Example uses in sentence of “graphically”

How to use in-sentence of “graphically”:

+ Newton’s method can be explained graphically by looking at intersections of tangent lines with the x-axis.

+ Painted billboards these are now quite rare having been replaced by graphically produced billboards.

+ Managers Assistants such as oSokker and Android Application for Androids and Blackberry playbook generally help managers by organizing various team data and displaying it graphically and/or archiving it.

+ It is a graphically redesigned version of the game “Elevator Action EX”, also developed by Altron, with characters from the American animated television series “Dexter’s Laboratory” from Cartoon Network.

+ Rey has suggested an alternative way to join the stars, which graphically shows a goat.

+ The flag of Indonesia is graphically identical to the Flag of Monaco, with a slight difference only in the ratio of its dimensions.

+ The above-mentioned interview with Dejan Dragosavac Rutta states the following:”He designed and graphically edited a number of magazines and journals:  Arkzin, Nomad,,,, etc.

+ IR spectra is given graphically by transmittance vs.

Example uses in sentence of graphically
Example uses in sentence of graphically

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