Example uses in sentence of “entity”

How to use in-sentence of “entity”:

+ Pipes are connections from the host controller to a logical entity on the device named an endpoint.

+ Diacritic marks, using character entity references.

+ If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

+ The abstract concept of the space time entity is the ultimate God creator of the universe.

+ Finds of Roman-era coins along the coast confirm the existence of this huge trade even in coastal Tanzania, and Ptolomey’s Geography refers to a town of Rhapta as “metropolis” of a political entity called Azania near actual Zanzibar.

+ In the Judeo-Christian-Islamic story, it is believed that an entity referred to as God created the universe in six days.

+ Still, the C-Consciousness entity persisted in its experiments, behind the shields of the Monolith and the Wish Granter myth, the Monolith faction’s patrols, the Brain Scorcher, and the dangers of the Zone itself.

+ The President of Republika Srpska is the highest Executive executive authority in entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Example uses in sentence of entity
Example uses in sentence of entity

Example sentences of “entity”:

+ Thus, inclusion of basic intelligence on the EU has been deemed appropriate as a new, separate entity in The World Factbook.

+ In related stories, the creation is caused by a single entity emanating or producing something by his or herself, as in the Tibetan Buddhism concept of Adi-Buddha, the ancient Greeceancient Greek story of Gaia, the Aztec goddess ancient Egyptian god Atum story, or the Genesis creation myth.

+ If the company is majority-owned by a single entity and as such is a subsidiary or division, omit the owner field and use the parent field instead.

+ Since the database must be able to find an entity or a relationship, it must be able to identify it with a set of attributes that is unique.

+ But, I do think what any entity chooses as its own name should have more weight than what a foreign media chooses to name it.

+ Are there any actual prohibitions of particular “personal” content on User pages so that SE WP isn’t exploited as an electronic bulletin board “a la” social media sites? I’m not talking about advertising a commercial entity but persons.

+ Unfortunately, the government of Bangladesh did not respect their fundamental rights and did not write even a single word in the Constitution regarding the entity and safeguard of the Jumma people.

+ It was founded in January 2001 in Las Vegas, Nevada by Station Casinos executives Frank Fertitta III and Lorenzo Fertitta to be the parent entity of the Ultimate Fighting Championship after they purchased it from the Semaphore Entertainment Group.

+ Constituent country is a term sometimes used, usually by official institutions, in contexts in which a number of countries compose a long entity or grouping.

+ ITV Day was treated as a separate entity to ITV1 and featured its own presentation set focusing using the colours of red, orange and yellow and featured scenes of typical “daytime” activities.

+ Supporters of Cornish self-government who assert that Cornwall is, or ought to be, a separate legal entity from England do not necessarily mean to advocate full independence from the United Kingdom, but rather seek official recognition for Cornwall as one of the constituent countries or home nations of the UK.

+ In the years that followed, some of the research labs were abandoned, and the C-Consciousness entity took greater control over the few facilities that remained in full operation.

+ However, the Hutt River Province argues that it is an independent entity within the Australian legal system and the Commonwealth has no right to dispute the claimed de facto legality it was given in error by the Governor General’s office, To overturn this de facto recognition, the West Australian Governor General’s office would have to submit the secession to arbitration, something which the Hutt River Province claims is not done due to legal uncertainty related to the fact that Western Australia in its entirety was never officially proclaimed as British Territory.

+ They are symbols of the greater principle, representing and are never presumed to “be” the concept or entity itself.

+ It is owned by non-profit organizationnot-for-profit broadcasting entity Window to the World Communications, Inc., and it is a affiliate commercial classical music radio station WFMT.

+ The national entity was known as CanWest Global System until getting the Ontario station’s branding in 1997.

+ Thus, inclusion of basic intelligence on the EU has been deemed appropriate as a new, separate entity in The World Factbook.

+ In related stories, the creation is caused by a single entity emanating or producing something by his or herself, as in the Tibetan Buddhism concept of Adi-Buddha, the ancient Greeceancient Greek story of Gaia, the Aztec goddess ancient Egyptian god Atum story, or the Genesis creation myth.

More in-sentence examples of “entity”:

+ All attributes of a specific record are listed under an entity type.

+ A weak entity is part of an Entity-relationship model.
+ After World War II any political entity related to the historical presence of Venice in southern Dalmatia ceased to exist and the area was definitely incorporated into Yugoslavia.

+ All attributes of a specific record are listed under an entity type.

+ A weak entity is part of an Entity-relationship model.

