Example uses in sentence of “confederacy”

How to use in-sentence of “confederacy”:

+ Both the Union and the Confederacy wanted California’s gold.

+ Another factor was that the Confederacy could not get help from outside.

+ Grant knew that although his losses were greater, any losses for the Confederacy would reduce their capacity to fight.

+ Some other time, she filled in as an investigator in Kentucky as Charles Mayberry, revealing a Confederacy operator.

+ This was not unusual for the time, as much of the Indian subcontinent was then in turmoil, with the Hindu Maratha Confederacy struggling with the remnants of the Muslim Mughal Empire.

Example uses in sentence of confederacy
Example uses in sentence of confederacy

Example sentences of “confederacy”:

+ The Ashanti later developed the powerful Ashanti Confederacy or ‘Asanteman’.

+ That was one of the turning points in the war by dividing the Confederacy into two parts.

+ The Confederacy claimed Kentucky and Missouri belonged to them, but they never joined the Confederacy.

+ Tarasp was an Austrian EmpireAustrian Free State of the Three Leagues, an associate of the Old Swiss Confederacy until 1809, when Austria ceded the territory to Revolutionary France, who subsequently passed it to Graubünden.

+ Even during the war some people in North Carolina did not support the Confederacy, mostly because the Confederacy believed in slavery.

+ The Proclamation made freeing the slaves a Union goal for the war, and put an end to movements in European nations that would have recognized the Confederacy as an independent nation.

+ The marriage created peace between the colonists and Powhatan’s confederacy of tribes for years.

+ As Confederate forces surrendered, the Confederacy fell apart and the Civil War came to a close in 1865.

+ After the Confederacy established itself in 1861, the elected president, Jefferson Davis appointed Stephen Mallory as his Secretary of the Confederate Navy.

+ Because the Chickasaw were on the side of the Confederacy during the Civil War, the United States government made a new peace treaty with them in 1866.

+ During the American Civil WarCivil War, postal services in the Confederacy were provided by the Confederate States of America Post Office Department, headed by Postmaster General John Henninger Reagan.

+ This marked the end of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the beginning of the Galactic Empire.

+ The Ashanti later developed the powerful Ashanti Confederacy or 'Asanteman'.

+ That was one of the turning points in the war by dividing the Confederacy into two parts.
+ The Confederacy claimed Kentucky and Missouri belonged to them, but they never joined the Confederacy.

More in-sentence examples of “confederacy”:

+ Later, four more states joined the Confederacy for a total of eleven.

+ Confederate officials suggested that the American Indian tribes would receive an independent Indian state if the Confederacy won.

+ It required a two-thirds vote of Congress to allow leaders of the Confederacy to regain their citizenship or hold office.

+ The blockade was part of General Winfield Scott’s Anaconda Plan to put economic pressure on the Confederacy until it returned to the Union.

+ Without them the Confederacy could not have lasted as long as they did.

+ From 1890 to 1910, all the states of the former Confederacy passed new constitutions and other laws that found new methods to get around the Fifteenth Amendment, such as poll tax poll taxes, residency rules, and literacy tests administered by white staff, sometimes with exemptions for whites via grandfather clauses.

+ The government of the Confederacy was much like the United States government.

+ Stephens was the Vice-President of the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865.

+ Dooku is also the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.

+ Stiles, “Jesse James: The Last Rebel of the Civil War”, New York: Vintage Books, 2003, pp.10-11 Many Howard County residents supported the Confederacy during the Civil War.

+ The movie has been criticized for depicting slavery and the Confederacy in a positive way.

+ Some modern scholars now think the League and the Confederacy are different.Richter, “Ordeals of the Longhouse”, in Richter and Merrill, eds., “Beyond the Covenant Chain”, 11–12.

+ The tribes in the Blackfoot Confederacy and the Lakota-Cheyenne-Arapaho alliance became their greatest enemies.

+ This was very common in rural areas during the Civil War where there were disagreements between those who liked the Union and Confederacy in the war.

