Example uses in sentence of “digestive”

How to use in-sentence of “digestive”:

– One simple way to help a goldfish if it has indigestion is to feed it peas, as this will help their digestive tract work properly.

– The digestive system of “Planaria” consist of a mouth a pharynx and a gut cavity.

– The vagus nerve allows for parasympathetic control of the heart and digestive tract.

– There were no traces of meat in the man’s digestive system, and from the stage of digestion it was apparent that the man had lived for 12 to 24 hours after this last meal.

– The seed is also used in various alternative healing systems like Ayurveda, Unani and Chinese medicine for digestive ailments.

– The crown-of-thorns climbs over its prey, releases digestive enzymes to break down its food, and then absorbs the coral polyp, which has now turned into a liquid.

Example uses in sentence of digestive
Example uses in sentence of digestive

Example sentences of “digestive”:

- It takes a while, usually 15–20 minutes, for the medicine to get through parts of the digestive system and get taken up into the bloodstream.

- The doctor tells the three that he is world-famous for separating conjoined twins, but wants to join people together so they share a single digestive system.
- There it is drawn into the mouth and then on into the digestive tract.

– It takes a while, usually 15–20 minutes, for the medicine to get through parts of the digestive system and get taken up into the bloodstream.

– The doctor tells the three that he is world-famous for separating conjoined twins, but wants to join people together so they share a single digestive system.

– There it is drawn into the mouth and then on into the digestive tract.

– It includes the skeleton, soft body outline and contents of the digestive tract.

– After foods combine with stomach acid, they go down into the duodenum where they mix with bile from the gall bladder and digestive juices from the pancreas.

– After being eaten the seeds pass through the animal’s digestive system.

– Pavlov performed and directed experiments on digestion, eventually publishing “The work of the digestive glands” in 1897, after 12 years of research.

– In soil, on plant surfaces, or in the digestive tracts of insects, aldrin oxidizes to the epoxide, dieldrin.

– Some components of interstitial fluid are plasmatic, lymphatic, intraocular, synovial, pericardial, intrapleural, peritoneal, and digestive fluids.

– It is a result of fatty acid digestive systemdigestive enzymes not breaking up the fats.

– They have open circulatory systems and a complete digestive tract but the musculature in their gut is very poorly developed, and food is mostly transported through it by using the cilia that cover its inside surface.

– Although it is valued for its peppery flavor and eaten after suitable preparation in Russia and Finland, it is highly irritating to the digestive system when eaten raw.

– In a bird’s digestive system, the crop is an expanded, muscular pouch near the gullet or throat.

– People with autism often have problems with their digestive organs like the stomach or gut.

– Once inside, these bacteria attach themselves to or invade specific cells in our respiratory system, digestive tract or in any open wound.

More in-sentence examples of “digestive”:

– This causes swelling in the digestive tract.

– Gut flora consists of microorganisms that live in the digestive system of animals.

– Methanogens are also common in the digestive tracts of animals such as ruminants and humans.

– Her first assignment was as a project officer at the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.

– This helps to have a healthy digestive system.

– Koalas, however, have to sleep long hours because eucalyptus leaves do not produce much energy and also because the digestive process takes a long time.

– The digestive system also gets rid of waste material.

– Feeding on nectar also avoids the risks of struggles with prey, and the costs of producing venom and digestive enzymes.

– This is because they have certain bacteria in their digestive tract that can detoxify the poison in the leaves.

– Protected by the lorica, the animals have a head, mouth and digestive system.

– The gizzard is lower down the digestive tract, and more like a part of the stomach.

– Arachnids pour digestive juices produced in their stomachs over their prey after killing it with their pedipalps and chelicerae.

– Animals like worms, insects, mammals, birds, fish, and people all have digestive systems.

– Tabor was a principal investigator at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases where he led the pharmacological section.

– There is also a complete digestive tube.

– With DNA barcoding, scientists can look at what is in the animal’s digestive system.

– It is also used against troubles of the throat, congestion of the lungs and pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammation of eyelids and also digestive disorders.

– The life-style, dentition, and digestive system of grazers is different from browsers, to handle the problems of eating and digesting grass.

– The eclectus has an unusually long digestive tract, so it tolerates food with lots of fiber.

– This is vital as sponges do not have a circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, muscular system, or nervous system as do many other animals.

– It is often prescribed for people who suffer with gastrointestinal illness or damage, or before or after certain types of medical tests or surgeries that involves the mouth or the digestive tract.

– The male then slowly wastes away, first losing his digestive organs, then his brain, heart, and eyes, and ends as nothing more than a pair of gonads.

– If methamphetamine is eaten, it gets absorbed into the body from the digestive system.

– These include about 625 species that attract and trap prey, produce digestive enzymes, and use their nutrients.

– The digestive juices rapidly turn the prey into a broth of nutrients which the arachnid sucks into a pre-buccal cavity located immediately in front of the mouth.

– Nemerteans collect food with their proboscis, which is closely associated with the digestive system.

– It is acidic and can burn the digestive system.

– It affects the digestive system when eaten.

– Also, babies’ digestive systems are very sensitive to bacteria, so they should not eat any foods with honey, egg eggs or shellfish in them because these foods sometimes contain bacteria.

– It is also the meeting point of the digestive and the respiratory systems.

– The pancreas belongs to two systems of the body: the digestive system for its role in breaking down nutrients, and the endocrine system for producing hormones.

– Pylorus is a part of digestive system that separates stomach and duodenum.

– Lysosomes work like the digestive system to break down, or digest, proteins, acids, carbohydrates, dead organelles, and other unwanted materials.

– Some dieticians think that drinking smoothies is not as good as eating the original fruit, because the smoothie has less fibre, and does not provide exercise for the jaw and other digestive processes which eating the fruit would give.

– Their ruminant-like digestive systems help them occupy niches which other primates do not live in.

– Carnivorous plants secrete digestive enzymes from trichomes.

– Usually, the head and the digestive tract are removed before the shrimp is eaten.

– Their digestive system is more basic than the even-toed ungulates.

– Opioid receptors are widespread in the brain, and are also in the spinal cord and digestive tract.

– In that system, food goes through the first part of the digestive system twice, and the work of digesting the grass is done by bacteria.

– The digestive tract of Phoronids consists of a short oesophagus which leads into a spherical stomach and then into the intestines which end in the anus.

– The stomach is part of the digestive system.

– Saliva keeps the mouth and other parts of the digestive system wet and slippery.

– The digestive and respiratory systems of birds are also adapted for flight.

– There are several frenula in the body, including several in the mouth, some in the digestive tract, and some connected to the external genitalia.

– Some seeds must pass through the digestive system before they can germinate.

– However, eating a different food also means having a different digestive system, gut, claws, wings and above all, different Heredityinherited behaviour.

- This causes swelling in the digestive tract.

- Gut flora consists of microorganisms that live in the digestive system of animals.

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