Example uses in sentence of “overly”

How to use in-sentence of “overly”:

– Pernicious anemia is a blood anemia that happens when someone is overly exposed to radiation.

– Within an article page, the particular wording of a section header can overly limit the allowable text of the section.

– While no one is perfect, per Tygrrr’s userpage, I think that several people have overly raised the requirements for adminship on Razorflame too much.

– It is used when the article is not necessarily a blatant advertisement, but is still overly promotional in tone.

– They can become overly attached to their owners over time, and may start to shriek when they feel lonely.

– US Army launching the missle to shoot the Russian missle onto the space and explosion overly the atmosphere.

Example uses in sentence of overly
Example uses in sentence of overly

Example sentences of “overly”:

– The possible references I’m seeing aren’t overly convincing.

– Quebec nationalists argue that this is an overly literal view of his words and that, in context to a Québécois audience, Trudeau had promised that Quebec would be given a status in accordance with a decentralized view of federalism, or his MPs would resign.

– I made a start on this late last year as I updated a few transport infoboxes – that is, slimming them down to fit our requirements and ensuring that they are not overly complex.

– It is overly complex.

– Please do not rename or remove these classes nor collapse nested elements which use them.Also, when giving coordinates, please don’t be overly precise.

– The VAR system has been criticised by many people, mostly because of how much time is used up in reviews, overly relying on it, and causing confusion.

– Suggestion In order to get around banning or limiting CM16’s editing abilities, why not get rid of the things that are overly objectionable? I would suggest asking CM16 to rename his account to remove POV, and then deleting his user page and salting it so it can’t be recreated.

– People who are overly active usually lose these symptoms as they get older.

– However, charges for unrealistic non-photographic child porn possession or creation which do not involve real children tend to get dismissed by judges at trials and are not treated overly seriously.

– It strained his relationships with friends such as Bates, Huxley and Darwin, who felt he was overly credulous.

– Despite Huey’s good character, he can sometimes come across as being arrogant and overly keen on making money on occasions.

– The women approach Nemorino with overly friendly greetings, the likes of which he has never seen.

– Editors should probably not be overly concerned with using the correct label unless using the wrong label would be a blatant error.

– The resolution of the story is both rationally possible and tremendously unlikely; the cat could inhabit the basement walls, but it is difficult to believe that it would remain silently in the wall for a long time or go unnoticed by the overly meticulous narrator.

– Anal retentive characteristics include being overly neat, precise, and orderly, while being anal expulsive involves being disorganized, messy, and destructive.

– People with ADHD can have trouble paying attention, be overly active, or be impulsive.

– Personally I think this wiki is too overly concerned with flooding the recent edits page.

- The possible references I'm seeing aren't overly convincing.

- Quebec nationalists argue that this is an overly literal view of his words and that, in context to a Québécois audience, Trudeau had promised that Quebec would be given a status in accordance with a decentralized view of federalism, or his MPs would resign.
- I made a start on this late last year as I updated a few transport infoboxes - that is, slimming them down to fit our requirements and ensuring that they are not overly complex.

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