Example sentences of “stupid”

How to use in-sentence of “stupid”:

– Soon after, Atta announced “Nobody move please, we are going back to the airport, don’t try to make any stupid moves.” Five minutes later Boston air traffic control called North American Aerospace Defense Command.

– Clyde Arthur “Claude” Harrison, is a “Psychopathic”, stupid and a sometimes whimsical Britain character that moved to America from England with his best friend, Willis Hennig.

– Maybe it was because Katerina sings a lot of beautiful music, while the other characters have music which often made them look stupid and grotesque.

– He later thinks Mythomagic is a stupid game, and burns all his cards in a fire.

– This was stupid of me.

Example sentences of stupid
Example sentences of stupid

Example sentences of “stupid”:

- The Stupid group aimed to address sociopolitical issues through an art of proletarian character.

- They may pretend to be stupid at first, but they often show that they are very clever.

– The Stupid group aimed to address sociopolitical issues through an art of proletarian character.

– They may pretend to be stupid at first, but they often show that they are very clever.

– Stuart then calls in to tell them that it was stupid to try to restore their systems.

– Because Liu Bian seemed too stupid to him, Dong deposed him and made his brother Liu Xie emperor instead.

– GLaDOS tells her she was stupid to break it because they did not know what it was, but GLaDOS quickly figures out it was her morality core.

– However these plans were deemed stupid and clumsy, and were quietly dropped.

– Beckmesser is made to look stupid through his music which contrasts with Walther’s romantic music.

– Otto is a stupid and mean.

– There is also a stupid baboon named I.R.

– Plane Stupid was started in 2005 by Joss Garman, Richard George and Graham Thompson.

– Only then made a “snarky” where the comment given almost implied that I was stupid or something.

– Aschenbach realizes it is stupid for him to feel love for the boy, but he cannot get the boy out of his mind.

– Also seems like there is a lot of weirdly worded stuff on here and I am not sure how to flag it or if I’ll seem stupid or rude or something.

– Max thinks of himself as stupid and he is in a disabled class.

– Don’t be stupid and unconstructive, try to be flexible and reasonable.

– Vernon worked as a storyboard artist in Ralph Bakshi’s “Cool World”, “2 Stupid Dogs”, “Rocko’s Modern Life”, “Nightmare Ted” and “Morto the Magician”.

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