Example uses in sentence of “neuroscience”

How to use in-sentence of “neuroscience”:

– Hassabis met Legg when both were Postdoctoral researcherpostdocs at University College London’s Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, and he and Suleyman had been friends through family.

– Lee’s daughter, Lee Wei Ling, runs the National Neuroscience Institute.

– In 2008, Bakker presented “The End of the World As We Know It: Neuroscience and the Semantic Apocalypse” at Western University’s Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism.

– Recent studies in neuroscience say that as people fall in love, the brain releases chemicals, including dopamine.

– The next big thing in cognitive neuroscience has to do with ablation studies.

– In 2014, he received the Kavli Prize in Neuroscience “for the discovery of specialized brain networks for memory and cognition”, together with Brenda Milner and Marcus Raichle.

Example uses in sentence of neuroscience
Example uses in sentence of neuroscience

Example sentences of “neuroscience”:

- Dialogues in clinical neuroscience 14 : 263-279.

- His leadership has made the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies at Grand Valley State University, the Hauenstein Parkinson's and Neuroscience Centers at Saint Mary's Hospital and the Grace Hauenstein Library at Aquinas College.
- This was based on ideas from "Neuropath, "a  fictional world where the technologies of neuroscience have reached technical and social maturity and prevalence.

– Dialogues in clinical neuroscience 14 : 263-279.

– His leadership has made the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies at Grand Valley State University, the Hauenstein Parkinson’s and Neuroscience Centers at Saint Mary’s Hospital and the Grace Hauenstein Library at Aquinas College.

– This was based on ideas from “Neuropath, “a  fictional world where the technologies of neuroscience have reached technical and social maturity and prevalence.

– Many objectivist theories of beauty have been offered, going from the ancient ideas of Plato and Aristotle which still have great appeal in their own way to neuroscience research into the brain’s response to images and other sense information.

– Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua were made by scientists from the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai.

– Dreaming and the brain: toward a cognitive neuroscience of conscious states.

– Deep learning models are inspired by information processing and communication patterns in biological Nervous systemnervous systems; they are different from the structural and functional properties of biological brains in many ways, which make them incompatible with neuroscience evidences.

– Recent research in neuroscience has shown that mirror neurons are the basis for observational learning.

– Its focus is on medicine, neuroscience and social sciences.

– From 1991 to 2001, Tsien was the Director Silvio Conte – National Institutes of Mental Health Center for Neuroscience Research.

– Biological explanations use genetics and neuroscience to explain abnormal behaviours.

– The Mosers were directors and coordinators of the Kavil Institute for systems Neuroscience and the Centre for Neural Computation at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology for many years, but they divorced in 2016.

– Crick’s book “The Astonishing Hypothesis” made the argument that neuroscience now had the tools required to begin a scientific study of how brains produce conscious experiences.

– She was invited as a fellow in 2015 to the Salzburg Global Seminar Session “The Neuroscience of Art: What are the Sources of Creativity and Innovation?.

– Oxford Textbook of Neuroscience and Anaesthesiology.

– We see Vesalius’ publication of the first neuroscience textbook in 1543 and his description of the hydrocephalus in 1550.

– From 1985 through 1990, he was the Director of Neuroscience at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

– Instead, she switched to neuroscience and worked in Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney.

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