Example uses in sentence of “neanderthal”

How to use in-sentence of “neanderthal”:

– Anthropologists such as Tim White suggest that cannibalism was common in human societies prior to the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic, based on the large amount of “butchered human” bones found in Neanderthal and other Lower/Middle Paleolithic sites.

– In Europe, the large-brained Neanderthal Man made tools of high quality, and was in turn outshone by the many tools made by our own species.

– The Paleolithic caves of Greenhouse Guercy provided safe and comfortable living for Neanderthal man.

– The illustration below shows the browridges which protected the Neanderthal face.

– A neanderthal skull-cap and other bones had been found, and various remains of early “Homo sapiens”.

– Scientists have discovered that 120,000 years ago, Neanderthal people started burying their dead.

– The story is about a professor who terrorizes a college campus when he is turned into a Neanderthal monster after coming into contact with the irradiated blood of a coelacanth.

Example uses in sentence of neanderthal
Example uses in sentence of neanderthal

Example sentences of “neanderthal”:

- Sequencing of the full Neanderthal genome suggests Neanderthals and some modern humans share some ancient genetic lineages.

- The Mousterian is an industry of stone tools associated with Neanderthal Man, "Homo neanderthalensis".
- People during the Middle Paleolithic, such as the Neanderthals and Middle Paleolithic Homo sapiens in Africa, began to catch shellfish for food as revealed by shellfish cooking in Neanderthal sites in Italy about 110,000 years ago and Middle Paleolithic "Homo sapiens" sites at Pinnacle Point, in Africa around 164,000 BP.Bahn, Paul "The atlas of world archeology" Copyright 2000 The Brown Reference Group PLC Example societies are the Lepenski Vir as well as some contemporary hunter-gatherers such as the Tlingit.

– Sequencing of the full Neanderthal genome suggests Neanderthals and some modern humans share some ancient genetic lineages.

– The Mousterian is an industry of stone tools associated with Neanderthal Man, “Homo neanderthalensis”.

– People during the Middle Paleolithic, such as the Neanderthals and Middle Paleolithic Homo sapiens in Africa, began to catch shellfish for food as revealed by shellfish cooking in Neanderthal sites in Italy about 110,000 years ago and Middle Paleolithic “Homo sapiens” sites at Pinnacle Point, in Africa around 164,000 BP.Bahn, Paul “The atlas of world archeology” Copyright 2000 The Brown Reference Group PLC Example societies are the Lepenski Vir as well as some contemporary hunter-gatherers such as the Tlingit.

– Both Homo erectus and Neanderthal remains have been found in the region.

– There is evidence of Neanderthal occupation 50,000–60,000 years ago, a brief Gravettian occupation around 32,000 years ago and use of all the main caves during the Magdalenian around 14,000 years ago.

– The authors of the study suggest that their findings are consistent with Neanderthal admixture of up to 4% in some populations.

– In Europe and Asia the large-brained Neanderthal lived until about 30,000 years ago.

– Two outdoor areas for the butchering of mammoths, used by the Cro-Magnon Neanderthal people, have been discovered.

– The oldest known Neanderthal hyoid bone with the modern human form was found in 1983, indicating that the Neanderthals had language, because the hyoid supports the voice box in the human throat.

– Computer analysis has shown that the Neanderthal hyoid was very similar to human hyoids.

– In August 1856 the specimen that was to become known as Neanderthal 1 was discovered in the Neander Valley, Germany.

– The size of the Neanderthal brain shows that Neanderthals were probably intelligent.

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