+ After the conflict on Naboo Nute Gunray along with others from the Trade Federation, Banking Clan, Techno Union and others form the Confederacy of Independent Systems the C.I.S.

+ That stopped the Confederacy from selling its cotton and other good goods and also made it harder for the South to buy military supplies.

+ It was a confederacy of provinces,from 1581 to 1795.

+ The Confederacy had big money problems because they could not sell cotton and other goods to other countries.

+ On December 27, 1797, the last Tagsatzung of the Old Swiss Confederacy was held in Aarau.

+ By 1864, the Confederacy knew they could not defeat the stronger Union army.

+ One camouflage required Edmonds to utilize silver nitrate to color her skin dark, wear a dark hairpiece, and stroll into the Confederacy masked as an individual of color by the name of Cuff.

+ On Confederate Memorial Day each year, the Daughters of the Confederacy puts flowers at the statue of a Confederate soldier.

+ At the same time, the Confederate Congress was just trying to keep the Confederacy alive and working.”The Library of Congress Civil War Desk Reference”, eds.

+ No country in the world ever recognized the Confederacy as a separate nation.

+ Marines who joined the Confederacy after the war started.

+ They had hoped that Britain and France would support the Confederacy because they wanted to buy their cotton.

+ Later, four more states joined the Confederacy for a total of eleven.

+ Confederate officials suggested that the American Indian tribes would receive an independent Indian state if the Confederacy won.
+ It required a two-thirds vote of Congress to allow leaders of the Confederacy to regain their citizenship or hold office.

+ The Confederacy of Independent Systems was first shown in Attack of the Clones.

+ One advantage the Confederacy had was that they only needed to defend their land, whereas the Union could only win if they took full control the Confederate states.

+ In the Civil War, the Confederacy wanted to break away from the United States, but the Union would not let them, so they fought for whether the Confederacy should be allowed to break away or not.

+ The Confederacy broke up after the defeat of the British and allied Iroquois nations in the American Revolutionary War.

+ Count Dooku gave his offer and the Confederacy of Independent Systems was formed.

+ The first capital of the Confederacy was Montgomery, Alabama, but for most of the war the capital was Richmond, Virginia.

+ Blair asked President Lincoln that once Savannah, Georgia fell, he should travel to the capital of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia to talk to President Jefferson Davis, whom he knew.

+ As King was growing up, everything in Georgia was segregated, 70 years after the Confederacy was defeated and blacks were later separated away from white people.

+ Outside the “pays d’en haut”, most warriors of the influential Iroquois Confederacy did not participate in Pontiac’s War because of their alliance with the British, known as the “Covenant Chain”.

+ The Confederacy also issued a Letter of marque to any private ship captain who wanted to make a profit raiding United States merchant vessels.

+ Somewhere between 750,000 and 1.2 million soldiers served the Confederacy in one form or another.

+ The Confederacy collected less taxes than the Union, so they printed money to pay for the war.

+ Its loss proved to be a major blow to the Confederacy and led to the end of the Civil war.

+ Senecas of the Ohio Country which called for the tribes to form a confederacy and drive away the British.

+ Critics and historians have disagreed with its views of Confederacy and the American South before the Civil War.

+ The fall of the old Old Swiss Confederacy in 1798 as a result of the French invasion brought an end to the gatherings in Frauenfeld.

+ North Carolina fought as part of the Confederacy during the Civil War, but it was the last state to leave the Union.

+ Both the United States and the Confederacy had their capital cities in the Eastern Theater.

+ During one of her trips to the Confederacy to tend to the sick and wounded, she was captured.

+ However, as the war went on, both the Union Union and the Confederacy captured more enemy soldiers.

+ She sailed to Europe to represent the Confederacy in a diplomatic mission to France and England.

+ By most estimates, the Union had over 2 million soldiers while the Confederacy had 1 million.

+ She was Native American and apart of the Blackfoot Confederacy of Montana.

+ Most decisive of all, Union General William Tecumseh Sherman captured Atlanta on September 1, 1864, convincing even the pessimists that the Confederacy was collapsing.

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