Example sentences of “shallow”

How to use in-sentence of “shallow”:

+ The player can run, strafe, jump, crouch, and move through shallow water.

+ On September 30, 1961, while serving at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Jackson fatally shot Rubén López Sabariego, a Cuban worker at Guantanamo, and unsuccessfully attempted to hide his body in a shallow grave.

+ The mangrove swamps in the shallow areas are also quite extensive.

+ The eastern section holds the shallow Proto-North American Terrane while the western section contains the Iapetos and Avalonian Terranes.

+ These worms live in shallow water such as marshes, ponds and swamps.

+ Three of these attacks happened in Matawan Creek, a shallow tidal river, only 40 feet from the open ocean; not a location where any other large shark species would likely be found.

Example sentences of shallow
Example sentences of shallow

Example sentences of “shallow”:

+ There is a shallow lake or pool about 20m below the pass.

+ They consisted largely of Precambrian metamorphic rock forced upward through layers of the limestone laid down in the shallow sea.

+ The fish live in the shallow areas of the lake in open, clear water.

+ Some tourist places have a short course without certification and then the instructor will lead the diver in a shallow dive, all in one day.

+ In warmer times the sea rises, and carbonate rocks are deposited in shallow subtropical seas.

+ Their Historyhistoric range included shallow waters of the Bering Strait.

+ Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles or kilometers beneath the Earth’s surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma.

+ This kind of snorkeling takes more skill and fitness than shallow water snorkeling.

+ There is a shallow lake or pool about 20m below the pass.

+ They consisted largely of Precambrian metamorphic rock forced upward through layers of the limestone laid down in the shallow sea.
+ The fish live in the shallow areas of the lake in open, clear water.

+ In the paintings around the walls of the Scrovegni Chapel, each scene looks like a shallow stage with actors on it.

+ It prefers slow-moving, shallow water bodies.

+ They were predators which thrived in the warm, shallow seas and lakes of the Ordovician to the Permian periods, around 460 to 248 million years ago.

+ The Nurse shark is a nocturnal animal that rests on sandy bottoms or in caves or crevices in shallow waters during the day.

+ Although the exact timing is not well resolved, it is quite certain that Pallas’s fish eagle is a descendant of those sea-eagles which inhabited the northwestern Bay of Bengal when it was a shallow straits separating mainland Asia from India, which still was an island at that time.

+ The cataracts of the Nile RiverNile are areas between Aswan and Khartoum where the water is shallow and flows quickly.

More in-sentence examples of “shallow”:

+ The corona is separated from the photosphere by the relatively shallow chromosphere.

+ It normally is found in shallow coastal waters at less than 60 m depth.

+ These areas are often home to many species of crabs, shellfish, shallow water fish and many other animals.

+ The swamp was formed over the past 6,500 years by the build-up of peat in a shallow basin basin on the edge of an ancient Atlantic coastal terrace, the geological relic of a Pleistocene estuary.

+ The waters of the Anacostia River were too shallow to accommodate larger vessels, and the Yard was deemed too inaccessible to the open sea.

+ In shallow water they feed on smaller cod.

+ The mineral halite, which is used as table salt, forms when water evaporates in a hot, shallow part of the ocean, leaving behind the salt it contained.

+ They formed in shallow water by the trapping, holding, and cementing sedimentary grains by microorganisms, especially cyanobacteria.

+ Bodies were rotting in shallow graves, men had not washed in weeks because there were no facilities, cesspits were overflowing, and creosol or chloride of lime was used to stave off the constant threat of disease and infection.

+ GPSs for boats contain nautical charts of harbors, marinas, shallow water, rocks, and waterways.

+ Instead of shallow backgrounds that are a few inches deep in altorilievo.

+ The plants can be placed in a shallow container and the water containing the nutrients runs through the roots.

+ Potholes are shallow bodies of water.

+ All have large, flat, spatulate bills and feed by wading through shallow water, sweeping the partly-opened bill from side to side.

+ The bird lives in mudflats and shallow coastal lagoons with salt water.

+ They live in the mud, which they eat, in comparatively shallow waters up to.

+ They are found in shallow weedy pools of lakes, streams and Tidal rivertidal and non-tidal rivers.

+ The female pelvis is wider and more shallow than the male pelvis.

+ He had been murdered by friends on his birthday, and left in a shallow grave.

+ The main breeding season is during the rainy season, when the pair builds an enormous nest “island”, a circular platform of reeds and grasses nearly two metres in diameter and high enough to stay above the shallow water surrounding it.

+ The strata come from the Lower Cretaceous, laid down about 92 million years ago in a shallow inland sea.

+ Young Galapagos sharks are found in shallow waters of 25 metres or less.

+ Although this revolution drove mats off soft floors of shallow seas, they still flourish in many environments where burrowing is limited or impossible, including rocky seabeds and shores, hyper-saline and brackish lagoons, and are found on the floors of the deep oceans.

+ For this reason, and because of the type of sediment found with the fossils, it is suggested placodonts lived in shallow waters and not in deep oceans.

+ This huge ichthyosaur cruised the shallow seas hunting.

+ Young Bull sharks enter estuaries with low salt contents and lagoons as readily as adults do, and use these shallow areas as nursery grounds.

+ The corona is separated from the photosphere by the relatively shallow chromosphere.

+ It normally is found in shallow coastal waters at less than 60 m depth.

+ Caesar and his army approached Rome and “crossed the Rubicon”, a shallow river in north-east Italy, in 49 BC.

+ During the Paleozoic, western North America lay underneath a shallow sea, which deposited many kilometers of limestone and dolomite.

+ Their historic range included shallow waters of the Bering Strait.

+ The Baltic Sea is connected to the ocean through the narrow and shallow Danish straits and belts.

+ When the line was extended under the River Thames to a new terminus at Lewisham, Mudchute station was rebuilt in a shallow cutting close to the tunnel entrance.

+ The Gulf of Carpentaria is a large, shallow sea surrounded on three sides by northern Australia.

+ It feeds in shallow water, spearing fish with its long, sharp bill.

+ Window boxes are shallow and open, and may be used for above-ground windows.

+ Waves at shallow water develop when the ocean surface waves travel into the coastal area where the wavelength is much larger than the water depth.

+ The smalleye hammerhead, also known as the “golden hammerhead” or the “curry shark”, is a small species in the hammerhead shark group, and is found in the shallow coastal waters of the western Atlantic Ocean from Venezuela to Uruguay.

+ They are found in all marine waters from surface tropical waters and shallow tide pools to the deep sea and polar regions.

+ They like shallow coastal areas no more than.

+ The Bering Strait, the Chukchi Sea to the north and the Bering Sea to the south, are all shallow seas.

+ In shallow orthographies, the spelling-sound correspondence is direct: given the rules of pronunciation, one is able to “say” the word correctly.

+ They usually form in shallow water.

+ The Bull shark likes to live in shallow coastal waters less than 100 feet deep.

+ On bigger boats, they are used to allow them to cruise in shallow water in bays or rivers.

+ The shallow waters and reefs of the strait make it difficult for large ships to pass through.

+ They are often found in shallow waters near coasts and islands, by coral reefs, mangroves, bays, and sometimes even river mouths.

+ The living echinoids are now important members of the biota, especially in shallow and in-shore waters.

+ When the waves at shallow water were poor, surfers would often attempt to surf in shallow breaking water.

+ They think lithospherelithospheric extension allows melt to rise from shallow depths.

+ The trilobites, living in shallow seas, flourished as swimmers, crawlers and burrowers for some 350 million years.

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