Example uses in sentence of “resistant to”

How to use in-sentence of “resistant to”:

+ PET :- Light, rigid or semi-rigid, naturally transparent or colorless, PET is an excellent moisture and gas barrier and is resistant to impacts.

+ The women are brought to a Buddhist temple, where they exposed to the monk’s philosophies regarding inner beauty, though Chrissy and Jessica are resistant to participate.

+ Furthermore, many of these organisms are now resistant to most treatment.

+ CSIRO “Forest Products Newsletter” 1946 The bark is resistant to fire and heat and protects the living tissue within the trunk and branches from fire.

+ Tosa is a very resistant to pain and physical exhaustion.

+ This multistemmed shrub with crepe-like texture petals, and diverse colors is resistant to frosts.

+ Ordinary semiconductors are made of materials that do not conduct an electric current very well but are not highly resistant to doing so.

+ If a message is transmitted in a natural language, then it is more resistant to noise than a spoken language.

Example uses in sentence of resistant to
Example uses in sentence of resistant to

Example sentences of “resistant to”:

+ But in other ways, it remains resistant to the most basic assistance.

+ On the other hand, aspens are resistant to browsing: their leaves contain some unpleasant chemicals.

+ It is also resistant to radiation, so they are used in spacecraft.

+ It is resistant to water and pollution, and has a range of different colours.

+ This is because the insects are resistant to many insecticides, and the “Plasmodium” parasite is highly resistant to quinine and most other common drugs.

+ Some materials, such as stainless steel, are highly resistant to corrosion.

+ But in other ways, it remains resistant to the most basic assistance.

+ On the other hand, aspens are resistant to browsing: their leaves contain some unpleasant chemicals.

+ They can also create bugs and weeds that are more resistant to the chemicals, causing outbreaks of these pests.

+ They can form Endospores which are resistant to temperature of 80°C for 10 min.

+ People are resistant to change, even if it’s for the better.

+ Throughout much of the newt’s range, the common garter snake is resistant to the toxin.

More in-sentence examples of “resistant to”:

+ Sometimes when HIV is resistant to one medicine, another medicine can be used.

+ An authenticatable channel is a way of transferring data that is resistant to spoofing but may not be resistant to interception or tampering.

+ Sometimes when HIV is resistant to one medicine, another medicine can be used.

+ An authenticatable channel is a way of transferring data that is resistant to spoofing but may not be resistant to interception or tampering.

+ Kevlar is resistant to heat and have tightly knitted fibers.

+ Marine plywood, for example, is especially resistant to water.

+ The heterozygote is resistant to the malarial parasite which kills a large number of people each year.

+ In addition, sensitivity testing is carried out to determine whether the pathogen is sensitive or resistant to a suggested medicine.

+ This is because the bacterium is becoming immune or resistant to the medicine.

+ Deinococcus–Thermus is a phylum of extremophile bacteria that are highly resistant to environmental hazards.

+ The microstructure and bulk rheology of human cervicovaginal mucus are remarkably resistant to changes in pH.

+ Several marsupials, such as koalas and some possums, are partly resistant to it.

+ This self-portrait is in an underground vault vault that is resistant to fires, earthquakes, and even airplane crashes.

+ The sickle-cell variant survives in the population “because the heterozygote is resistant to malaria” and the malarial parasite kills a huge number of people each year.

+ Fluorapatite is more resistant to acid attack than is hydroxyapatite.

+ Only solids can be pushed on by a force without changing shape, which means that they can be resistant to deformation.

+ This is because their bodies have become resistant to the viruses.

+ Brearley found that the new chromium steels were very resistant to chemical attack.

+ For example, scars in the skin are less resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and sweat glands and hair follicles do not grow back within scar tissues.

+ Cliffs are usually formed by Rock rock that is resistant to erosion and weathering.

+ It is highly resistant to weathering and forms steep grey crags.

+ Animals are given antibiotics so often that the risk of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics is very possible in the near future.

+ Orc : Have the ability to enrage increasing damage output, resistant to stun effects, pet damage increased, good with axes and fist weapons.

+ They are higher-yielding, resistant to pests and diseases, drought-resistant or adapted to different environments and growing conditions.

+ Mycorrhizal plants are often more resistant to diseases, such as those caused by microbial soil-borne pathogens, and are also more resistant to the effects of drought.

+ A small population which carries less variation is always vulnerable to extinction, because none of the animals may be resistant to the infection.

+ Persistent organic pollutants are organic chemistryorganic compounds that are resistant to chemical, biological, and photolytic processes.

+ Bullet-proof glass is more resistant to impact than either glass or plastic on their own.

+ Fired bricks are much more resistant to cold and moist weather conditions.

+ The drive tires of the cars, which are called “slicks” because there is no tread on them, are made from a much harder compound so that the tires are resistant to failure.

+ However, it is hoped that a sufficiently long chain of “rounds” loads the cipher with sufficient confusion and diffusion properties to make it resistant to cryptanalysis.

+ Sandstone which is resistant to weathering is used for building in many countries.

+ Their winter fur is highly resistant to the cold.

+ It’s now resistant to methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin, oxacillin, and many other antibiotics.

+ They are back in favour for use on infections caused by bacteria resistant to other antibiotics.

+ They lay two kinds of eggs: thin-walled eggs that hatch quickly, and thick-walled eggs that are believed to be resistant to freezing, and thus capable of over-wintering and hatching in the spring.

+ But over the decades, some strains of staph — like MRSA — have become resistant to antibiotics that once destroyed it.

+ These are extremely resistant to the usual fungicides used, even to formaldehyde.

+ In fact, it is now resistant to all forms of penicillin and cephalosporin.

+ Also, mahogany is resistant to stains.

+ The body becomes more resistant to the drug and craves the drug all the time.

+ These include using rubber or PVC gloves, wearing goggles to protect the eyes, as well as special clothing that is resistant to chemicals.

+ Both the Colorado potato beetle and the diamondback moth are insects that are resistant to many insecticides.

+ Most cases are resistant to some drugs.

+ However, some older antibiotics may treat bacteria that are resistant to carbapenems.

+ Ulster had been the region most resistant to English control during the previous century.

+ Fir wood is not good to use in buildings because it is not very resistant to insects and decay.

+ It is used to make nylon resistant to heat.

+ But after a long time, the HIV learns to be resistant to “many” drugs.

+ They are pretty resistant to data change, can support temperatures up to about 100°C, and do not care much about light.

+ The method used to be: spray water with DDT, but that does a lot of damage, and in any event the mosquito is now highly resistant to the chemical.

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