Example uses in sentence of “density”

How to use in-sentence of “density”:

+ The way a bullet behaves when it hits a target is called ‘terminal ballistics.’ The make-up and density of the target material, the angle at which the bullet hits, and the speed and design of the bullet itself are all factors.

+ A cubic metre of pure water at the temperature of maximum density and standard kg, or one tonne.

+ The population density was 38 people per square mile.

+ The population density of Kanglatongbi is 600 persons per square kilometers with a total geographical area of 1201.6 hectares making it the third biggest village by area in the Lamshang sub-district, which is situated 8km away and headquarter at Lamphel, Imphal.

+ Because the pressure gradient normal to the flow within a boundary layer is zero, the increase of temperature through the boundary layer causes the density to fall.

+ The density measured by NEAR Shoemaker, 1,300kg/m³, is less than half that of a normal carbonaceous chondrite; this may indicate that the asteroid is very loosely packed rubble pile.

+ The population density was 1,155.6 people per square mile.

+ Spacetime goes toward infinite curvature and matter is crushed to infinite density under the pull of infinite gravity.

Example uses in sentence of density
Example uses in sentence of density

Example sentences of “density”:

+ There are 700,862 persons living in the province, for a population density of inhabitants/km².

+ There were 34,378 persons living in the “commune” in 2017, for a population density of inhabitants/km².

+ A baroclinic atmosphere is one for which the density depends on both the temperature and the pressure; contrast this with barotropic atmosphere, for which the density depends only on the pressure.

+ The population density was 88 people per square mile.

+ The population density was 842.2 people per square mile.

+ The total area is 44.00km² which gives a population density of 127 inhabitants per km².

+ One recognizes the Gumbel “probability density function”.

+ As of December 31, 2007, the ward has an estimated population of 259,968 and a density of 17,685 persons per km².

+ Inzai has an area of 123.8 square kilometers and a population density of 850 people per square kilometer.

+ There are 700,862 persons living in the province, for a population density of inhabitants/km².

+ There were 34,378 persons living in the "commune" in 2017, for a population density of inhabitants/km².

+ However this often-repeated statement is misleading because while the density of CO2 and related compounds in seawater is about 200x the density of CO2 in air on a per cubic meter basis, carbon dioxide compounds are only about 1/4 the density on a per kg basis.

+ The district has a population density of 1,346 inhabitants per square kilometre.

+ The population density was 124.9/km.

+ The density of population in this district is 26,553 people per square kilometre.

+ The population density was 76.7 people per square mile.

+ An example is the “Ideal Gas” equation of state that relates pressure, temperature and density and works well for gases under normal pressures.

More in-sentence examples of “density”:

+ It has an overall density of 6,300 people per square kilometre.

+ Rayleigh had noticed a difference between the density of nitrogen made by chemical synthesis and nitrogen isolated from the air by removal of the other known components.

+ There are 348,362 persons living in the province, for a population density of inhabitants/km².

+ As of 2008, the new city had an estimated population of 57,874 and a density of 83.1 persons per km².

+ It has an average density of 5 to 10mg/m.

+ The Guanacaste province had a population, in 2011, of 326,953 for a population density of inhabitants/km, the province with the lower density.

+ The district has a population density of 387 inhabitants per square kilometre.

+ Supercharger -As at higher altitude the atmospheric pressure decreases due to which density of air decreases.

+ There are 391,414 persons living in the province, for a population density of inhabitants/km².

+ The six factory turbocharged cars, including the Brabham-BMWs on this occasion, had their inherent power advantage exaggerated by the low air density at the high altitude Kyalami circuit and took the first six places on the grid.

+ The density of air at sea level is about 1.2 kilograms per cubic meter.

+ The proportion of space filled by the spheres is called the density of the arrangement.

+ The population density of Mahe district is 4659 inhabitants/1 square km and 12070 inhabitants/1 square miles.

+ If absorbed, the pressure is the energy flux density divided by the speed of light.

+ It can be used to measure the density of an object, and hence whether or not it is made of gold.

+ Unlike other liquids, water expands as it freezes to become ice; so ice floats on water because ice has less density than water.

+ The Cartago province had a population, in 2011, of 490,903 for a population density of inhabitants/km.

+ H II regions have numbers of short-lived young and massive blue stars formed from clouds of high density molecular hydrogen.

+ The population density was 490.1 people per square mile.

+ That is why, although a ship may be made of steel which is more dense than water, it floats because it encloses a volume of air and the resulting shape has an average density less than that of the water.

+ Don’t use a comma for decimal separator, but use a point : commas give bad results in the population density calculation.

+ In probability and statistics, a probability density function is a function function that characterizes any continuous probability distribution.

+ There are 174,849 persons living in the province, for a population density of inhabitants/km².

+ This subtemplate of displays a metric/imperial pair of population density values for a line in the main infobox.

+ Except for the rolling stock of the Airport Express, all trains are designed with features to cope with high density passenger traffic on stopping services.

+ Due to the force of gravity, density and pressure do not even out vertically.

+ Callisto has about equal amounts of rock rock and ices, with an average density of about 1.83g/cm³.

+ The district has a population density of 3,967 inhabitants per square kilometre.

+ There were 3,531 housing units at an average density of 231.1/km².

+ The idea is that the star, even at luminosities below the Eddington limit, would have insufficient heat convection in the inner layers, resulting in a density inversion potentially leading to a massive explosion.

+ It has a population of 779,788, and an area of 59km², with a population density of 13,019 persons perkm².

+ This needs to be the case, because the density function needs to be 1.

+ If the ratio is less than one, then the actual density is less than the critical density, and the Universe is open and expands forever in every direction.

+ The Laplacian represents the flux density of the gradient flow of a function.

+ The peninsula has a high density of volcanoes and associated volcanic phenomena, with 29 active volcanoes being included in the six UNESCO World Heritage List sites in the volcanoes of Kamchatka group, most of them on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

+ The population density is 11,636.5/km².

+ However, since the energy density of the spacetime outside the plates is zero, that means that the energy density of the spacetime between the plates is less than zero, or negative.

+ The probability mass function is to a discrete probability distribution what the probability density function is to a continuous probability distribution.

+ As of 2008, the city has an estimated population of 197,437 and the density of 1,010 people per km².

+ It is also not a sphere; scientists believe Proteus is about as big as a body of its density can be without being pulled into a spherical shape by its own gravity.

+ Land farther from these roads is zoned for lower density developments, to reduce traffic away from the main roads.

+ The animals have weak musculature but maintain agility and buoyancy with little effort thanks to sophisticated statocysts and ammonium-rich gelatinous tissues closely matching the density of the surrounding seawater.

+ These packings have a density of slightly over 74 percent, this means that they fill about 74 percent of space available.

+ There were 9,185 persons living in the “commune” in 2017, for a population density of inhabitants/km².

+ The thermometer was invented by Galileo Galilei, who had noticed that the density of a liquid changes with temperature.

+ The suggested mechanism was “progressive” length contraction and time dilation—a consequence of the local energy density within 3D space—establishing a progressive tension within a rigid object, relieving its tension by moving toward the location of greatest energy density.

+ It has an overall density of 6,300 people per square kilometre.

+ Rayleigh had noticed a difference between the density of nitrogen made by chemical synthesis and nitrogen isolated from the air by removal of the other known components.
+ There are 348,362 persons living in the province, for a population density of inhabitants/km².

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