Example sentences of “speciation”

How to use in-sentence of “speciation”:

– Some evidence suggests that sympatric speciation is occurring.

– The frequency of polyploid speciation in vascular plants.

– Cichlids are famous for their speciation in East African lakes.

– The diversification of flowering plants during the Cretaceous period is associated with the sudden burst of speciation in insects.

– The speciation revolution.

– It is contrasted with sympatric speciation where speciation takes place even though all the members live in the same area.

– His explanation of the process of speciation was geographical isolation between populations which had once been interbreeding.

– People argued that the evidences of sympatric speciation are in fact examples of micro-geographic speciation.

Example sentences of speciation
Example sentences of speciation

Example sentences of “speciation”:

– New species are usually formed by speciation – the act of an earlier species splitting into two.

– Debate continues over the extent to which speciation occurs when a population is not so isolated.

– Tree of Life reveals clock-like speciation and diversification.

– Adaptive radiation and speciation rates can be high in parasites.

– Often-cited examples of sympatric speciation are found in insects that become dependent on different host plants in the same area.Feder J.L.

– The existence of sympatric speciation as a mechanism of speciation was hotly contested.

– Authigenic V isotope compositions in marine sediments are likely controlled by isotope fractionation between V species bound to particulates and dissolved in seawater, which likely varies the speciation and adsorption properties of V that are strongly controlled by local redox reactions.

– Both evolutionary rates and speciation rates can be high.

– Many polyploids are fitter than their parental species, and may display novel variation or morphologies that contribute to speciation and eco-niche exploitation.

– Sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fish.

- New species are usually formed by speciation - the act of an earlier species splitting into two.

- Debate continues over the extent to which speciation occurs when a population is not so isolated.

– Polyploidy has caused many rapid speciation events because offspring of, for example, tetraploid x diploid matings often result in triploid sterile progeny.

– The beginnings of speciation often depends on the separation of populations which were once interbreeding.

– This is speciation which does not require geographical isolation.

– The idea we now know as geographical speciation was beginning to form in his mind.

– This is called speciation if it makes a new species.

– As the two groups both showed a strong preference for mating with their own type, this was claimed as an example of speciation by reproductive isolation.

– Adoption of a plant-eating lifestyle promoted speciation and diversity in beetles, with Cucujiformia, especially weevils, forming a major radiation.

– Another term for geographic speciation is allopatric speciation.

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