Example uses in sentence of “inverse”

How to use in-sentence of “inverse”:

– Faddeev led the Leningrad School, in which he along with many of his students developed the quantum inverse scattering method for studying quantum integrable systems in one space and one time dimension.

– Using the census data of 1911 for Britain, he showed that there was an inverse relationship between fertility and social class.

– Not all functions have inverse functions: for example, function cannot be both 1 and -1, but every binary relation has its own inverse relation.

– This inverse nature of interpersonal popularity is often overlooked by people who are attempting to become popular: being loud may be successful in gaining attention, but is unlikely to provide mutual respect.

– The second follows from the definition of minus;1 as additive inverse of 1, that is, when added to 1, it gives 0.

– The two inverse rounded letters “E” creates the form representating the Earth.

– This shows that the inverse function of.

Example uses in sentence of inverse
Example uses in sentence of inverse

Example sentences of “inverse”:

– Boyle’s Law describes the inverse relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas.

– In Canada, an inverse representation of the Saltire, combined with the shield from the Royal coat of arms of ScotlandRoyal Arms of the Kingdom of Scotland, forms the modern flag of the Canadian Province of Nova Scotia, the first colonial venture of the Kingdom of Scotland into the Americas.

– Note: The notation for the inverse function of “f” is confusing.

– The inverse of reluctance is called “permeance”.

– Addition has one inverse operation: subtraction.

– There are norm mappings, and so an inverse system.

– To find the inverse function, swap the roles of.

– Also, multiplication has one inverse operation: the division.

– A study published in 1997 found an inverse association between death from coronary heart disease and frequency of orgasm even given the risk that myocardial ischaemia and myocardial infarction can be triggered by sexual activity.

– The multiplicative inverse property entails that when an operation is the product of a number and its reciprocal, and it equals 1, that operation is a valid algebraic operation.

- Boyle's Law describes the inverse relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas.

- In Canada, an inverse representation of the Saltire, combined with the shield from the Royal coat of arms of ScotlandRoyal Arms of the Kingdom of Scotland, forms the modern flag of the Canadian Province of Nova Scotia, the first colonial venture of the Kingdom of Scotland into the Americas.

– In Russia, during the period before and after the Soviet Union, the naval Maritime flagsensign of the Russian Navy has been an inverse representation of the Cross of Saint Andrew.

– The weather in the canton is often inverse to that north of the Alps.

– But exponentiation has two inverse operations: The root and the logarithm.

– Addition has one inverse operation: the subtraction.

– Bijections and inverse functions are related to each other, in that a bijection is invertible, can be turned into its inverse function by reversing the arrows.

– Due to the inverse relationship of atmospheric pressure to altitude, at the top of Mount Everest the average person takes in about 30% of the oxygen in the air that they would take in at sea level; a normal human person used to breathing air at sea level could only be there for a few minutes before they became unconscious.

– A matrix has an inverse matrix exactly when the determinant is not 0.

– Additive inverse of 1 is.

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