Example sentences of “syrup”

How to use in-sentence of “syrup”:

– Maple syrup or other sweetened sauces are sometimes served with crêpes.

– At one time 6,000 people visited Quintland each day to see the sisters, they also had dolls made out of them, and appeared in commercials for products like corn syrup and Religious Society of FriendsQuaker oats like oatmeal.

– Coffee shops add chocolate syrup and other flavored syrups to coffee drinks.

– She may have also abused syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting, but that has not been proven.

– Flavored syrup and cream is added to coffee or juice and stirred with ice.

Example sentences of syrup
Example sentences of syrup

Example sentences of “syrup”:

- Most agave syrup comes from Mexico and South Africa.

- Agave syrup is sweeter than honey and tends to be less viscous.
- High fructose corn syrup was first introduced during the late 1950s.

– Most agave syrup comes from Mexico and South Africa.

– Agave syrup is sweeter than honey and tends to be less viscous.

– High fructose corn syrup was first introduced during the late 1950s.

– Pure maple syrup and sugar, and related products like maple-flavored popcorn and maple water, are for sale.

– It does this by mixing a flavored syrup or a concentrate, with carbon dioxide and purified water.

– Maple syrup is a thick kind of syrup made from the sap of maple trees.

– Chocolate syrup is used in many different types of drinks.

– Date honey or Date syrup is a sweet syrup made from dates.

– It has ice cream in either a soft drink or in a mixture of flavored syrup and carbonated water.

– The candy consists of a maraschino cherry and cherry syrup surrounded by a mixture of chocolate, shredded coconut and roasted peanut pieces.

– Chocolate syrup is also used in many desserts.

More in-sentence examples of “syrup”:

– Palm sap is a refreshing drink, and fermented palm syrup is distilled to produce various alcohols such as Arrack arrack, a spirit similar to rum.

– It sweetened with special syrup or honey.

– Maple syrup is a highly prized local delicacy.

– They are made mostly with corn syrup and pecans.

– Chocolate syrup is a thick, sweet, chocolate-flavored liquid.

– High fructose corn syrup has been linked to obesity, diabetes and certain other health matters.

– It is also used in Germany, to flavour May wine, syrup for beer, brandy, sausages, jelly, jam, a soft drink, ice cream, and tea.

– Sugar or high fructose corn syrup is often added to the applesauce to sweeten it.

– People in Maine produce agricultureagricultural goods like eggs, dairy products, cattle, wild blueberries, apples, maple syrup and maple sugar.

– In Cyprus, carob syrup is known as Cyprus’s black gold, and is widely exported.

– In Malta, a syrup is made out of carob pods.

– Grape honey is a sweet syrup made from grapes.

– Maple syrup is made using sap from sugar maple trees.

– The syrup is widely used in Southeast Asian cooking, in particular in West Bengal, where jhola gur, as it is known, is only obtainable in winter.

– Carob syrup is also used in Crete as a natural sweetener, and is considered a natural source of calcium.

– Sometimes, maple syrup is used to bake things such as pies, to make candy, or just as a syrup that adds sweetness to food.

– Often perserved in the syrup for the cold months, Yuja tea served as a source of fruit in winter.

– Sometimes other foods are added to smoothies, such as yogurt, honey, maple syrup or ice cream.

– Chocolate milk is a kind of cold, sweetened milk drink made by mixing cold milk with chocolate syrup or cocoa powder and sugar.

– It is world-renowned for its maple syrup industry, and many tourists go to see brilliant colors the trees become in the fall months.

– In the United States where processed sugarcane syrup is used as a sweetener in food and beverage manufacturing, the Food and Drug Administration considers “evaporated cane juice” to be a misleading term for “sugar” on product labels.

– Because of the Allied blockade, Coca-Cola GmbH was unable to get Coca-Cola syrup during World War II.

– Palm syrup is made from the Plant sapsap of a number of palms.

– Bread is now much sweeter than it was in the Middle Ages because a lot of corn syrup or honey is used.

– You can also find it used as the syrup in medicine, also known as medicine emulsions.

– Ice cream parlors pour chocolate and butterscotch syrup on bowls of ice cream.

– Cafés and restaurants pour syrup on cakes, pies, crepes, and pancakes.

– Ice cream parlors add chocolate syrup to milk shakes.

– The ice cream is very popular in Turkey and there are even street stalls especially for Turkish Mastic ice cream where they pour boiling chocolate syrup over an ice cream cup.

– In North America, maple syrup is often poured over pancakes as a breakfast food.

– One tablespoon of Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup has 45 calories.

– They went ashore on Cuba and were given ingredients for a remedy: a kind of rum, lime, sugarcane syrup and mint.

– Ice cream parlors pour chocolate syrup on bowls of ice cream.

– A mixture of ice cream, cold milk, and chocolate syrup is called a milkshake.

– Both are often sweetened after cooking by pouring on syrup or sprinkling with powdered sugar.

– Chiffon cakes are usually served by soaking the cake layer in a cake syrup to provide it with moisture since it’s dry in nature.

– In China, pear syrup is used to make ligaotang, a staple of Shanghainese food.

– They are traditionally made with fresh Morello cherries, poached in a sugar syrup and pitted.

– Freshly-baked waffles are topped with maple syrup and served with breakfast sausages, Egg eggs, orange juice, and hot coffee.

– Chocolate syrup is used to sweeten and flavor hot and cold drinks such as hot chocolate, chocolate milk, chocolate milk shakes, and poured on desserts.

– Agave is used to make things like tequila, agave syrup and pulque.

– During his hunt, he discovers many treasures as he fights Captain Syrup and her army, the Black Sugar Pirates.

– It is cake made of semolina sweetened with syrup and topped with peanut.

– During spring, maple syrup was tapped from the trees, and herbs were gathered for medicine.

– General tteokbokki is cooked with seasoning using gochujang with starch syrup or sugar for the sweet taste.

– Molasses is like a black golden syrup type liquid.

- Palm sap is a refreshing drink, and fermented palm syrup is distilled to produce various alcohols such as Arrack arrack, a spirit similar to rum.

- It sweetened with special syrup or honey.
- Maple syrup is a highly prized local delicacy.

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