Example uses in sentence of “probability”

How to use in-sentence of “probability”:

– The functions can tell the probability of finding an electron in any specific region.

– The probability distribution of a random variable.

– The information gain is a measure of the probability with which a certain result is expected to happen.

– It is useful, because it is relatively easy to show that certain probability distributions come close to it, under certain conditions.

– Radiocarbon dating showed with a probability of more than 95%, the parchment was from between 568 and 645 AD.

Example uses in sentence of probability
Example uses in sentence of probability

Example sentences of “probability”:

– Gauss made important discoveries in Probability theory.

– Other people thought about frequencies; the notion of probability is usually called frequency probability.

– By detecting the subtle changes in night-time illumination, organisms could synchronise the release of sperm and Ovumeggs to maximise the probability of fertilisation.

– A statistical parameter is different from its estimator in that the parameter is a fixed amount, while the value of an estimator changes according to some probability distribution.

– Another way to see this, which shows where Bayes’ theorem comes from, is to consider the probability P that it rains on both Sunday and Monday.

– The main idea, called the Born probability interpretation comes from the simple idea that the wave function is square integrable; i.e.

– He is known for his works on probability theory.

– Since each choice is independent and “random”, the probability that two such strings will be the same becomes extremely small due to their very large length.

– Since the amplitudes of the sine waves are everywhere the same, the probability for finding the photon at each of them would be the same.

– In many scenarios, P is calculated indirectly using the formula, which simply states that the probability of “B” is the sum of the conditional probabilities based on whether “A” has occurred or not.

– To promote suspense and lengthen games, the banker’s offer usually strays from the expected value dictated by probability theory, particularly early in the game.

- Gauss made important discoveries in Probability theory.

- Other people thought about frequencies; the notion of probability is usually called frequency probability.

– The probability for that team to lose would be 1 – 0.75 = 0.25.

– There is a greater probability of this happening if the alleles are far apart on the chromosome, as it is more likely that a cross-over will occur between them.

– After doing so, there is a smaller probability the patient is unwilling to receive the treatment a second time.

– He worked most in probability and algebra.

– Pierre de Fermat and Pascal created probability theory.

– Quantum chemistry tells the model the probability distribution of electron locations based on atomic orbitals.

– However, we were asked to calculate the probability that it rained on Sunday, given that it rained on Monday, then this is where Bayes’ theorem comes in.

– The probability amplitude for the emission is very simple—it has no real part, and the imaginary part is the “charge” of the electron.

More in-sentence examples of “probability”:

– In probability and statistics, Poisson distribution is a probability distribution.

– This makes the air conductive, which in turn raises the probability of a strike.

– Suppose there is a 3 disk setup, with 3 identical disks of 1 TB each, and the probability of failure of a drive for a given timespan is 1%.

– So, the concentrations of all the necessary pieces are multiplied together to get the probability that they will be in the same place for the reaction.

– It allows us to calculate the probability of an earlier event, given the result of a later event.

– Since the late 1960s, Thorp has used his knowledge of probability and statistics in the stock market by discovering and exploiting a number of pricing in the securities markets.

– If you add up all these probability amplitudes over all the possible meeting points, and over all the starting and ending points with an appropriate weight, you get the total probability amplitude for a collision in a particle accelerator, which tells you the total probability of these particles to bounce off one another in any particular direction.

– This means the chance or probability of selecting one individual is the same as the chance of selecting any other individual.

– Given the very similar colour of the moon to that of Nereid together with a high probability of their collision in the lifespan of the Solar system, it has been suggested that the moon could be a piece of Nereid.

– There are different probability distributions.

– A probability distribution is the theoretical counterpart to the frequency distribution.

– Einstein did not like the part of quantum theory that denied anything more than the probability that something would be found to be true of something when it was actually measured; he thought that it should be possible to predict anything, if we had the correct theory and enough information.

– Better training usually lowers the probability of falsely identifying someone.

– For example, theoretical physicists use mathematics and numerical analysis and statistics and probability and computer software in their work.

– When the location parameter is 0 and the scale parameter is 1, the probability density function of the Cauchy distribution reduces to.

– They have different ways to describe the convergence of the observed or measured probability to the actual probability.

– For this reason, mathematicians often define a random variable on a probability space.

– The areas under the curve in the intervals, each with a width of one standard deviation, give the probability of occurrence in those intervals.

– He developed the bean machine to show probability distributions, among other things.

– In statistics, a “p”-value is the probability that the null hypothesis gives for a specific experimental result to happen.

– It measures the probability that a certain number of events occur within a certain period of time.

– In probability theory and statistics, the Gumbel distribution is used to model the distribution of the maximum of a number of samples of various distributions.

– One way to avoid this problem is to round each value “y” upwards with probability equal to its fraction, and round it downwards with the complement of that probability.

– More precisely, it is the square of the amplitude that gives the probability of some phenomenon showing up.

– The software searches the library spectra using a matching algorithm such as Probability Based Matching matching.

- In probability and statistics, Poisson distribution is a probability distribution.

- This makes the air conductive, which in turn raises the probability of a strike.

– In that case the residual is the difference between what the probability distribution says, and what was actually measured.

– This does not mean that there is 0.95 probability of meeting the parameter μ in the calculated interval.

– Punnett squares are used by biologists to determine the probability of offspring having a particular genotype.

– Anger can start aggression or increase its probability or intensity.

– The normal distribution is a probability distribution.

– If two nodes are connected by an edge, it has an associated probability that it will transmit from one node to the other.

– By squaring a state’s amplitude, you can get the probability of measuring that state.

– This will construct a smooth probability density function from the supplied data.

– At the Fermi level, the probability of a state being occupied is ½.

– Scientists can use probability theory to obtain information about things that would be too complex to deal with, like statistical mechanics.

– For example, if a person reads a list of words including the word “table”, and is later asked to complete a word starting with “tab”, the probability that he or she will answer “table” is greater than if they are not primed.

– Expressed in words: The conditional probability of A occurring given B is the probability of both events occurring, divided by the probability of B occurring.

– Once the probability space is established, one usually assumes that “nature” makes its move and selects a single outcome, “ω”, from the sample space Ω.

– As of October 19 2006 the probability that Apophis will hit the Earth on April 13, 2036 is something around 1 in 45,000.

– The probability that a chain will go from one state to another state depends only on the state that it’s in right now.

– Moreover, in modelling, knowledge of the probability distribution of the errors is not required.

– The Gumbel distribution is a continuous probability distribution.

– Peter Gavin Hall Australian Academy of ScienceFAA FRS AO was an Australian researcher in probability theory and mathematical statistics.

– This shows us that the location of a particle is probabilistic; one can never say that the particle will “definitely” be found at a certain point in space, but rather, one can only give the probability of finding the particle within that region.

– Statistical hypothesis tests answer the question: “Assuming that the null hypothesis is true, what is the probability of getting a value which is at least as extreme as the value that was actually observed?”.

– He is known for his works on probability theory and ergodic theory methods to other areas of mathematics, including number theory and Lie groups.

– The probability of the flowers having different genotypes are: BB is 25%, Bb is 50%, and bb is 25%.

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