Example sentences of “sit on”

How to use in-sentence of “sit on”:

+ Snow will begin to build on top of each snowflake and sit on whatever surface is present.

+ These island groups all sit on top of the Scotia Ridge.

+ Very large hinges have been used at the bottom of buildings, to let a building sit on loose soil or mud without breaking.

+ There are two categories: those which improve the basic quality of the skin, and those which sit on the skin during active social life.

+ These are known as the front bench because the sit on the front bench seats in the Parliament.

+ Near the base of the plant are the large lower traps, which usually sit on the ground, while the upper pitchers may be smaller, coloured differently, and have different shapes and features than the lower pitchers.

Example sentences of sit on
Example sentences of sit on

Example sentences of “sit on”:

+ The Speaker sits at the front; the members of the government sit on the seats to his right, and the opposition sits on the seats to his left.

+ The males sit on plants high above the pools and sing so the females will come to them.

+ The North Sea is not an inland sea, but it does sit on continental shelf, and so is epeiric.

+ An iron washer will just sit on the ice and slowly become colder.

+ Hiranyakashyap ordered his sister to sit on a burning fire along with Prahlad.

+ The province has the Galápagos Islands, a group of tiny volcanic islands that sit on the equator.

+ These are concerts at which some audience can by cheap tickets and sit on the floor at the front.

+ On a Wing Coaster riders sit on either side of a roller coaster track and nothing is above or below the riders.

+ Crossing-over changes which alleles sit on a particular chromosome.

+ The children were told to sit on a chair and the model went to the other side of the room.

+ So the Mediterranean is different from those inland seas which sit on top of continental plates.

+ The Speaker sits at the front; the members of the government sit on the seats to his right, and the opposition sits on the seats to his left.

+ The males sit on plants high above the pools and sing so the females will come to them.

More in-sentence examples of “sit on”:

+ Likewise, many things sit on surfaces.

+ They also tell them about a prophecy that the witch will fail when two Sons of Adam sit on the thrones at Cair Paravel, Narnia’s ruling castle.

+ The adults are nocturnal, they only fly at night, and during the day they sit on tree trunks or branches.

+ The duchesses, princesses, and others of great rank were allowed to sit on stools facing the royals.

+ He made deep buzzing noises into his microphone, and had her sit on a speaker with the volume turned up.

+ Mermaids are said to live mostly in the water, although sometimes they are known to come out of the water and sit on the large Rock rocks above the sea.

+ Impalement was a Torturetorturing and execution method which had the victim sit on a spiked pole.

+ The next boss was Tommy Lucchese who served as Gagliano’s underboss for over 20 years, who turned the family around to become one of the most powerful families to sit on the Commission.

+ It likes to sit on tree limbs hanging over the water.

+ Two children sit on the seesaw, one at each end.

+ According to Koyaji about Phoenix, he does not sit on the ground, but whenever he sits on the ground, he dances on one foot.

+ The choir members who sit on the left.

+ Grey birds are often rock-living birds like pigeons or birds that sit on dead tree trunks looking like a broken branch.

+ If an observer “Y” were to sit on the radius of the rotating disk, he will measure the radius to be the same as he would measure it to be if the disk were stationary, since the radius is not affected by the Lorentz contraction.

+ Toilet seats let the user sit on a toilet by covering the bowl.

+ They may sit on specially constituted boards or committees.

+ He enjoys eating and lets Ducky sit on his back if she needs to.

+ If WikiGnomes don’t occasionally feel the love from the people whom their work has helped, they might sneak into the kitchens of such users at night and sit on their dairy products.

+ Tynwald is separated into 2 houses to sit on it.

+ Since birds are warm-blooded, they sit on the eggs to keep them warm.

+ Edmund Burke, “High-Tech Cycling”, 2003 Riders can help each other to ride at high speed, or one rider can sit on a competitor’s wheel, forcing him to do more work and get tired earlier.

+ Cecilia Muñoz-Palma, an appointee of President of the PhilippinesPresident Ferdinand Marcos, was the first woman to sit on the Court.

+ During the tug itself, or ‘, both players must stand on the stirrups and not sit on the saddle.

+ A chair that nobody could sit on has no use-value, and cannot be a commodity unless it has an ornamental value.

+ Both parents build the nest, sit on the egg or eggs, and feed the young.

+ Likewise, many things sit on surfaces.

+ They also tell them about a prophecy that the witch will fail when two Sons of Adam sit on the thrones at Cair Paravel, Narnia's ruling castle.

+ Vulcan made thrones for the other gods to sit on in Mount Etna.

+ Emily and Tom climb out of the water and sit on the pier.

+ They sit on the outside of plants, stick their mouthparts inside, and suck up the plant sap.

+ Brown was appointed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the advice of Conservative Party of Canada Leader Andrew Scheer to sit on the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians on November 6, 2017.

+ Benches are long and often found outside, and more than one person can sit on them.

+ The male will sit on high branches or other vegetation on the hill.

+ The adult male frog spends time in rocky streams and the female frog and young frog sit on plants near streams.

+ Some species sit on or among flowers, bark, fruit or leaves where they grab visiting insects.

+ She then leaves the male bird to sit on them and raise the stripey chicks.

+ The eggs sit on the top of the water in a film.

+ When people go into the tea room they take off their shoes and sit on special floor mat called a tatami.

+ It is given by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and attracts thousands of people who take rugs and food and sit on the grass to listen to the music.

+ Incubation or brooding, is when oviparous animals sit on their eggs to hatch them.

+ Meet the frog that can sit on a thumbnail.

+ Some communities they sit on each other’s lap, others aren’t allowed to touch each other, while still others are allowed to kiss.

+ There is a type of bird called an oxpecker in English that likes to sit on the rhino’s back and eat insects and other small animals that bite the rhino’s skin.

+ They can also be as small as a three-meter portable domes where children sit on the floor.

+ They sit on an imaginary nest site, changing position sometimes as if real eggs were under them.

+ There are no chairs in the temple so people sit on the floor.

+ Usually men sit on one side and women on the other.

+ Sometimes the babies will sit on their parents backs while the parents swim in the water.

+ Another artist, Eugene Boudin, used to sit on the beach at Deauville with his oil paints, and make quick paintings of the people on holiday.

+ They sit on branches hanging over the river’s edge and wait for a fish to appear.

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