Example uses in sentence of “apartheid”

How to use in-sentence of “apartheid”:

– The protest against these ‘Pass Laws’ was one of the key issues in the struggle against apartheid and has a long history.

– The goal of apartheid was to separate the people of South Africa into small independent nations.

– Allen, John Apartheid South Africa: An Insider’s Overview of the Origin and Effects of Separate Development iUniverse Lincoln, Nebraska 2005 page 347 He was leader of the National Party, an Afrikaner nationalist political party.

– Ron Dellums is an outspoken opponent of the South African apartheid system.

– Today, the term apartheid is sometimes used for similar segregational systems in other countries.

– He was banned from the Sunshine TourSouth African Tour for many years as a result of apartheid rules.

– As a student, during the early 1970s, Biko fought against apartheid in many ways.

– She then develops a better understanding of what life under South African apartheid must be like for people of color.

Example uses in sentence of apartheid
Example uses in sentence of apartheid

Example sentences of “apartheid”:

– The article Joseph C Kalimbwe just as is Mcebo Dlamini and Chumani Maxwelle which are similar in every way as i created them, is of southern African student and political activists who represent black African community underprivileged masses who are excluded from opportunities through some inherent Apartheid rules set to tilt education to a few minority in Fees Must Fall.

– The story is about a simple gardener called Michael K, trying to run away from South Africa in the Apartheid Era.

– After that, she worked as an activist against apartheid in South Africa.

– The flag is viewed as a symbol of apartheid and white supremacy, since 2019 it is illegal to display this flag in public in South Africa and is classified as a hate speech.

– Zahalka compares Israeli’s policy towards the Palestinian territories with the former apartheid system of South Africa.

– He was a known critic of apartheid and the 1986 United States bombing of Libya.

– It was also used at different times in the 20th century, for example by the Nazi party and during Apartheid in South Africa.

– Pretoria was at one time seen as “the capital of Apartheid South Africa”.

– Some past examples of oligarchy are the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Apartheid South Africa.

– Sobhuza was supported by Apartheid South Africa and led Swaziland through independence until his death in 1982.

– He is best known for his political plays opposing the system of apartheid and for the 2005 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language FilmAcademy Award-winning movie of his novel “Tsotsi”, directed by Gavin Hood.

- The article Joseph C Kalimbwe just as is Mcebo Dlamini and Chumani Maxwelle which are similar in every way as i created them, is of southern African student and political activists who represent black African community underprivileged masses who are excluded from opportunities through some inherent Apartheid rules set to tilt education to a few minority in Fees Must Fall.

- The story is about a simple gardener called Michael K, trying to run away from South Africa in the Apartheid Era.

– After the negotiations to end apartheid in 1990, the nation re-joined the Olympic movement.

– The National Party passed apartheid laws to make racial segregation the law in South Africa.

– They were given the prize for peacefully ending apartheid and setting up a new government in South Africa.

– In South Africa, Chinese people who lived there during apartheid are classed as black.

– The term apartheid was famously used by Thabo Mbeki, the then-President of South Africa, in a 2002 speech, drawing comparisons the modern-day status of the world’s people, economy, and access to natural resources to the apartheid era.

– The Non-Aligned Movement has played a major role in various ideological conflicts throughout its existence, including extreme opposition to apartheid regimes and support of liberation movements in various locations including Zimbabwe and South Africa.

– During the apartheid regime, and afterwards, he fought for Afrikaner separatism.

– The South African cricket team participated in the event for the first time, following the fall of the apartheid regime and the end of the international sports boycott.

More in-sentence examples of “apartheid”:

– He spent most of his life working as a labourer in the construction sector and on a farm during the apartheid period.

– Nelson Mandela spent the majority of his life fighting against apartheid laws, and without his activism; many of the changes would never have happened.

– South African Apartheid laws were a system was used to deny many rights of non-white people.

– As a member of the South African Communist Party he was active in the struggle against apartheid and was imprisoned along with other key members of the anti-apartheid movement such as Nelson Mandela at Robben Island.

– The title and plot of “District 9” were based on real-life events that took happened in District Six, Cape Town during the apartheid era.

– It was banned in South Africa during the Apartheid era because of the title, even though it was about a horse.

– Koloane was called “an influential artist and writer of the apartheid years” in South Africa by “The New York Times”.

– Protests against apartheid started right after apartheid did.

– Although they were discriminated upon by the government, many Coloureds and Asians got to enjoy certain rights during the apartheid era.

