Example uses in sentence of “messenger”

How to use in-sentence of “messenger”:

– The remaining exons are put together to make a messenger RNA.

– Variants of “District Messenger Boy” include “The Game of the Messenger Boy.” Competitive, materialsitic board games culminated in 1935 with “Monopoly”.

– The product is called messenger RNA because it carries a genetic message from the DNA to the protein-making machinery of the cell.

– Other scientists have developed vaccines that use messenger RNA to teach the body to recognize the virus.

– Gurdon and colleagues also pioneered the use of “Xenopus” eggs to translate microinjected messenger RNA molecules.

– Alternative splicing produces alternative messenger RNAs, and these produce different proteins.

Example uses in sentence of messenger
Example uses in sentence of messenger

Example sentences of “messenger”:

– This is done by translation translation and RNA splicing which produces messenger RNAs.

– He is best remembered as a member of San Francisco psychedelic rock group Quicksilver Messenger Service.

– An express messenger would carry money in a money bag.

– So a “second messenger pathway” is produced.

– The saying is “”Lā ʾIlāha ʾIllā Allah, Muḥammadun Rasūl Allah””, meaning “There is no deity but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God”.

– The messenger said that Arnold’s army was much larger and closer than it truly was.

– This is done by messenger RNA.

– A kitsune is the messenger of Death.

– This is called messenger RNA and it gives the amino acid sequence for protein production.

- This is done by translation translation and RNA splicing which produces messenger RNAs.

- He is best remembered as a member of San Francisco psychedelic rock group Quicksilver Messenger Service.
- An express messenger would carry money in a money bag.

– Other molecules like amino acids, hormones, and even messenger RNAs are also transported in the phloem through sieve tube elements.

– They believe that he is the final messenger of all messengers that are sent before him.

– The caduceus  is the staff of the messenger god Hermes in Greek mythology.

– It is a messenger from Neptune, who is angry with Idomeneo.

– Another feature of nuclear DNA is that it is gene regulationregulated by proteins and transcription into messenger RNA.

– It researches drugs based on messenger RNA for use as individualized cancer immunotherapies, as vaccines against infectious diseases and as protein replacement therapies for rare diseases.

– At 05:00 on 15 May a German messenger reached The Hague, inviting Winkelman to Rijsoord for a meeting with von Küchler to make a written surrender.

More in-sentence examples of “messenger”:

– This produces different mature messenger RNAs from the same gene.

– Iris was known as the goddess of the rainbow and another messenger for the gods in Greek mythology.

– The second is the MESSENGER spacecraft, which finished mapping the planet in March 2013.

– He lived a very poor life drinking the blood of rats until a messenger from the Powers That Be took him to California to show him Buffy.

– She is also the UN Messenger of Peace.

– An important step was later realization that the messenger RNA was not the same as the ribosomal RNA.

– But before the messenger can reach Romeo, he learns of Juliet’s “death” from someone else and believes she is really dead.

– These small RNAs bind to normal messenger RNA molecules and increase or decrease their activity.

– Giotto told the messenger to give that to the Pope.

– It was made to give the features of AOL Instant Messenger for Linux.

– The electromagnetic field’s messenger particles, photons, carry an image timelessly across the universe while observers within this field have enough flow through time to decode this image and react by moving within 3D space, yet can never outrun this timeless image.

– His followers consider him a messenger of God.

– NateOn is a quick messenger provided by Nate.

– The messenger who landed in Shimonoseki was killed by foreign soldiers.

– At 09:00 a German messenger crossed the “Willemsbrug” to bring a message Schmidt to Colonel Pieter Scharroo, the Dutch commander of Rotterdam, demanding a surrender of the city.

– With the help of some other molecules, it makes messenger RNA from a strand of a DNA.

– After release version 6.5, Live Messenger that change to Windows Vista.

– They view Muhammad as a prophet and messenger of God.

– She volunteered her services as a scout and messenger in the American Revolution.

– It varies the exon make-up of the messenger RNA.

– It is an RNA vaccine made of nucleoside-modified Messenger RNAmRNA which is meant to create spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.

– This historic agreement enabled AIM, ICQ and MSN Messenger users to talk with Reuters Messaging counterparts and vice-versa against an access fee.

– Windows Live Messenger is an instant messenger that is the most-used in the world.

– In April 2020, Facebook officially released Messenger for Desktop, which is supported on Windows 10 and macOS and distributed on Microsoft Store and App Store respectively.

– A parliamentary messenger named Dimitri Tsafendas stabbed Verwoerd in the neck and chest four times before other Assembly members restrained him.

– Dopamine is a chemical messenger in the brain.

- This produces different mature messenger RNAs from the same gene.

- Iris was known as the goddess of the rainbow and another messenger for the gods in Greek mythology.
- The second is the MESSENGER spacecraft, which finished mapping the planet in March 2013.

– A messenger tells her that Duncan will be staying at their castle that night.

– He is the son of Zeus and Maia, Hermes is the messenger of the gods.

– Most people that have webcams use them with an instant messenger to see each other at the same time.

– Yatagarasu is also the messenger of the supreme Shinto sun goddess Amaterasu.

– Its current messenger client is Windows Live Messenger.

– Players race their tokens around a track as lowly messenger boys.

– It topped MSN Messenger in 2005.

– They called the new messenger the Al-Qa’im Qá’im, or theMahdi.

– An API works by communicating with and exchanging data with other systems, acting as a messenger between the user and the system to retrieve the necessary data the user is requesting from the system.

– Some scientists and doctors have used messenger RNA vaccinesmessenger RNA in vaccines to treat cancer and prevent people from becoming sick.

– He sent a messenger to Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, Pompey’s representative in the area.

– AOL Instant Messenger was a service which allowed users to communicate with any user currently online.

– The Pope sent a messenger asking Giotto to send him back a small picture.

– Use of frog eggs for the study of messenger RNA and its translation in living cells.

– It gained popularity after a screenshot of a Facebook Messenger group chat involving several users named Josh spread widely on the internet.

– This goes against Islamic teachings, which teach the belief that Muhammad is the last and final messenger sent to mankind.

– Windows Live Messenger was support for Whistler, there are version 2.5, release on 2002 and 2005.

– And in hadith the Messenger Muhammad when he said that faith is: “to believe in God, his angels, his books, his messengers, and the Last Day, and believe in the destiny of good and bad.” Muslims believe that God is the one God who created the universe with everything in it.

– A messenger comes with the news that the Tsar has chosen Marfa to be his wife.

– The member of the group, who were called Shaykhis, believes that god was sending a new messenger to earth very soon.

– Thus Ahmad Shah Durrani tried to thwart Maratha advance, he sent his special messenger over the river Jamuna to cross his roughly 15000 baluch soldiers who were engaged to block supply lines of Maratha.

– According to a letter to his family, the messenger‘s mission was to dismiss the Choshu samurais because they occupied the Ogura Clan’s territory, and the messenger headed for the Ogura clan territory succeeded this.

– When Kundry is not in Klingsor’s power she is actually a faithful messenger of the Grail.

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