Example uses in sentence of “burden of proof”

How to use in-sentence of “burden of proof”:

– Alabama” by lowering the burden of proof that a defendant must meet to make a “prima facie” case of purposeful discrimination.

– What I am saying is that the burden of proof sets such a high standard it is impossible for me to say”.”Boris Berezovsky inquest: Coroner records open verdict”.

– In a civil trial the burden of proof is on the plaintiff.

– The burden of proof is usually lower in a civil court than in a criminal court.

– In a criminal case the burden of proof is on the prosecution.

– Rules of logic place the burden of proof on “the person making the claim”.

– She co-hosted Burden of Proof along with Roger Cossack on Cable News Network prior to switching to Fox.

Example uses in sentence of burden of proof
Example uses in sentence of burden of proof

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