– Other laws discriminated against non-whites, but were not as bad as the apartheid laws that would come within the next 50 years.

– Under these apartheid laws, between 1960 and 1983, 3.5 million non-white South Africans were forced to leave their homes and move into segregated neighborhoods.

– In the 1980s a long Strike actionstrike against the college’s investment in apartheid South Africa was organised.

– Many Black people did not like Afrikaans because it was the language of the apartheid government and the language of their oppressors.

– Dlamini served as prime minister when tensions of apartheid was growing.

– His movies were about many issues, such as the Algerian War, French West AfricaFrench colonialism in Africa, racism, women’s rights, and apartheid in South Africa.

– Fassie’s music became a symbol of hope for the South African black community during its Apartheid painful days.

– Hanf, Theodore Heribert Weiland Gerda Vierdag South Africa: The Prospects of Peaceful Change Rex Collings page 95 In 1948 its leader Daniel Francois Malan became Prime Minister of South Africa, and the party began instituting apartheid in South Africa.

– In the 1980s, apartheid in South Africa was becoming more violent and a global issue.

– At the time, some people called the situation “apartheid” and even suggested that the Australian government’s policies inspired the apartheid program in South Africa.

– The first elections after apartheid were held in 1994.

– The United Nations adopted the convention on 21 December 1965 in response to the apartheid policy of South Africa at that time.

– South Africa practiced apartheid for decades.

– The last President who held office during the apartheid era was Frederik Willem de Klerk; who was responsible for holding negotiations with political prisoner Nelson Mandela to bring an end to apartheid.

– In 1976, the United Nations General Assembly ruled that apartheid is a crime against humanity.

– The Apartheid policy was that Blacks were no real citizens of South Africa and had to live in remote so-called ‘homelands’ where there were no job opportunities.

– Communism in History and Theory: Asia, Africa, and the Americas Praeger Publishers Wesport Connecticut 2002 pages 137-138 However, apartheid was only one among a variety of issues that helped bring the National Party to power.

- He spent most of his life working as a labourer in the construction sector and on a farm during the apartheid period.

- Nelson Mandela spent the majority of his life fighting against apartheid laws, and without his activism; many of the changes would never have happened.
- South African Apartheid laws were a system was used to deny many rights of non-white people.

– His family left South Africa when he was young because of apartheid in South Africa.

– He finally preached his first crusade there in 1973, during which he taught that apartheid was not right.

– The last chapters of the book describe his political ascension, and his belief that the struggle continues against apartheid in South Africa.

– After apartheid was ended in 1991, there were two more races held in 1992 and 1993.

– The term religious apartheid has also been used.

– Rommel Roberts grew up in Mafeking, where he was confronted with the effects of apartheid as a child.

– Gordimer’s writing helped abolishing apartheid in South Africa.

– In February 1973, the South African apartheid government banned Biko.

– He campaigned against apartheid in South Africa, most notably during the Rivonia Trial.

– During the Apartheid era of South Africa, Venda speakers lived in the bantustan of Venda.

– The apartheid system in South Africa was abolished in 1994, when a new constitution was ratified which abolished the previous system of segregation.

– During apartheid people in South Africa were classified into four main races: Black, White, Asian and Coloured.

– Because of his activities against apartheid Roberts was in prison several times.

– Ramphele was previously an activist against Apartheid in South Africa.

– Under the apartheid government, Mandela was thought as a terrorist and jailed on the infamous Robben Island for his role as a leader of the then-outlawed ANC.

– While at Yale, he participated in campus protests for a clerical labor union and divestment from apartheid South Africa.

– This way it was been able to get access to, for example, Nelson Mandela, when he was still a prisoner of the apartheid government of South Africa.

– The result of these negotiations was a temporary constitution that meant the transition from apartheid to democracy was a constitutional continuation and that the rule of law and state sovereignty remained intact during the change, which was vital for stability within the country.

– Kearney, Paddy Guardian of the Light: Denis Hurley: Renewing the Church, Opposing Apartheid The Continuum International Publishing Group, Inc.

– During his time in office, he oversaw the entry into the UN of dozens of new Asian and African states and was a firm opponent of apartheid in South Africa.

– He served as the country’s foreign minister in the last years of the apartheid era.

– In the elections of 1948 the National Party took power and in the next few years made new apartheid laws.

– After his studies he went back to Cape Town, and in the following years committed himself against apartheid working in various human rights groups and organising non-violent actions.

– The ANC was the main opposition to the government during apartheid and played a major role in resolving the conflict through the peacemaking and peace-building processes.

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