Example sentences of “scatter”

How to use in-sentence of “scatter”:

– Do cloaked objects really scatter less? “Physical Review X”, 3, #4.

– The dog said, “Please scatter my ashes on the dead cherry blossom tree!” The old man followed the dog’s directions.

– This caused the crowd to scatter in different directions.

– It is also called Meteor scatter communication.

– Otherwise woodlands scatter the land and are very small Juniper or Acacia forests.

– These include: bar graphs, pie graphs, polar graphs, scatter graphs, three-dimensional graphs, logarithmic graphs and many others.

– For example, on a scatter graph, people draw a line of best fit to show the direction of the correlation.

Example sentences of scatter
Example sentences of scatter

Example sentences of “scatter”:

– When X-rays meet atoms, the electrons in the atoms cause the X-rays to scatter in all directions.

– In the evening of “Setsubun”, people set up branches of holly with sardine at the entrance of house, and scatter parched beans.

– A scatter graph is a type of graph used with 2 sets of data.

– When an electron collides with a positron, they may scatter off each other or be totally annihilationannihilated, producing a pair of gamma ray photons.

– If they exist, they are either too tenuous or do not scatter enough light to be detected.

– They scatter spores, like plants, which grow into new slime moulds.

– The explanation is that light travels in a straight line and when some of the rays reflected from a bright subject pass through the small hole in thin material they do not scatter but cross and reform as an upside down image on a flat white surface held parallel to the hole.

– Some examples of ways to scatter the remains are: through fireworks, shot from guns, or dropped from an airplane or hot air balloon.

– However, nowadays households which adorn with them decreased, and only scatter parched beans.

– Most current work looks at making nanoparticles that have special properties, such as the way they scatter light, absorb X-rays, transport electrical currents or heat, etc.

– This scatter plot takes multiple scalar variables and uses them for different axes in phase space.

- When X-rays meet atoms, the electrons in the atoms cause the X-rays to scatter in all directions.

- In the evening of "Setsubun", people set up branches of holly with sardine at the entrance of house, and scatter parched beans.

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