+ After World War II any political entity related to the historical presence of Venice in southern Dalmatia ceased to exist and the area was definitely incorporated into Yugoslavia.

+ In this distinct entity of State of Hyderabad, where no official Referendum was held and where the ruler did not accede, the forced accession to India brought about by Military action, was presumed to have the tacit approval of the predominantly Hindu population.

+ This is a shorthand template which groups the deprecated templates all in one single entity to ease the creation of standalone tables.

+ The fitness function accepts a mutated instantiation of an entity and measures its quality.

+ This purpose of the template is to return the date that an event or entity started or was created.

+ The new Occitanie Region is the main part of a wider cultural entity known as Occitania.

+ The workaround is to either replace the entity with an indirect character reference as.

+ By this point, Strelok had become a serious threat to the security and secrecy of the C-Consciousness lab and the entity contained there, and it was decided that Strelok must be killed.

+ The “Catalan galley has its own entity with respect to the galleries of the other maritime nations referenced from the s.Joan Corominas.

+ If you would like to use a hyphen, type the HTML entity instead.<!– Although I’m not sure when you would want to use a hyphen.

+ This field is only applicable to compilation albums of any kind where the person or entity responsible for selecting the album’s track listing is known.

+ During the course of history, different places and regions were called “Westphalia”, the borders of the region can therefore not be defined exactly, as they depend on the entity and time talked about.

+ In international law a political entity needs to fulfill different criteria to become a state: One of these criteria is that other states must recognize it as a state.

+ In the declaratory theory of statehood, an entity becomes a state as soon as it meets the minimal criteria for statehood.

+ Can confirm I didn’t see any reputable media mention of this entity at all.

+ It is a special type of semi-governmental entity in Japan.

+ The Communauté d’agglomération d’Agen is an Administrative divisions of Franceadministrative entity in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine, in southern France.

+ Dutch Ceyoln was an entity that existed from 1640 to 1796.

+ It support the concept of” “China” as a nation entity “.

+ In a database, an entity type is the equivalent of a table; each individual record is represented as a row and an attribute as a column.

+ As a result, MGM Home Entertainment became a separate entity from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

+ Its HTML entity is amp;#9839;.

+ Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work.

+ Area values specified in the Data template for the specified entity are used, along with the population figure supplied by :Template:Poptoday.

+ It is an legal entity under Croatian law.

+ Municipal corporation happens when an urban neighborhood becomes a self-governing entity under state laws.

+ It is not a city or similar entity of political geography.

+ The character is a demonic and scary entity that murders or kidnaps the local children of Derry Derry, Maine about every twenty-seven years, using many powers that include the ability to shapeshift, manipulate, and go unnoticed by adults.

+ The second parameter is the country or entity name.

+ The term British raj means “Britis rule” not “British India”British india is the preffered term to refer to colonial India since India referes to a geo-political entity that is 5000 years old.

+ Certain countries prohibit a legal entity from holding human rights; other countries permit artificial persons to enjoy certain protections from the state that are traditionally described as human rights.

+ The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority is the entity that manage global IP addressIP address allocation, DNS root zone management, media types, and other Internet protocol assignments.

+ Thranduil learns that an evil entity has returned and is amassing great power in the south, and seals off his kingdom, but before he does this, Tauriel goes after the dwarves by herself.

+ It is made-up of a majority of the population in Serbia, Montenegro, and the Republika Srpska entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

+ The town of South Coffeyville, Oklahoma is located approximately 1 mile south of the city, existing as a separate political entity immediately south of the state line.

+ The include part of the data template of an entity does not contain a long list of its sub-entities or their properties, because that would make this method inefficient too.

+ The preceding example uses the html entity amp;ndash; but the unicode character also works.

+ It states that Satan views himself as a greater entity than God’s other creations because he was created from fire.

+ West Pakistan formed a single and united political entity but with marked linguistic and ethnic distinctions.

+ The Libertarian National Committee is a separate entity from the “Libertarian National Congressional Committee”, a Federal Elections Commission registered entity, Federal Elections Commission filings page.

+ Supreme god is regarded as a creator of the universe, an entity that exists and gives life to all things.

+ But the same can probably be said about Utah/Nevada/Iowa, yet we do not have an article on an entity formed by the two/three states.

+ This entity is committed not to alter the work.

+ To illustrate his point, he depicted the entity as a goat-headed androgyne with wings, female breasts, a rod between its legs, and a flaming torch between its horns.

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