Example uses in sentence of “broken”

How to use in-sentence of “broken”:

– The idea of making the Broken Sword game came about in 1994, like many other ideas, over a dinner with plenty of wine, with Charles Cecil, Noirin Carmody, and Sean Brennan, who was then head of publishing at Virgin Interactive.

– When doing so, the list should be broken at season breaks.

– Keck died on June 25, 2018 in San Antonio, Texas from complications of a broken hip at the age of 96.

– Outside India, the film was the highest-grossing Indian film ever, until its record was broken by Johar’s next directorial “Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna”.

– Quarks “are” elementary because quarks cannot be broken down any further.

Example uses in sentence of broken
Example uses in sentence of broken

Example sentences of “broken”:

– The materials include lava, steam, gaseous sulfur compounds, ash and broken rock pieces.

– She was badly hurt and all her fingernails were broken off.

– The arrows being wrapped together refers to the moral story that claims that, like people, arrows can be easily broken one by one, but less so when they are together.

– But, the game world is not one big world, but is a lot of smaller maps broken up by loading screens.

– When a steel object is old, or it is broken beyond repair, it is called “scrap”.

– Musa and Riven have broken up a few times.

– It will be broken down by protease and the chemicals will be used again.

– Wojak is a Pole on the same board and contributes in broken English.

– The first report of the split came around 7 March 1976 12:30UT, when reports were received that the comet had broken into two pieces.

– Her sister Arielle, who had broken her wrist doing gymnastics, convinced their mother to let Gabby start taking gymnastics classes.

- The materials include lava, steam, gaseous sulfur compounds, ash and broken rock pieces.

- She was badly hurt and all her fingernails were broken off.
- The arrows being wrapped together refers to the moral story that claims that, like people, arrows can be easily broken one by one, but less so when they are together.

– All the songs on the album help tell a story about a man with a broken TV who lost £1000, with other things happening while trying to get the TV repaired.

– Most dead organic matter is eventually broken down and used by bacteria and fungi.

– The media was initially told Kubica had broken his leg, but it later proved that he had escaped with only a sprained ankle and concussion.

– Occasionally, when dealing with a very long series, you may wish to break the list up into separate sublists, generally broken by season or years.

– The regular area contains extensions that have been proven stable enough for everyday use and is broken down into different areas such as “apps”, “net”, “system”, and “uci” “Universal Compressed ISO” – Extensions in.uci format are mounted as a separate.

– That means that Trump might have broken the law by trying to make Raffensperger change the results of the elections in Georgia.

– The first rule for vietnamization is that Vietnamese word or syllables are not normally broken by a consonant:.

– Along with the cranes in his net the farmer discovered a stork with a broken leg.

More in-sentence examples of “broken”:

- Elimination occurs when two groups are broken off of an organic molecule by a strong acid and the resulting charges form a double bond.

- Fiber, especially cellulose, is broken down by microbes.
- When the tamahagane is finished, the clay tub is broken and the steel is removed.

– Elimination occurs when two groups are broken off of an organic molecule by a strong acid and the resulting charges form a double bond.

– Fiber, especially cellulose, is broken down by microbes.

– When the tamahagane is finished, the clay tub is broken and the steel is removed.

– This also applies to broken redirects.

– The Allies had broken through the Etna Line.

– The bond is broken when the explosive is made.

– For example, someone might bring a broken bicycle to a bicycle repair shop.

– They also help with destroying and recycling broken proteins that build up in cells.

– Shapley died on March 12, 2016 in Tucson, Arizona from complications of a broken hip.

– The record was broken on 14 November 1999 by the programme “Smoke Rings”.

– In a Twitter post for her clothing line, Never the Bride, on November 29, 2010, Courtney Love announced that Hole had broken up.

– Once the chicks are hatched, the mother leads them away from the broken eggs, as the smell of the eggs attracts predators.

– It is mistitled and consists mostly of complex broken English.

– He was known for writing the “Jack Irish” series and for the award winning novel “The Broken Shore”.

– Abu Sufyan, who was feeling unhappy over the broken truce, went to Muhammad’s camp outside Mecca to ask for forgiveness.

– It was located in the towns of Broken Hill, New South WalesBroken Hill, Griffith, Hay and Narrandera.

– The surface is broken by numerous small boulders and stones that lie on the river bed, as well as many small rocky islets.

– In the 1960s, he proposed broken symmetry in electroweak theory.

– Some have a broken coat that is also called “wire-haired”.

– Jess and Leslie find an abandoned tree house and a broken down truck on the other side of the creek.

– It is broken down into fourteen events for men and four events for women.

– However, the calm is broken by the attack of a saber-toothed cat.

– Petrushka has broken free from his cell, and rushes into the room to rescue The Ballerina from seduction.

– In 2013 Sugababes said that they had broken up.

– The court found out Asda had not broken any laws on how the Penguin brand could be used.

– The categories are further broken down based on specific genres and between Feature filmFeature Film’s and Television shows.

– Punk said that during his last months with the company, he was working through an untreated and possibly fatal MRSA infection, broken ribs, injured knees, multiple concussions which included one at the Royal Rumble when Kofi Kingston kicked him, as well as having lost his appetite and ability to sleep well.

– Each subject is broken up into 10 smaller, more specific categories.

– Grey birds are often rock-living birds like pigeons or birds that sit on dead tree trunks looking like a broken branch.

– In the Suez Crisis of 1956, the Cold War alliances were broken for the first time with the Soviet Union and United States favoring one side, and Britain and France the other.

– Efficient chewing means faster digestion, as the material is broken into smaller pieces.

– Is there a list of pages with broken image links? Thanks.

– The town is on the Broken River Broken River, which often floods.

– The caterpillar’s tissues are broken down and rebuilt into the butterfly’s tissues.

– The sarcophagus’ lid was broken and all this king’s valuable precious jewellery and grave goods were stolen.

– On 22 May 2002, one of Monarch’s Boeing 757s suffered broken landing gear at Gibraltar Airport because the pilot pushed the front wheels down too hard on landing.

– Moreover, he also found a class of weak keys that can be detected and broken by the same attack with only 2 known plaintexts.

– The title was When Broken Is Easily Fixed.

– Note: The template will appear broken when the parameters are left blank.

– Neutrality was broken when Confederate General Leonidas Polk occupied Columbus, Kentucky, in the summer of 1861.

– The currently used edit counter in popups has been broken for some time now and does not look like it shall be fixed.

– Sorry for my broken English again.

– There were shallow seas near several continents, because a supercontinent called Pannotia had broken into smaller pieces.

– This is the type of injury in which the broken bone has passed through the skin, forming some wounds.

– A fixed quota was allocated to each island and then was broken up into each community.

– New features in NHL 11 include: Broken sticks, new goal celebrations, play without a stick, all the hits are different, new physics-based engine, a new face-off system, new passing system, Hockey Ultimate Team, where a player can build a dream team from packs of cards bought in-game, new Hustle button which is like the speed burst in previous games and Restricted and Unrestricted Free Agents in the Be a Pro and Be a GM Modes, disallowed goals, playoff beards and players can now jump over over other player that are lying down.

– It may be a while for it to find broken interwiki links.

– Calculations showed that its unusual broken up form was due to a previous closer approach to Jupiter in July 1992.

– They are surmounted by a broken pediment.

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