le Diable's father, entering the ruined cloister of Sainte-Rosalie.

+ Carteret's health was ruined by his voyage of exploration.

More in-sentence examples of “ruined”:

+ Welch confessed that her marriage was nearly ruined because of her mental illness, as well as an affair she had during her depression.

+ Profumo’s political career was ruined by a combination of events.

+ Many artists have drawn or painted pictures of ruined buildings.

+ The Scott Affair ruined Thorpe, who resigned as leader of the Liberal Party, and was defeated at the next general election in 1979.

+ Joseph of Arimathea; legend also says that King Arthur is buried in his ruined abbey.

+ But then I heard about how you stole poor David Slater’s monkey photo and then ruined his life with your court case.

+ Most of the buildings in the square were ruined in World War II.

+ One of the main problems with shifting cultivation is that the land is ruined after being used 3 to 4 times, which means that the areas of land are abandoned and not prepared to grow again- and the rainforest becomes smaller with each preparation for a new piece of land.

+ Stuxnet reportedly ruined almost one-fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges.

+ The palace became ruined during the English Civil War.

+ The only works of art that are known to be definitely by Cimabue are the mosaic of Christ in Majesty in Pisa Cathedral and two very large ruined frescos in the Church of St Francis in Assisi.

+ Other scientists had seen film similarly ruined but did not discover why.

+ The small village lies in a valley in the Corbières Massif, overlooked by the ruined Château de Quéribus.

+ He has said that he had a good script for “Alien: Resurrection”, which was ruined by its director Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

+ There is a ruined stone house called Taigh Beannaichte on the east headland Sgeir an Teampall, the island is formed by pieces of rocks, where are often hard to walk on.

+ In time, he became an alcoholic, and it ruined his health.

+ It is set in a world where nuclear bombs have ruined the surface and people are fighting to survive.

+ Mario, Princess Peach, and Toadsworth are taking a vacation to Isle Delfino, when they find that the island has been ruined and the Shine Sprites stolen by a strange enemy that looks like Mario himself.

+ There is as a ruined old temple and water tank on top of the Tilla Jogian.

+ In his twenties he tried to make diamonds by heating graphite and ruined Glasgow’s electricity supply.

+ The hurricane also ruined 107 schools.

+ The plot was to have blown up the King at such time as he should have been sat in his royal throne, Nobility and Commons and with all Bishops, Judges and Doctors at one instant, and the blast to have ruined the whole estate and kingdom of England.

+ The Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche is a ruined church in Berlin.

+ Parma was ruined by many years of warfare, and in 1759 Philip named the abled Frenchmen Guillaume du Tillot as his minister minister to restore the economy.

+ By the 1870s, many wives and mothers who were completely dependant on their men, began to protest having their lives ruined by alcohol.

+ Its main features are the ruins of a Roman fort, a ruined medieval church which is constantly threatened by coastal erosion.

+ In the past, Taiping Kingdom of Heaven tried to attack into Nanjing, however, the gate wasn’t ruined at all.

+ Thinking he had ruined his rifle, he began yelling at the moose about his bad luck.

+ Ani is a ruined and uninhabited medieval city-site in Turkey.

+ It is capital administrative center of Dubrovytsia Raion, and is the site of the now ruined Jewish shtetl of Dombrovitza.

+ But their relationship is ruined by Tony.

+ The famous witches’ dance in the freezing moonlight in the ruined abbey, was as impressive as expected…

+ Many critics felt the toned-down rape scene ruined the original message.

+ In the city are a ruined castle, much of the old Roman BritainRoman city wall, and Exeter Cathedral.

+ The city of Hiroshima was rebuilt around the ruined dome.

+ Nimitz knew that the Japanese had ruined their advantage in number of ships by dividing their ships into four groups, all too separated to be able to support each other.

+ Mir Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal, was ruined by the defeat.

+ The Germans captured 90% of the ruined city and split the Soviet forces into two parts.

+ Bennelong’s health was probably ruined by drinking alcohol.

+ He said that the 12th century Bénézet bridge had a decking supported on wooden piles linking the ruined Roman piers.

+ The statue forms part of a war memorial that includes ruined walls from the battle.

+ In 1745, during the War of the Austrian Succession, the French made a fortress on the same ground and also ruined part of the city wall.

+ Francis and his friends rebuilt the tiny ruined church for the shepherds and other poor people to worship in.

+ This happened when a piece of pitchblende ruined some photographic film and he investigated.

+ They measured ancient ruined buildings, they drew things and they dug around for weeks looking for bits of broken statues and painted pottery that they could stick together.

+ In September an Eat festival was organized but the first two days were ruined because of the rain.

+ A good performance can be ruined by a bad accompaniment.

+ It runs on a Downdownwards path from ruined Holyrood Abbey.

+ With this amount of control and competition, relationships between traders become fragile and ruined by manipulation and deceit.

+ Welch confessed that her marriage was nearly ruined because of her mental illness, as well as an affair she had during her depression.

+ Profumo's political career was ruined by a combination of events.
+ Many artists have drawn or painted pictures of ruined buildings.

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