Example uses in sentence of “orderly”

How to use in-sentence of “orderly”:

– Due to big losses, suffered among others from the debt haircut on Greek government bonds, an orderly resolution process began in October 2011.

– Kenneth Kaunda lost the elections and gave away his power in an orderly manner to his successor Frederick Chiluba, a former union leader.

– The mathematical methods for the analysis of diffraction data only apply to “patterns” which in turn result only when waves diffract from orderly arrays.

– No wonder, the colonial government after a careful study opined that Item had a stable traditional government similar to the system in England and congratulated as well as encouraged Item people on their orderly system of government.

– The Ming Empire has been described as “one of the greatest eras of orderly government and social stability in human history”.

– From there the numbering progressed downriver in an orderly fashion along the narrow fertile strip of land that was the Nile valley.

– A table consists of an orderly arrangement of rows and columns.

Example uses in sentence of orderly
Example uses in sentence of orderly

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